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THREAD Internet Safety- Exaggerated or Underrated?
10 Posts • 7146 Views
Philosophy Forum
At the moment it is left up to parents and as we can see they arent doing a very good job because they dont take the internet safety risk seriously. The internet risk isn't as much of an issue...
THREAD Society"christ" censored from graduation speech
2 Posts • 2548 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I have read the article and, as far as all the rules that she was supposed to follow goes, she did not have the right to tell people that it was God that made it possible for her to be so succesful in...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25419 Views
Psychology Forum
LostDreamer you be careful. Twelve years ago I was very suicidal and tried several times to kill myself. My domain name is theinsideout because that's what I did. It was a good thing. I learnt...
THREAD Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16249 Views
Religion Forum
One religion under God for the people by the people. Can that happen? There are a lot of comments about church being bad but a belief in God being good. With all these comments I must agree. Why is...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12269 Views
Religion Forum
"the naga who in my culture have no bad side - they are only good" Claimed and assumed by tradition correct? "Im not reacting out of character!" You'r e expressing no...
THREAD What does God have to say about it?
10 Posts • 3811 Views
Talk Talk
I recently purchased a bottle of crystal skull vodka. It comes in a really cool clear glass skull bottle. I,d like to make a water bong out of it. On the box that it comes in, they tell the story of t...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionWhat is Love?
11 Posts • 7167 Views
Philosophy Forum
.What is Love? Love is a state of being. Love is not an emotion. To want something out of Love means the Love is an attachment. To Love someone, truly Love someone it has to be unconditional, when...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12269 Views
Religion Forum
The beauty of Free will is just that, freedom. We are free to commit sins, we are free to make our own theories, We are free to choose whom we follow. It does say God is a jealous God. He Himself...
THREAD JokesMen vs. Women
4 Posts • 5776 Views
Jokes & Games
My advice to women - If he gets jealous of other men looking at you, run away. My advice to my brothers - If she does not like her father, there is a good chance she will not like you. I was mar...
THREAD Arming & Aiding Nutjobs & Dictators
11 Posts • 6307 Views
Talk Talk
Hmmm, come to think of it, maybe this is a good thing, did you know how many Dictators and their armies have graduation certificates for the school of the americas, which I think may have changed its...
THREAD SocietyRanking U.S. Presidents, 1-42....best to worst
9 Posts • 10197 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
History will regard George Bush 43 as one of our great presidents. Only to those who eat up self serving propaganda like good little sheep. The man was beaten up by a pretzel for god's sake...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62756 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Here's a site with a good list of some very reasonable questions. http://www.whatr eallyhappened.com/9-11BasicQue stions.html These questions aren't just being raised by fanatics or cons...
THREAD Creative MusingsContinuous story 2
5 Posts • 2570 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
This is just like Hedgehog's, just with a different scenario. "Oh man, this is not good", Tim said. Tim has recently been having bad luck. Right now, he has made enemies at school t...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAgnosticism
23 Posts • 7696 Views
Religion Forum
I'm still not sure what Agnosticism is, someone explained it to me once, but I forgot already. I'm not very good at that technical stuff. I only understand english. I have decided that I...
THREAD Discovering True Happines
9 Posts • 9898 Views
Philosophy Forum
become aware of what? what exactly do you think is being hidden here?philosophical revolution is all well and good on an unexamened level. but even if a different philosophical scheme could be impleme...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40600 Views
Religion Forum
Leoric if you are going to post on this thread do it in a resposible manner and actually have a post that STAYS ON THE FREAKING TOPIC. Good to see that You are taking a neurtal stance on this Zato one...
THREAD SocietyRacist attacks, hate-speech growing against Afrikaners
2 Posts • 4349 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Some good links to the situation in South Africa. http://www.zasucks. com/ http://www.farmmurders .com/ Please be warned - these sites contain some VERY graphic pictures of violence that can be...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57903 Views
Religion Forum
I hate getting into religious debates, but this needs my two cents~~ There is evil because the GOOD needs a balance and that is why there is EVIL. Just as there is a God, there is also the Devil~~acti...
THREAD Sexual PsychologyA submissive woman
3 Posts • 4611 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Thank you Decius, I like that "taking calculated risks", I will try, it has to start changing the concepts I have in my mind with more realistic things. I hope you do good witht this too.
THREAD About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views
Talk Talk
Thanks Wyote, I just hope that I won't sound stupid thats all. I was reading what all these people have posted, and it's some pretty good stuff here. Belly dancing is harder then people real...
THREAD Forgiveness
16 Posts • 6948 Views
Talk Talk
I know how you feel firebird. It has been 15 years and counting for family members. Friends are a different story for me I suppose. There are not many good ones, but the ones worth having are worth tr...
THREAD Regrets
30 Posts • 10011 Views
Philosophy Forum
I was wondering the same thing Decius, thanks for clarifying, I think everyone, whether they chose to admit it or not have a regret or two... Lynnie-thats a good way to phrase it "...believing i...
THREAD American footballers are pansies
42 Posts • 12475 Views
Talk Talk
La Crosse is a good sport. I find it better then some of the more popular sports. Only, it isn't that physical anymore. You can't check anyone anymore unless you are watching some other made...
THREAD War & TerrorismA Conservative Reviews "Fahrenheit 9/11"
30 Posts • 8570 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It is a perfectly good means when the peace costs more then the war. I'm sure I don't need to throw some statistics at you on the number of dead little children in Iraq each day due to th...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsPagan Religion??? or devilry
34 Posts • 11717 Views
Religion Forum
but that is not what the christians see, and that is what is important. whether or not it is a 'good' religion does not matter. just that it is considered devilry. whi is this conversatio...
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