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THREAD War & TerrorismNews From Iraq
14 Posts • 4238 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Daily news and comments on the situation in post Saddam Iraq http://www.healingiraq.c om/ Sunday, December 28, 2003 Back to normal It's good to be back to normal again. By normal I mean total...
THREAD ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13530 Views
Religion Forum
You didn't offend me, though I can't speak for anyone else. I'm sorry you chose to take it that way and make it so personal. Now this I find offensive and sad, you may feel free to spe...
THREAD ConsciousnessDifferents Forms of Consciousness
5 Posts • 3015 Views
Philosophy Forum
I saw this post and it stuck out to me. This is my understanding as I have learned it. A letter for HOPE (Helping other peoples experience) In the past year, I have undertook various journeys;...
THREAD Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 86972 Views
Psychology Forum
Hmmmm something else to consider.... Intelligence Confidence Self Security I realize there are dependencies and many many varying degrees, but try to consider each case. It's interesting...
THREAD ChristianityClear Definition #1
0 Posts • 2363 Views
Religion Forum
I will agree, Christians are adamantly convicted to what they believe and typically stand their ground in discussions of moral and ethical behavior. Such behavior from I and other Christians stems fro...
THREAD horse portraits
1 Posts • 2509 Views
Philosophy Forum
horse portraits Colour theory in art lots of information and examples in colour theory in art Colour theory in art is our third principle and when you look around you there's subtle colou...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & Brainintelligence flaw - Chomsky
5 Posts • 3092 Views
Psychology Forum
To heed your warning of avoiding isms and what not, could you specify what you see as traits of these isms and what you feel are sound arguments against the government and which are not? Traits of...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityCan we connect philosophy with racism?
2 Posts • 2473 Views
Philosophy Forum
Can we connect philosophy with racism? In Antebellum South the white man would not work for anyone because he considered laboring for hire made him no better than the black slave and his superiorit...
THREAD Give Michael Richards (Kramer) a break!
1 Posts • 1771 Views
Talk Talk
As most of you probably know our beloved friend Kramer shouted racial slurs at a heckler at his stand up comedy act. And I've just seen this go on and on and on in the news and I have a couple of...
THREAD SocietyBarack Obama and Gandhi.
1 Posts • 2815 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
:p I got the following message in an email from the Gandhi website group because I am registered there. http://www.MKGandhi. org ========= From: MKGANDHI <> Sub ject: Ob...
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeInvalid Beliefs
10 Posts • 3671 Views
Philosophy Forum
You said,  It is not meaningless - it is a very pertinent example of your beliefs. If you erred, it is your fault, I say, Ok, ok I said I erred. It IS meaningless. I do not believe I can fly. Th...
THREAD People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31431 Views
Talk Talk
Ok, so we're off and rolling again? great stuff. awakenedwraith: & quot;why not deal with every case seperatly and treat evrybody as if they are different--". Exactly my point, good...
THREAD FuturologyNature of Technology?
3 Posts • 3521 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hello everyone, I'm obviously new to the forums here but I'm looking for some ideas/advice. Hopefully some of you can provide me with some insight. Philosophy of Technology: It's Nature...
THREAD ChristianityWhat makes people so angry about the Christian faith?
23 Posts • 18453 Views
Religion Forum
summit, no-one except some really creepy people from the deep south try and force those on anyone, they are instructions to believers of that religion. which gets rid of the first 4. but the rest of t...
THREAD ConsciousnessA change in conscious thought and understanding
1 Posts • 3920 Views
Philosophy Forum
A letter for HOPE (Helping other peoples experience) In the past year, I have undertook various journeys; thoughts, actions, and dreams. I always imagined that I had something very special for t...
THREAD SocietyMy thoughts on our world at 3 am
1 Posts • 2275 Views
Philosophy Forum
First let me just say, the spacing may be erratic, because when I get flows of...thought, I just write it down, and this time it was on note pad, so forgive me. Stop thinking about the world in te...
THREAD BiologyWhat About Eugenics?
23 Posts • 10773 Views
Science & Technology Forum
so when u talk about eugenics and the thought of erasing different races just try changing the soul first and then alter the body. As I have "already" mentioned, this is not the purpos...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyMy Step-daughter molested my son. I don't know what to do anymore. Please give me advice
2 Posts • 8860 Views
Psychology Forum
My step-daughter is 10 and my son is 5. The first time it happened, he was 3 and she was 8. She was found grinding on him (like missionary sex). She pretty-much got a slap on the wrist & a good ta...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 56942 Views
Religion Forum
OKCITYKID - "So the new testament is not the word of God but the old testament is, is that what you are saying? I can almost agree with you. Certainly a letter that Paul writes to Timothy could n...
THREAD Long one act
5 Posts • 2712 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Here it is... the fifth and final piece... let me know what you guys think of it. Scene 5 (One week later. JUDY is, yet again, on the phone with Cheryl. This time, however, she sits in her c...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainBlocking Out Incomplete Thoughts...
2 Posts • 4977 Views
Psychology Forum
You should read Ouspenky's The Fourth Way...Very interesting theory of the human mind...According to Ouspensky, the human mind is composed of thousands upon thousands of little "I"s, ea...
THREAD God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19229 Views
Religion Forum
I find it interesting that you would assume that a person must be mentally unhealthy in order to maintain a belief that you do not. I find it rediculous how bad you are at avoiding perfectly goo...
THREAD StoriesThe Big Orgy on Capitol Hill
3 Posts • 4170 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
The Orgy of Pigs & Elephants & Donkeys in Uncle Sam's Whorehouse part seven of a musical by Wolf Larsen That's when the two political candidates (the ass & big fat elephant)...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 56942 Views
Religion Forum
I would like to just make a quick post asking a few questions and stating a little bit about myself. I don't know if this has already been done or not, since I haven't read all of the posts...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 56942 Views
Religion Forum
I made a nice long reply and lost it. I'm a bit annoyed so I'll be briefer. *angry* " But the blanket statement that scientists are telling the truth and Priests are not is ludacrou...
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