ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12478 Views Religion Forum |
Well, put it this way...When asked how to go to heaven...He gave the path...the hardest path...and they walked away.
IT is easier for you to attack my person...than to accept what I sa... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11368 Views Talk Talk |
The impression I get from awakendwraith is that he lives in Winterhaven. He used to be that mystery stuttering emo kid, where the feeling of pain made him feel slightly happy. He likes to act like a s... |
Life & DeathScariest Thing About DEATH
72 Posts • 20496 Views Philosophy Forum |
hmm...i guess the only thing that i fear about death is i don't want my family and friends get sad over me, and i want to pay back the kindness from them before i die. If one day i live on the st... |
SocietyMy thoughts on our world at 3 am
1 Posts • 2347 Views Philosophy Forum |
First let me just say, the spacing may be erratic, because when I get flows of...thought, I just write it down, and this time it was on note pad, so forgive me.
Stop thinking about the world in te... |
10 Posts • 3934 Views Talk Talk |
Just found out last night that a good friend of mine who was dating my ex at the same time as me...tried to put the moves on my ex....I talked to him about it and he said he would stop. He just wanted... |
DepressionI am so depressed
3 Posts • 8741 Views Psychology Forum |
As someone suffering from depression myself I have some idea how you feel. I know how painful it can be to keep going through those cycles. The pain, the darkness, the not knowing why, the hopelessnes... |
16 Posts • 18751 Views Talk Talk |
Yes, choseing a tatoo is hard. I want one after my grad. One of the worst things you can do is copy another tatoo. So pick something simple, like a word or initials that means something special to you... |
Theory of the Man-Machine
12 Posts • 9511 Views Philosophy Forum |
"If and When the Machine's we make day to day and use day to day begin to exude this 'conscience ' who's the one to say it is Living?"
There'll be a debate, and whe... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousConsciousness is just the tip of the iceberg
24 Posts • 12882 Views Psychology Forum |
Yes. The 'I' (The ego) is just an illusionary image we create. Seems like a necessary tool we've evolved. Some say the image of self is created by a process of identifying yourself with things.
Budd... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40602 Views Religion Forum |
Some view life as pain and suffering and wish nothing more but to end it.
They would intentionally kill all life for its own well being.
To them killing is a beautiful and very right thing.
I t... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64074 Views Religion Forum |
Your testimony takes my breath away to be honest Ironwood.
The out of body experience in particular. Thanks for sharing. Now that I sense sincerity in your inquisitions of my experience I'm abl... |
BiologyMeditation altars brain structure
18 Posts • 7020 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Decius: the reason why I mentioned the different agents of evolution was because I assumed you thought that mutations were the cause of evolution regarding meditation (or emotional evolution). And the... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49767 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I'm surrounded by images of life,
I'm scorned, torn apart from the inside out.
People bombard me with promises, and words I don't comprehend
Intertwine the thin threads of life.
T... |
Wisdom Teeth
4 Posts • 4326 Views Talk Talk |
Wishing you a speedy recovery! ;)
I had my wisdom teeth took out about 3 years ago. Not a funny story, (or even an interesting one....) but when I awoke from anesthesia I began to BAUL. I was not... |
Creative MusingsPossibly predictable, but far from absent of new wonder
7 Posts • 2471 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Yeah, I'm a tad reticent. Takes me a while to get past that. And I'm also aware of laying it all out there on a public forum.
I listened to the song. The thing with lyrics, poetry... many... |
Religion & HumanityReligious views: are they really a reason for argument?
5 Posts • 2698 Views Religion Forum |
having woke from the dream about 1:30, I had stayed up till about 3 amcoming to terms with implications of it. I guess that is why the details were strongly fixed in my mind.
My sister had sent each... |
Issues with Hate…
8 Posts • 3143 Views Talk Talk |
So, after all that, who do I "hate"
I would say that I hate the people that fit the extremities of the negativity end of the slider. In their time they cause nothing but misery and suffer... |
Relationships & LoveConfusion mixed with some more confusion. Please help.
4 Posts • 2321 Views Psychology Forum |
Recently I have met someone who is a real keeper. She is honestly the most amazing person I have ever laid eyes on in my entire life. Every seconds I spend with her I fall that much harder for her.... |
HELP ME PLS! How to Overcome a break up!
8 Posts • 8643 Views Talk Talk |
Hi! I'm steve and here's my story i just had a break up recently the reason is a 3rd party! the girl has cheated on me! after many years of my loyalty and Faith...almost 4 years of being tog... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132029 Views Philosophy Forum |
Have you ever noticed, In the last century, every generation has its own theme? 1910, took us into the roaring 20s, to the depressing 30s, to the war and industrial 40s, to the 50s, the 60s, the 70s,... |
The Tangent Universe
14 Posts • 4636 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Dear Roberta Sparrow, I have reached the end of your book and... there are so many things that I need to ask you. Sometimes I'm afraid of what you might tell me. Sometimes I'm afraid that yo... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25421 Views Psychology Forum |
Because of the word purpose's infinite possible applications I specifically was referring to a purpose or meaning to life, in terms of is there any and who would know (besides "god") an... |
SpiritualityA Sense Of Humor
9 Posts • 3790 Views Religion Forum |
Not sure if this is a joke, or not.
I am under the impression that you think spirits gave you this dream for the sake of April Fool's.
Well, I believe God has a sense of humor. Life would be... |
Movie Trailers & ClipsRandom Video Thread
147 Posts • 25719 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Actually, no, this is what I said.
Ask Sorceress, the Brits claim Americans don't understand sarcasm, I'm wondering if they meant South Africans.
I did say brits, because I've hea... |
Perceptionemotional perception
5 Posts • 2854 Views Psychology Forum |
Well, we know on a scientific level that "happy" and "sad" release different chemicals and cause us to behave different ways. This tells us that each emotion - while perhaps having... |