GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
42 percent is not good enough. I bet the number within the ranks of those who served are much higher. Unfortunatly we can't ask those who are currently serving. Most of them won't bad mouth... |
SpiritualityWhat happens after we die?
35 Posts • 10990 Views Religion Forum |
the differences in attractions, like teen said, is dependant on tons of variables (infinite most likely), from form to function, to what you are used to what makes you feel good, to your personal opin... |
Bad Drivers
6 Posts • 2760 Views Talk Talk |
first of all i live in michigan and i am right with you all. How in the hell do some people even get their license . so last week i almost got rear ened but i avioded that amost got side swiped by an... |
Finding UGN
9 Posts • 3751 Views Talk Talk |
one fine day my good friend Mia was doing a search on Deja Vu theories... she found this place and then showed me :)
i like the growing variety of opinions and people on here. im with Evilia too,... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46377 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I'm not discriminating, i'm disagreeing. there's a difference you know.
Then why is it that when I disagree with a gay person I am discriminating against him?
to make a difference... |
To have children or not to have children..that is
16 Posts • 7374 Views Philosophy Forum |
Theres not a good chance I can have kids but I will adopt when I am fin. stable. There are so many kids that need home. Why not take care of the kids who are aleady here and have no one? |
Birthday blues!
7 Posts • 2121 Views Talk Talk |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SORCERESS!! dont get down on urself...You made it to this far in life, this day is for you....keep up with this good life~k~ or with the life... |
SocietyGas boycott?
4 Posts • 3732 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I stumbled across a post on another fourm about a gas boycott day on April st.
Do any of you think that a gas boycott day would do any good if if people participated? |
25 Posts • 9283 Views Philosophy Forum |
i have to disagree with DugBug. there are good moments, there bad moments, then there are the mediocre moments that neither make you whine nor smile. |
10 Posts • 7240 Views Talk Talk |
I have read all of his books and owned most of them at one point or the other. But I have never found any books that scare me.
In most books I can usually guess what's going to happen to the... |
War & TerrorismFear of deployment
12 Posts • 3898 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well that's good news. I hear different things, I hear its getting worse and I hear its getting better. I guess it depends on where you are.
Keep your head down and stay safe and hopefully by... |
Religion & HumanityHow come the transition for polytheism to monotheism?
16 Posts • 10125 Views Religion Forum |
You mentioned "the bible" so I think you are talking here about Romans converting from poly to mono <?> ( i.e. the rise of Christianity), following that, the spread of Christiani... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23907 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Though Bush has always portrayed himself as an incompetent moron, I must say in defense that he is a man that knows what he wants and will do anything in order to get what he wants. "He is also a... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33954 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Bush embraces the belief that American values, that is, rule of law, democracy and freedom are greater then all others.
Is that fascism?"
But why are these exclusively American value... |
War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 89306 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You make a good point Alien, but you should never underestimate the power of a single person.
Che Guvera
Adolf Hitler
I could go on, but i cant really remeber the names of anyone else :D
No m... |
Intimacyoral sex
60 Posts • 84767 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I love it when they swallow, it just doesn't feel the same when they don't swallow, and a good point is what Decius said about not being down there in the first place.:)
The first time o... |
PhotographyPhotoArt Appreciation
48 Posts • 13505 Views Art Forum |
An on going debate in the bussiness section seems to revolve about "what form to use as the vehicle of their artistic expression" (work) in comparison to other mediums such as painting or dr... |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51575 Views Philosophy Forum |
Just as an afterthought, I do not want people to subscribe to this theory because it may well be that I have got it completely wrong, all I am saying is simply that if you do the right thing, you auto... |
68 Posts • 15269 Views Religion Forum |
im not sure i believe in god the way christians do but if i were to go with their theory i would imainge that god would not feel it is his job to write down a rule and go through every circumstance su... |
And The Story Goes On......
56 Posts • 12020 Views Talk Talk |
With his heart in his throat Fred Al Gor walked back to good old Dora, jumping back in he noticed a little note stuck to his steering wheel. It read:
Dear Mr Al Gor,
Your presence is needed at |
8 Posts • 3674 Views Talk Talk |
Heh... I have no REAL friends, and I probably will never have one. If its a really good friend like you do almost everthing together, then try to work out your problems. If you lose them, you wont fee... |
New To This Forum
11 Posts • 3346 Views Talk Talk |
Hello and welcome to the party- I feel unqualified to welcome you as I have been on the site all of 48 hours- it is quite engauging I must admit. It is Sureal stupid and stimulating all at the same ti... |
ChristianityA wrong reason to go to church?
15 Posts • 10512 Views Religion Forum |
I think you can have a wonderful relationship with God and not go to church--i do beleive you need the fellowship in church--maybe you went for the wrong reason but you are realizing you actually got... |
Writing AdviceCan you guys please write me a song about being...
60 Posts • 26358 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Sounds good! may I recomend some research material- two of my favorite movies-
This is Spinal Tap and The Filth and the Fury-
Is there sufficient angst in your band? This sounds intersting but your... |
Summer Movies
14 Posts • 4215 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
it is Doctor Ocktavius i believe... and all i have heard is up to 3 movies planned so far... i really really hope they throw Venom in there somewhere!
i hope Chronicles of Riddick is good and does... |