Why fear the DARKNESS when the LIGHT is very near? - ailanie12
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Tagged > Cool people
THREAD Life & DeathLife...
7 Posts • 3140 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well... its only fact if it's Tuesday evening! Ok maybe not. But that would also be a matter of perception. There are endless possibilities to perception. All facts (or ideas is the better wo...
THREAD DreamsThird eye, pineal gland, sun gazing, lucid dreams, DMT and enlightenment
6 Posts • 12663 Views
Psychology Forum
Have not tried tektites, I've used amethyst, heard interesting results from magnets. Only recently learned of sun gazing, I was surprised it didn't hurt and I wasn't blinded lol....
THREAD SocietyUF student tazed
6 Posts • 3252 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
police officers really do make me sick. They find the tiniest reasons to relate one's actions to a infraction on the law. Inciting a riot? bull shit is what that is. like he said he was informing...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29549 Views
Philosophy Forum
Redundant?...Hmmm...I guess if you think so, but, no, I don't think of time in the traditional sense. I believe time is not a property of the physical world as traditional concepts of time infer....
THREAD ChristianityChristian Crimes against Humanity
0 Posts • 51326 Views
Religion Forum
Finally I read through all of your research - It took awhile. THIS IS WHAT I TRIED TO POST EARLIER: I found a letter describing a scripture that no longer exists but had gotten lost and describe...
THREAD Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 18740 Views
Religion Forum
read this http://www.globalchange. umich.edu/globalchange1/curren t/lectures/selection/selection .html Natural selection is a random process. from the above link "When we incorporate genetics...
THREAD Biotechnology Activists: ias in activism and forum
15 Posts • 5127 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Science and its wonders are not inherently good or bad. Is a nuke good or a bad? A genetically modified tomato? Soap? In the same way, nature isn't good or bad it just is. Go on believing that...
THREAD Aesthetics & BeautyBeauty
34 Posts • 17036 Views
Philosophy Forum
I see beauty in creation. That is the essence of human nature I think, to create and use our creations in a way that affects humanity. I see creation as the essence of human thought and action and I s...
THREAD Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views
Philosophy Forum
"Any violence that takes place due to freespeech is not freespeech..." Gemini I think this is a very good point, this is validated through the anti-war talk. I've heared all too many...
THREAD Disturbing mirrors
28 Posts • 7390 Views
Philosophy Forum
Summit, how do you meditate? Well, my meditative techniques follow the process of centralizing the mind, and finding the natural equilibrium. Sometimes I empty the mind to clear all sensual stimuli a...
THREAD I don't actually dislike Bush
17 Posts • 5262 Views
Talk Talk
What has he done to economy, the enviornment and border control that will take decades to fix? Several economists, eh? As in, a small handfull? What does the majority say? Do you even know? That...
THREAD Negative...
15 Posts • 3657 Views
Philosophy Forum
Decius my understanding of Buddha is limited. From what I've read this is the impression i have gotten of him, Buddha walked the earth in search of the betterment of man though the betterment of...
THREAD LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51272 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Prostitution should be leaglized for various reason such as the comments made here on this thread. Rape is subdued, STDs are limited not because of constent checkups and use protection but because of...
THREAD Multi Posting
4 Posts • 3397 Views
Talk Talk
ya, at times a thread will diverge and you find yourself making the same arguement or related subject statements! Then you think I made that point before, why is coming up again? Then what we beli...
THREAD Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11088 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Just a little update on the mention of psychic tips in that court case before I respond. The investigators that searched the area the body was found weeks before it was found were actually private inv...
THREAD War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 30129 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
war makes money for all involved not just the USA so don't blame our country for profits generated by war... america was built on the industrialized war machine as far back as time and so were ot...
THREAD ElectionsJust watched another John Kerry master plan
27 Posts • 6468 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Firstly, you spend a lot of time checking out the obvious oppent to you, but I fear you spend far too little looking into to one you seem to trust perhaps even blindly. All policies have ups and do...
THREAD I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7604 Views
Talk Talk
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The "persistent vegetative state" that brain-damaged Terri Schiavo has been in for 15 years is as deceptive as it is heartbreaking, according to doctors. Almost all bra...
THREAD Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
5 Posts • 3799 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
"besides it's weird the mixture of a 40's movie with a futuristic plot " Its a concept called retro, its what it would have looked like if it were made in that time with the deg...
THREAD Mixed Martial Arts
8 Posts • 3106 Views
Talk Talk
first off, i am a fan and do apriciate all those aspects. simply human cockfighting apparently people do not know the size of a chicken brain. it is about the size of a pellet for a 22 caliber...
THREAD I'm kind of sad
19 Posts • 5560 Views
Talk Talk
I am new to this site. I was looking up the definition of sexuality, and there was a link that read, "how would you define sexuality?" I cliked on it and it brought me to this web site. Ther...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58364 Views
Religion Forum
Here is proof of Christ's teachings. He said the gates of hell shall not prevail against it....therefore, He gave the authority over to Peter, who in turn ordained the followers and ordained the...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWorship 101?
5 Posts • 2894 Views
Religion Forum
Because being aware, conscious and reminded of the source or god and our connection to everything is very important for a balanced human being. Thank you for your input Ironwood, but how would bei...
THREAD Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6645 Views
Talk Talk
well this little 15 year old girl killed another girl couple weeks ago and so far this year there has been about 3/4 suicides and the latest one she was 13 years old...so where are the parents to thes...
THREAD Relationships... or Lack Thereof
7 Posts • 3310 Views
Philosophy Forum
Not a random rant at all. I think you make a valid point. I am one of those "people" that you speaketh of, hehehe. I live with my x and have asked him on many occasion of WHY he won'...
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