never go to sleep mad at anything or anyone, if you do then the next day will probably end up being an unpleasant one.
if you are talking to a woman that is sitting next to you and she crosses her legs so that her top leg is going in your direction, then she is most likely interested in you or whatever you are talking about.
if a man plays with his socks while talking to you then he is probably interested in you.
a good way for me to remember things is to convert whatever it is i am trying to remember in to things that are funny, i remember humorous things very well for some reason.
this is a stupid example, but way back in elm. school when i was memorizing the states and capitals i thought of Michigan as a "machine gun" and Lansing as a "lance" so ive always remebered it.... also the capital of Oman is Muskat and the way i remember that is i say "Oh man! a muskrat!" in my head.... but my geography teacher told me that one.
im sure this method wont work for many people
a good way to tell if a person is lying is to look for "micro expressions" ... not sure if anyone is familar with these, but basically its a fraction of a second where the persons face spazzes out. once youve seen it a few times you can catch a lot of peoples lies. it takes a long time to truly master how to recognize these but there are a lot of books out there about it... its a useful skill.