What do you want for Christmas?
36 Posts • 13081 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
A keyboard which allows you to turn of capitals, and type properly?
Yeah..sounds good to me.
I would appreciate a motobike for christmas.
But im not really that bothered, its just nice to b... |
Alternative BeliefsPagan Religion??? or devilry
34 Posts • 11713 Views Religion Forum |
lol, its good to see someone somewhat familiar with it. Lol
but obviously todays Pagans do not sacrifice humans.
you would be surprised at some extremists who want the old ways
absolute... |
Religion & HumanityAn answer
31 Posts • 9550 Views Religion Forum |
i think your getting close. but you need some more. something that has some....well. simpleness to it. often tims the hardess words to deine are the smallest. good. funny. mad. done. anyway. keep work... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40581 Views Religion Forum |
Because 1) the ignorant lazy atheist doesnt want to go to church on sundays and 2) the other would understand that such a God wouldn't be a very good god if he did exist. Predetermined damnation... |
Temporarily out of the loop!
5 Posts • 3265 Views Talk Talk |
oooh, good luck with the move. hope everything turns out well! :) and i'm glad to hear your joyful bundle came with no hiccups, hopefully! :D
You two take care! *hugs* |
3 Posts • 3026 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
A good attempt at buiding up a powerful word and image list that doesn't quite make it all the way. But I enjoyed reading.
Robert Davidson. |
FuturologyThe end of the universe
40 Posts • 18445 Views Philosophy Forum |
*cool* Hi, all ideas seem to be interesting and good point of views of the same thing. But, have you ever thought this could be a proof of god's existence? Who's the one outside carrying the awes... |
5 Posts • 3248 Views Philosophy Forum |
hmm and maybe complementing yourself and ego are two differnt things.. like you can look highly of yourself but not complement yourself just look confident and that your the best but if you dont say i... |
Artworkyour own artwork, drawn, graphic, painted,sculptur
103 Posts • 29491 Views Art Forum |
thats actually pretty good, oh by the way its death scythe hell. The origianl sycthe had only one beam.^_^ yeah call me a gundam wing nerd. |
ChristianityIs anyone here...
60 Posts • 13717 Views Religion Forum |
I'm Catholic but i had very good theology teachers who tolds us about other religions and of the short comings and mistakes of the church throughout its histo... |
The Butterfly Effect?
8 Posts • 4091 Views Talk Talk |
I didnt think I would be able to but he did a good job in this. Not very many funny parts that I can remember, if any.
I got the Punk'd dvds and all I think is how he jokes all the time. Its ha... |
PS2 Help
6 Posts • 2090 Views Talk Talk |
i took apart my ps2 fer a look inside and when i came out of it i had a good idea as to what to mess with and when to do things so i put a new hard drive in and now it is real fun because i can play w... |
Too much "love"
28 Posts • 6488 Views Talk Talk |
this does raise a lot of good questions about morality though. how much is too much?
by the same token, does staying faithful to one single person your entire life make you a loser? |
Society & SociologyGetting along with stupid/bullheaded people
0 Posts • 6389 Views Psychology Forum |
It seems like a good idea if the thread is getting too long and not a single conclusion has been drawn.
Oh, but maybe these rules shouldn't apply to certain threads seeing as how there has to... |
There is No God and You Know It
17 Posts • 5931 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Thanks Decius - I'm not to good with techno babble, so you might be right, I might be missing something.
God - I don't know what God is, but I do have an explination. If you took everythi... |
5 Posts • 1917 Views Talk Talk |
Are you looking for a non-objectional definition, or are you looking for a certian truth? Perhaps you are looking for what is natural, or maybe you want to re-define nature and give fairness a polite... |
112 Posts • 27049 Views Talk Talk |
things are a bit fuzzy, but i think thats just life *lol*
no but seriously, im doin great. thanks for asking :)
random thoughts -
Fable is a good game.
my teeth are invincible > no cavitie... |
Name your Top 10 Movies
45 Posts • 12091 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Wyote Did you se predator 2 with Danny glover? I liked that film a whole lot more so than the first. It has been at least 10 years since I have seen either.... Tron was pretty good as well and the ext... |
PS2 Help
6 Posts • 2090 Views Talk Talk |
i took apart my ps2 fer a look inside and when i came out of it i had a good idea as to what to mess with and when to do things so i put a new hard drive in and now it is real fun because i can play w... |
Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29871 Views Jokes & Games |
but that would make you dazzlingly good at losing friends because your sheer brilliance would give them a severe inferiority complex (though yours would be better) and push them away.
I wish I coul... |
112 Posts • 27049 Views Talk Talk |
my informant says that pepsi co is slowly attempting to dominate the entire world market... coke is a much better choice and i commend you on your efforts good sir. |
SocietyWe will not be silenced
4 Posts • 2292 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
good job finding the clip, its not a bunch of bull thats forsure, hopfully a lot of Amreicans see this to understand how maybe other countries might not think so much about America being as great as m... |
Help me lie to my parents about a girl?
13 Posts • 4669 Views Talk Talk |
Well you could either actually tell the truth. Or come up with a good cover story in case they ask about the moive and stuff. Definlly make sure your not caught by someone that would rat you out so as... |
Atheism & AgnosticismIf you had a gun to your head, what would you choo
30 Posts • 8578 Views Religion Forum |
I seriously doubt that. There are people who live to 90 and feel they haven't lived a good enough life. What makes you think you've achieved this by 17. If you really were ready then why wou... |
Comforting an atheist on their deathbed
11 Posts • 6176 Views Talk Talk |
You can either remind him of the good time, or if he is in pain, tell him it will be over soon enough.
But really, it doesn't boil down to words I think. Just need to be there, hold his hand a... |