my creative writing teacher really likes this
2 Posts • 2784 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
of course, this is only a draft but its getting there...
Painting the Walls
I can't stop these random thoughts of hatred
i don't even think this man was the cause of my action(s)
h... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42006 Views Religion Forum |
"excluding "evil's" like PLAGUE and "good" like a beautiful sunrise" Why has God let those evils exist which man is not responsible for? Good point DT, perhaps natur... |
Life & DeathTips and Tricks of Life?
7 Posts • 4564 Views Philosophy Forum |
never go to sleep mad at anything or anyone, if you do then the next day will probably end up being an unpleasant one.
if you are talking to a woman that is sitting next to you and she crosses her... |
GovernmentPolitics and Ethics
1 Posts • 2043 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The only thing better than provoking a debate is ending a debate. I fear the latter honour will prove beyond me. But few issues are more important than the one I intend to tackle here. A good index of... |
Christianity2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;)
19 Posts • 5971 Views Religion Forum |
From a Christian pint of view, perhaps you could find your local Baptist church and take an Alpha course. A newer bible such as an NIV (New International Version) with an accompanying concordance migh... |
ElectionsWhat is Kerry trying to hide this time?
20 Posts • 5702 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Vietnam shouldn't be an issue but your idol kerry has based his whole election campaign on that very issue!"
Oh I don't think Kerry is any good at all. I think a sock-puppet look... |
Ethics & MoralityThe Morality of Action
24 Posts • 8938 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Does that mean that if motive could be known, accidental actions could always be defended and always be moral? Accidents happen due to carelessness; most can be prevented by careful planning or... |
ChristianityA few questions for Christians.
13 Posts • 3232 Views Religion Forum |
1. I understand that. It is about the denominations. I do hope, in your ideology, they would both go to Heaven.
2. Understandable.
3. I also understand this. Tell me if this comparison is correc... |
Emotions & FeelingsSadness or loneliness?
7 Posts • 3235 Views Psychology Forum |
Out of the two I would choose to feel loneliness.
I know most of us dont feel happy when we are lonely. And I think loneliness is just another branch of sadness, a more specific sadness, which make... |
Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13579 Views Religion Forum |
[Um, so if we can steal, murder, pillage, rape, molest, attack, covet, and what not...it is ok....cos after all...these are all man made laws]
Deut. 2.34 was the result of god giving the ok to comm... |
Too much "love"
28 Posts • 6488 Views Talk Talk |
this does raise a lot of good questions about morality though. how much is too much?
by the same token, does staying faithful to one single person your entire life make you a loser? |
Society & SociologyGetting along with stupid/bullheaded people
0 Posts • 6389 Views Psychology Forum |
It seems like a good idea if the thread is getting too long and not a single conclusion has been drawn.
Oh, but maybe these rules shouldn't apply to certain threads seeing as how there has to... |
There is No God and You Know It
17 Posts • 5931 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Thanks Decius - I'm not to good with techno babble, so you might be right, I might be missing something.
God - I don't know what God is, but I do have an explination. If you took everythi... |
5 Posts • 1917 Views Talk Talk |
Are you looking for a non-objectional definition, or are you looking for a certian truth? Perhaps you are looking for what is natural, or maybe you want to re-define nature and give fairness a polite... |
112 Posts • 27049 Views Talk Talk |
things are a bit fuzzy, but i think thats just life *lol*
no but seriously, im doin great. thanks for asking :)
random thoughts -
Fable is a good game.
my teeth are invincible > no cavitie... |
Name your Top 10 Movies
45 Posts • 12092 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Wyote Did you se predator 2 with Danny glover? I liked that film a whole lot more so than the first. It has been at least 10 years since I have seen either.... Tron was pretty good as well and the ext... |
PS2 Help
6 Posts • 2090 Views Talk Talk |
i took apart my ps2 fer a look inside and when i came out of it i had a good idea as to what to mess with and when to do things so i put a new hard drive in and now it is real fun because i can play w... |
Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29874 Views Jokes & Games |
but that would make you dazzlingly good at losing friends because your sheer brilliance would give them a severe inferiority complex (though yours would be better) and push them away.
I wish I coul... |
112 Posts • 27049 Views Talk Talk |
my informant says that pepsi co is slowly attempting to dominate the entire world market... coke is a much better choice and i commend you on your efforts good sir. |
SocietyWe will not be silenced
4 Posts • 2292 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
good job finding the clip, its not a bunch of bull thats forsure, hopfully a lot of Amreicans see this to understand how maybe other countries might not think so much about America being as great as m... |
Help me lie to my parents about a girl?
13 Posts • 4669 Views Talk Talk |
Well you could either actually tell the truth. Or come up with a good cover story in case they ask about the moive and stuff. Definlly make sure your not caught by someone that would rat you out so as... |
Atheism & AgnosticismIf you had a gun to your head, what would you choo
30 Posts • 8579 Views Religion Forum |
I seriously doubt that. There are people who live to 90 and feel they haven't lived a good enough life. What makes you think you've achieved this by 17. If you really were ready then why wou... |
Comforting an atheist on their deathbed
11 Posts • 6176 Views Talk Talk |
You can either remind him of the good time, or if he is in pain, tell him it will be over soon enough.
But really, it doesn't boil down to words I think. Just need to be there, hold his hand a... |
Why are fireworks only legal in certain states?
6 Posts • 4070 Views Talk Talk |
Thats some good inductive reasoning dude. Yeah once...this guy...he got shot in the head and he didn't die. I guess that means that I can shoot my buddy and he will be just fine. |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301145 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
A good friend of mine drew this and i thought it was really bad ass even though he didnt include the gore and obscene violence i usually see in his art work.. love this picture anyway though |