Is it?
21 Posts • 6713 Views Talk Talk |
my socials teacher made us watch these movies that were really gruesome. One was about missionaries trying to save these people from becomeing slaves and if they convert to christianity, they're... |
EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12453 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You touched on two things that I think need more development: 1) campaign contributions, 2) ethical behavior.
Nail hit on head! How much of the problems we lament in the economic system would be le... |
Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15616 Views Religion Forum |
I think the question is easy to answer. The "world", or society rather, needs a safe haven to believe in when they die, so they choose religions that will benefit them in this respect. It ma... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122970 Views Religion Forum |
"You are sick and dieing - deal with it, it's Gods will (ETC.)"
This is what I talked about in my thread. Some people, like me, just need a reason, man, and they can't accept th... |
Rehab & AddictionDrugs
23 Posts • 14384 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Most of my experience has been with pot and hash, LSD and shrooms, in that order. I quit doing pot because it was becoming too habitual and sucking the life out of me. Not that it can't be a posi... |
Let it go anywhere
38 Posts • 8423 Views Philosophy Forum |
it is an interesting question, who will get to go to heaven. I had an argument with my sister the other day about hitler. As I told her how did she know he was evil? She said becuase of the things he... |
Sexual PsychologyAsexuality
26 Posts • 8165 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Being asexual is a confusing path people take I can't understand really why people go through life with no sexual attraction or any sexual activity its a natural part of our day to day lives. It... |
Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13848 Views Talk Talk |
this was a pretty good discussion a while ago, especially when MG jumped in.
http://www.captaincynic .com/thread.php3/thrdid=37304- u-frmid=1
humans are omnivores, we're suppose to eat meat s... |
GovernmentGovernment Child Sex Trade
25 Posts • 10436 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Maybe if people understood that this thread is not about speculation about the source of rituals, but about an actual investigation that led to convictions and jail for a couple people, not nearly all... |
258 Posts • 67439 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
There seem to be
No things to see
In these people
In this room with me.
And though my mind
Will pry and plead
I will not speak
Or move
Or make known
These indications
Of... |
SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Okay if labels are going to be thrown around I probably agree he was not a terrorist. He didn't care at all about inciting terror. He wanted vengeance.
A better more fair question to you woul... |
Being Normal
5 Posts • 6092 Views Talk Talk |
People refer normal to how most people are like, or how the majority of people are. I think that when we first meet someone, we try to decipher them and their interests, and then pretend to be interes... |
A Brave New World
5 Posts • 3234 Views Philosophy Forum |
I believe it is common knowledge now that it's us, the 20 somethings and younger who are going to have to grab this world by the horns and do what leaders, politians and armies the world accross... |
LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29324 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If two people are in love, Why keep them from being married, raising a child and living their lives like every one else?
I mean homosexuals have the same feelings as heteros, Just with the same s... |
SocietyThe Source of Idiocy of the Average American
0 Posts • 414 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
See, I think people from other countries think that Americans all have this pride of being an American and that we relish in our Americaniss.
I'd hardly call In God We Trust a slogan. It just... |
GodWhat is God?
55 Posts • 14684 Views Philosophy Forum |
People in general are not cynical and just flow with everyone else because of the need for belonging and acceptance. A group of people talking could have conjurred up "God" to give comfort t... |
SpiritualityWhat do we have the right to want?
15 Posts • 3809 Views Religion Forum |
...what do we have the right to want?
My intial answer to this is that we have the right to want anything we desire. Even murderers who want to kill, have the right to want to do so. We can dream... |
What do you think about the rascism ? Can it disappear ?
16 Posts • 7003 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well kind of...I wouldn't really call it fear almost more human nature. People believe it or not really do naturally fear the unknown. It's like you know nothing about it and then from the p... |
Science vs ReligionScientific Skepticism
11 Posts • 3394 Views Religion Forum |
God came once to people and lowered his level to normal human...!!
and sacrificed his only son to show himself to us in a convincing way.
after all this people say we dont no God!
the one who said... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I feel extremely numb at the current moment.
Like who the fuck cares what we say and what we do, the world of politics will continue to corrupt regardless.
Throwing insults at Bush isn't goin... |
God in ReligionIf God exisit...why there is so much evil in the world?
24 Posts • 7556 Views Religion Forum |
When I said that some "goodness" can be selfishness, I just meant that sometimes people do acts of so-called goodness because it makes them feel good, or it gives them the sense that people... |
The OJ Simpson Case
47 Posts • 31337 Views Talk Talk |
The "Hood Gang" wasn't Known to OJ Simpson until Rocky Bateman told OJ about Certain people plotting to Steal OJ's Money, that's according to Rocky. To answer... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Thanks Wyote, I just hope that I won't sound stupid thats all. I was reading what all these people have posted, and it's some pretty good stuff here. Belly dancing is harder then people real... |
the thread of LIES
79 Posts • 18461 Views Talk Talk |
I'm not tired at all right now
I don't think I should stop smoking
close minded people are my best friends
hygiene is a horrible practice
I don't understand a lot of languag... |
141 Posts • 31186 Views Talk Talk |
'Mankind – noble beings who are building Utopia.'
Seriously, most people (simpletons) actually believe that statement.
And those people are the immoral egoists (ASS) who are multiplying by 24... |