Alternative BeliefsWhat Gods or Goddesses do you believe in
31 Posts • 9977 Views Religion Forum |
You know what I hate, how upset people get about their religions. Which they have no good reason but that of the average sheep to believe in it to begin with.
Not to mention the inaccuracy and man... |
What Is The Perfect Person?
20 Posts • 6961 Views Talk Talk |
perfect for me is someone who is generous, charitable, polite, funny, can take a joke!, caring, friendly, can channel aggression, has a desire to learn, a work ethic, will make a good parent, and does... |
40 Posts • 14966 Views Talk Talk |
Family guy is pretty good but all the new simpson episodes suck hard. Yeah, the simpsons just aint funny anymore.
Anime can be cool, but some (like DBZ) are really addictive even though they'r... |
Child & Family PsychologyWhy won't they listen?
7 Posts • 3611 Views Psychology Forum |
That pretty much covered everything with me.
probably more so with 2 and 5.
Dull Material and problems with my focused attention is not a good combo.
But I would add, as a whole, that the... |
The two biggest neo-fags in Hollywood
0 Posts • 3558 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
"And stop spewing out bullshit. Episode 3 broke all box office records by making $50 million dollars opening day. It made $848,429,355 worldwide (more than episode II). Lucas is worth over $2 Bil... |
War & TerrorismVietnam Veterans
0 Posts • 1980 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ya just a little tale of from a 'mire anger' disallusions of the past. Sitting in flight room really don't remember how or why, when a young Officer enters loudly proclaimi... |
I Need Advice Badly
2 Posts • 3016 Views Talk Talk |
There are a few things happening in my life that I am unsure what to do about.
I met a girl that I have fallen in love with on the internet. Neither of my parents understand this and won't let... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17211 Views Religion Forum |
Also bored.
Science does require blind faith, but that is only in the beginning. In the hypothesising stage. Then, scientists go about proving their hypotheses using observations gained through exp... |
Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107406 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Perhaps for someone like yourself, it expands your mind.
^__^;; sorry I re-read this thread and I do realize the mistakes you pointed out, and it turns out I agree with you *grin* I came home from... |
Women are scared sexy...
24 Posts • 15044 Views Philosophy Forum |
MG, ;)
Once again I am not in that "general" pool if you will. But in this case it is a good thing!!
I have a picture of you and will/have meet you!!!
Take care and nice seeing you... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16876 Views Psychology Forum |
It's more fair to give everyone a chance. And who is to judge that you couldn't be a good math professor? You could suck at math but have a real passion. You may need a special tutor to help... |
3 Posts • 3318 Views Talk Talk |
worms is a great game, but no matter how good (or amusingly weird) the weapons get in worms, there will still be the fun memories of playing gorrillas and typing in the angles. lol. |
6 Posts • 3234 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Geez, you could have mentioned that it was 3 hours long.
Good movie, nothing super spectacular but, on the point of Fox's bitching, this was a counter terrorism movie, idiots. |
Rules To Live By
29 Posts • 7271 Views Philosophy Forum |
"No law can be sacred to me but that of nature. Good and Bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution; the only wrong what is again... |
Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15158 Views Psychology Forum |
*lol* *lol* *lol* "This is getting good"
I hate people that have bad breath! Why! WTF?! Can't you just buy some damn scope or toothpaste, or even Altoids for all I care, JUST do someth... |
About You / IntroductionsThis site is great
9 Posts • 4165 Views Talk Talk |
So many great sites remain unvisited.
Another great example: http://awareness.kicks-ass.org /
People who have good intentions seem to not be very effective at coming and working together! |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Thanks Wyote, I just hope that I won't sound stupid thats all. I was reading what all these people have posted, and it's some pretty good stuff here
Lol, you obviously have never read any... |
Thinking of Starting a Shirt Company
11 Posts • 14723 Views Talk Talk |
t-shirts with varied clever sayings is a good idea... and i'm sure tons of people would want a piece of that action too...
aren't there tons of internet companies doing that right now t... |
Desperation, by Stephen King ***SPOILER***
4 Posts • 7790 Views Talk Talk |
i thought the book was great..all of the peolpe being taken over by evil..marvelous..
but i dont know that there was some alterior meaning behind the story..although i cant say that i looked for on... |
5 Posts • 2826 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I have a friend of mine who's obsessed over this group- I can see why. The "Pretty when you cry" video is a little intense, but the beats are good in both of them. The melodic 'eh&... |
Summer Movies
14 Posts • 4215 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
While were on the topic of movies did anyone read or hear what Mel Gibson said director of Passion of the Christ "There are good stories in that book its worth looking into them" |
Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10432 Views Philosophy Forum |
lol - wyote - imagin that.
But its often true - ppl that are honest and good often get crap in life and all the mutherf~~~~~~ who steal and cheat get the better slice of the cake that we call life. |
Im Getting Married!!!!!
6 Posts • 3294 Views Talk Talk |
:) conragts......
here's my advice.....enjoy your honeymoon.....make it last as long as possible......let the little things go....try not to fight over trivial things......appriciate the love... |
Kansas: Dust in the Wind
1 Posts • 2361 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
The video is good for a laugh, but the song is timeless.
I actually got into this song from the Highlander series, one of the episodes where a girlfriend of his dies. |
What Video Game Are You Currently Playing
24 Posts • 6923 Views Talk Talk |
i am currently playing guild wars i hav almost completed a whole map on the game my name is ayra whisperwind i am a ranger / necromancer i am almost max level i hav a really good bow if u hav this gam... |