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Tagged > Good music
THREAD ChristianityGive up sin?
22 Posts • 5950 Views
Religion Forum
I like the responses, but it just seems weird... to me. I know there's some chance that I can't even comprehend the transition from life to death, but just imagining and being consciously aw...
THREAD GovernmentThis Is The Reality
30 Posts • 7211 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
leftwood - I wish the article did mention who the source was, that would make it more creditable - but - most likely, the source requested their name be left out. Xris - Our country has done the mo...
THREAD Its 6:51am
7 Posts • 3648 Views
Talk Talk
well i can't really say you'll forget all about her but think of it this way she became a small part of who you are after i lost my ex i went in depression for six months then it was hatin h...
THREAD PhotographyPhotoArt Appreciation
48 Posts • 13505 Views
Art Forum
I had taken some other shots but I didn't think that they were good or that they did not present a validating reason for there inclusion . . . but as time pasted I reconsider & will post some...
THREAD God in Religiongods name
46 Posts • 12636 Views
Religion Forum
I was raised catholic, but i gradually turned away as i grew up. It just never made sense to me. I never felt like i had a good enough reason to devote my life to religion. My question is aimed at...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeConstant Truth
7 Posts • 3565 Views
Philosophy Forum
In my mind the power is irrelevant. That isn't to say that I certaintly wonder if I can handle the power that does come with it. But I should have to assume that one can not acheive such power if...
THREAD ElectionsHow kerry won
14 Posts • 3551 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Man you guys are just as bad as the guys you bitch about, doesn't that bother you, you support everything your candidate says and debunk everything of the others and yet you laugh and go right on...
THREAD The light bulb is on finally
5 Posts • 2568 Views
Talk Talk
Booky, we don't need war that's a social issue. People don't know how to solve their problems without it and people think its good due to the way that are society is structured. That...
THREAD TechnologySolar Panels – Several Thousand Dollars? I don't think so...
18 Posts • 5871 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Black gold I think my opinion on this subject may have been over looked by the conversions leading in a totally opposite direction. Like i said geothermal is a very good resource that can power eve...
THREAD Marital Cheating
10 Posts • 7609 Views
Talk Talk
I am so sorry to hear what happened to you and I can absolutely understand. I was cheated on for 7 years by my then husband with my good friend. I probably knew it was going on but didn't think I...
THREAD casual, non sexual touching?
14 Posts • 25111 Views
Talk Talk
thinking back on my own experiences of first times touching a girl i really liked... seems like i pretty much held my breath and squinted haha, i was such a loser... oh wait, still am. anyway, it g...
THREAD Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46377 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
You poor, scared, feeble, weak minded trolls just look at you, wondering all sorts of stoopid stuff. Are people born gay?, will I go to heaven if I am gay? no wonder society is falling apart. It'...
THREAD GodWhere do the ideas in religion come from?
42 Posts • 12282 Views
Philosophy Forum
There is a mental desease - I can't remember the name of it. There are people who have no feelings, this unforfutately is becoming more common, I have an opinion about that, but that's anoth...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyInfinity of the finity
4 Posts • 2486 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Very interesting analogy, good thing we can prove all three of them. Well at least if we using pysics. This outside force as you have already stated may have been starting and using this term looselly...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsI mostly don't feel that good! Why is this so?
3 Posts • 19114 Views
Psychology Forum
This is quite a complex subject but I'm going to try to brief my current situation. I am a 27 year old single guy. I've been working in a bank for the past year and I've always been...
THREAD ElectionsHillary for President
4 Posts • 2356 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I know theres a lot of support here for Ron Paul. And I agree with you he'd be a good choice. However, in the polls the guy has only typically 5% of the republican vote. Osama is more popular. Bu...
THREAD Tell a joke and then end it realistically.
16 Posts • 5573 Views
Talk Talk
what do u call a bunch of black people in a buss? a rotten banana.. your mama is so fat she's gotta shit in a bath tub. by the way I have nothing against black or fat people as long as they d...
THREAD Tragedy and Comedy
1 Posts • 3088 Views
Philosophy Forum
I was at a comedy club last night, having consecutive pints of Guinness and watching an adequately amusing comedian. He was actually pretty good until he started into impressions *puke*. Anyway, he ha...
THREAD Infinite universes from Matter and Anti-Matter
39 Posts • 10653 Views
Philosophy Forum
decius, i think your wrong. just becuase it knows why, or has the power to, doesn't mean it completly under stands. what if the origin is extremely immature. with great power doesn't always...
THREAD IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23091 Views
Religion Forum
Yeah, read the book Dawn by Elie Wiesel if you want more information on Jewish terrorism against the British in Palestine. Granted, suicide bombing is very wrong, but this does not make Israel and...
THREAD The Definition of Smart
17 Posts • 6595 Views
Talk Talk
smartness or intelligence there are many kinds of intelligence it seems like she just has some difficulty making good decisions and needs to face the consequences of recklessness. As for intelligen...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32945 Views
Philosophy Forum
"Put it this way, someone who is running for President is expected to put some effort into learning about the world." Yes I agree - however you could only name 1 of the 3 and your knowled...
THREAD PoetryDust in the Wind
41 Posts • 13290 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Prom Night and the Aftermath We made the connection. Everything was good. Everything was progressing As it should. Prom night was wonderful. The first kiss, gold. I was feeling the relationsh...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsTime, existence, and reality
25 Posts • 9500 Views
Philosophy Forum
dazedNconfused1, very good response, and very close. Allow me to hone the question a bit further: If you could not determine any difference between two things whatsoever, would you consider them t...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42429 Views
Religion Forum
Devilry anew. I am keeping this kinda short, because the one I put alot of effort into did not go through. Kay, first, from what I have read, God had children without number and worlds without numb...
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