Movie ReviewTerminator trilogy
6 Posts • 4843 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
first one ok, kinda cool ahhnold is the shiz, second one, movie history one of the best ever of any, third good fun ride, but nothing too special, had a lot to live up to with 2. plus changing actors... |
ArtworkWorks in Progress
19 Posts • 7871 Views Art Forum |
They are assemblages meaning they are all sorts of items junk and otherwise glued together, nailed or stapled down etc. they are then painted with spray paint (black) some are also drybrush... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainComplete Memory Erasure Justifiable?
4 Posts • 4597 Views Psychology Forum |
Have you seen Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless mind? This film addresses this problem with relationships and love. It's definitely worth a watch. :)
As for my point of view, life is built on exper... |
The Amazing Screw On Head
2 Posts • 1885 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This is the pilot episode from the maker of Hellboy, Mike Mignola.
It has a really good cast and is an interesting watch.
Paul Giamatti David Hyde Pierce Patton Oswalt |
23 Posts • 26629 Views Philosophy Forum |
Altruism ends up being a desirable state of mind because irrespective of it being selfish, it is inherently good for the whole. It is therefore in society's programming to look positively at peop... |
Child & Family PsychologyMy Step-daughter molested my son. I don't know what to do anymore. Please give me advice
2 Posts • 8941 Views Psychology Forum |
It doesn't matter if they are in the middle of switching counsellors, they need to address this. I think counselling is the only way, if it didn't work before then try something new.
She is... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41112 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
The Submariner, definatley :D
He was amazing.
I also think that Gambit would be incredible in the movies, but from what i've heard, the most probable actor for him will be Orlando Bloom, wh... |
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows
8 Posts • 2524 Views Talk Talk |
It's got to be anti-climatic and different from all the other books since it has to end. It was really weird because they were never in school, unbelievably depressing, and lacked a good conclusi... |
Sigfried and Roy
18 Posts • 12394 Views Talk Talk |
hello braun22,
you still didn't answer the question why you are so good looking? I'm a christian too, but I'll give you 2 to 1 odds Roy lives and does OK. My point is: Roy & Siegri... |
Justice or Avoidance?
0 Posts • 1291 Views Philosophy Forum |
many things in life should be shrugged off. as you were saying, the likelyhood of him seeing any sort of real punishment for what he did is highly unlikely. a broken window, busted face, or anything m... |
Creative MusingsFar from above, just separate like any reservations held in fear
10 Posts • 3456 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
(...a coil of slow tension unwinds from the spine, and suddenly I realize I don't have to be on the defensive, constantly apologetic or anything but whoever I am right now, without reservation or... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25011 Views Psychology Forum |
i have very good control over my dreams when i want to, but i never really bother anymore... its much more entertaining when i just let stuff happen. once i tried to stab myself, and once i jumped off... |
6 Posts • 4074 Views Talk Talk |
As a teen speaking, work it out. Don't keep all your feelings bottled up or sooner or later, boom....that's alll, folks. Just be honest, and hopefully, if he knows what's good for him,... |
GodGod Life and Mind
41 Posts • 9882 Views Philosophy Forum |
i know i do not or i would definately not be here... not resentful but i think i would have no other choice but to be somewhat of an evangelist ya know.
i think that with the constrictions we have na... |
Official Top 10 Movies
0 Posts • 4897 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
1. A Walk to Remember ( it ALWAYS makes me cry)
2. The Butterfly Effect ( I didnt expect that much out Ashton)
3. The Forgotten
4. 13 going on 30
5. Ladder 49
6. The Nagotiator
7. 10 Things I H... |
War & Terrorism[i]Why Desert Storm II is Wrong[/i]
14 Posts • 4596 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Whew!! Finally got through it. Definitely a good read. Funny that this whole thing happened just as the US was experiencing an energy (oil) crisis and when the economy was (and still is) down in the d... |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14995 Views Psychology Forum |
The whole point to fashion is the attire fits the occasion. If your with 50 girls all wearing mini-skirts in summer and you wear jeans and t-shirt, sadly, the probabilities are you'll be 'od... |
Is It Possible To Not Judge Someone?
20 Posts • 15899 Views Philosophy Forum |
In that respect, that tends to deal with people's moods or context of thought.
Everyone has and does things that are wrong, we are all guilty of lying and whatever else and everybody tends to... |
23 Posts • 26629 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, I hear ya there, Eye. But I suspect the notion of altruism is really just idealism. The reality is that you'll never take the "I" (self-interest) out of it. If it's your choi... |
9 Posts • 3860 Views Philosophy Forum |
paranoid eh? god, I used to be so paranoid when I was 17 (my first year in college or segup whatever its suposed to be called, quebec's fucked up), and also that was the time when I did my time w... |
General HealthWhy Games Are Good For You
7 Posts • 7309 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Training properly to have a fit body needs a bit of science too.
For instance, a basic workout in order to get good in shape can consist of 2 basic things.
Running 5-7 times a week and doing 2-... |
BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15224 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Already - by accident. They have discovered that if one smart person marries another smart person, they're child might have a good chance of having autism. I've heard that we could cure the... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 41006 Views Religion Forum |
The words degenerative and regenerative explain the essence of good and evil better I think because they actually explain the nature of the entity and how it behaves. It starts with intention. Anger,... |
Blue October- Hate Me
1 Posts • 2389 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This hits home.
They have some of the best lyrics.
And after a little while, you get used to his voice and actually appreciate it.
The anime is Full Metal Alchemist
Blue October- Hate Me... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24735 Views Religion Forum |
There not boring their comical and some what interesting "lol" but you do make good points, *roll*
but to nick, man really just give it up, walk up stairs and ask your mom to take you to th... |