18 Posts • 6468 Views Talk Talk |
well Pugsley Boy.. i say....... its a DATE!!!!!
next weekends gunna be SAWEET!!!!!!!
SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67570 Views Philosophy Forum |
*lol* Good point.
But I get a thrill from thinking about such impossibilities. I'm a nerd in heart and soul:D
But here's another question: how would we live if not with money to aquire... |
GovernmentLet The Proceeding Begin
3 Posts • 3073 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I think at this point they believe if they can just lie, stick to their story, they will win popular support, however, people are getting angrier. But I still think we may have to riot in the street b... |
Gender Psychologywhy are men treated so badly
23 Posts • 13925 Views Psychology Forum |
I WISH THERE WERE NICE MEN. I mean genuinely good natured men, and no farces and masks.
Women put up with men's crap for centuries...so how does it feel boys? *dead* |
Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29871 Views Jokes & Games |
but then your bottom would find itself unhappily out of balance and would cause you to topple over backwards, because you had wished away its best friend *roll*
I wish I was dazzlingly good at ever... |
BooksDantes Inferno
4 Posts • 4303 Views Talk Talk |
Ooh I liked it. I think it was a great translation considering that the guy who traslated it was still able to keep a lot of the poetic elements that Dante had intended. It's hard to get used to... |
Reality & MetaphysicsReality or Illusion ?
14 Posts • 4226 Views Philosophy Forum |
There's no quantum physics in it. This is just inadequate definitions. Can anybody here give me a good definition of existence?
What does it mean that something 'exists'?
Mine wou... |
computer-illiterate parents
5 Posts • 4387 Views Talk Talk |
That is good. I definatly know what you mean.
With my own experience it took us 1 month to teach my mom how to turn on the computer. Yet, my dad makes us our comps for fun. So we only have... |
9 Posts • 3522 Views Talk Talk |
good point. lol. okay so i have no idea why kids are like that. i guess the longer you have been alive, the more knowledge and experience you have had with the problems of the world. just guessing.... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62743 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://www.projectcensored.org /index.html
some good stuff on that site. also the new book censored 2006 has some great reporting |
Sigfried and Roy
18 Posts • 12394 Views Talk Talk |
Well damnit! That pisses me off. How can you say that you're a good person/group of people, and then say and do crap like that?!
Sounds contradictory to me. Have you seen the mansions that the... |
Kyo- I don't understand a word they're saying
1 Posts • 1668 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
But they are so good! This one is called Je Cours. They won some major award for this too. It's a French Rock Band. I think they played at Live 8. |
InventionElectric/hybrid cars
26 Posts • 10577 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Abso-fuckin-lutely...I couldn't find that webpage for shit. Thanks Supra! That is the design, and I was wrong it is a V-16.
Sounds and looks good to me. |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11364 Views Talk Talk |
I think this thread is so inspired that I implore everyone: Please take anything said about you lightly and in good humor. This topic is something we've all been waiting for!
It'll take som... |
JokesCouple of dirty jokes
179 Posts • 62334 Views Jokes & Games |
But is is fun to have feed back isn't it? Oh, well here's a good one that I didn't lift off the 'net. Q: Why don't canables eat clowns? A:They taste funny! (So try mimes! The... |
What happened to the forums?
15 Posts • 3199 Views Talk Talk |
Ah, come on guys.. stop ragging on good ole Dec and the gang! I kind of like the changes - just worried about how these bright colors are going to affect my migraines in the future. |
Avoid strangers glances and smiles
15 Posts • 3728 Views Talk Talk |
You know that's a good question with most likely many answers. People are probably uncomfortable with it or just fearful. I've noticed it considering I'm the person that will randomly w... |
Im having a crud day let me swear my head offfffffff..........
6 Posts • 2283 Views Talk Talk |
I am good now. Feeling much better. Did you say shit/damn you also?? I don't think that makes much sence. But it was funny. And it wasn't deleted I guess the moderators don't know what... |
21 Posts • 10268 Views Philosophy Forum |
who wouldn't be scared of the US!!!!
the most violent country in the world. The majority of the US is built upon fear. power + violence = not good combo. |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheists Intimidating
38 Posts • 10686 Views Religion Forum |
I don't think it would have done any good to try to explain myself, that would make me look even more guilty of what ever.
But an elusion only lasts for a short time, it is clear why they were... |
What Bad Trait Do you most condemn
15 Posts • 3396 Views Talk Talk |
thats a good one.
i think over opinionated people are some of the worst, those who have an opinion on everything, and will not change their mind no matter what you say. (though reading some of the st... |
Ethics & MoralityIs Morality an Open and Closed Matter?
3 Posts • 3014 Views Philosophy Forum |
Captain Dave will under no circumstance torture a prisoner (open morality). Captain Jim will torture a prisoner when he considers such action will save the lives of his platoon (closed morality).
'... |
ChristianityIs anyone here...
60 Posts • 13717 Views Religion Forum |
i liked glow sticks response. Her mentality is one that will lead you closer to "religious truth" it is nearly impossible to reach nirvana or heaven because of our tribal (cultural) prejudic... |
Creative MusingsIt was better left in the dark.
35 Posts • 9612 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Perhaps i ask to much, it isnt right to expect people to be a cartain way, i mean your expectation of who they should be doesnt change who they are right? 'Im not taking her '
Thats what... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23901 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I share your sentiment, Survivor. What pisses me off the most is censorship. People can agree or disagree with Bush, but how can you justify blocking open debates and the flow information -- especiall... |