ConspiracyTom Coburn and The Franklin Cover Up
12 Posts • 23541 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Thanks - I briefly looked thru it, will read it all and check out the links when I find more time. I am sorry, if I had read that post earlier I might have believed it was made up.
On another forum... |
so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12770 Views Talk Talk |
Surly the natural response to such curiosity is to satiate it early on rather than risking kids getting into trouble. You know the old saying. a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Well since keepi... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42433 Views Religion Forum |
Well, I don't know why people refer to God as a 'being'. I mean, I just think that God is some force. Perhaps nature itself is God. Many people question why everything is the way it is,... |
SocietyControlling the masses
10 Posts • 3621 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
:p I would say that gov and religion are essentially the same thing, BUT we live in a world of lies and people claim untruthfully that we have a separation of Church from State (gov) and it just is no... |
Issues with Hate…
8 Posts • 3143 Views Talk Talk |
So, after all that, who do I "hate"
I would say that I hate the people that fit the extremities of the negativity end of the slider. In their time they cause nothing but misery and suffer... |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35959 Views Psychology Forum |
Isn't it amazing that any terrorist act upon this country is always reportedly commited by a Muslim? Somehow, no other country or group of people hate the US. That's impossible. I mean, who... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46390 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
i bet ethereal is homophobic too....
You just lost yourself a bet. See this is the kind of logic that perpetuates hate. Some gays choose to make themselves martyrs in an attempt to justify their a... |
Rehab & AddictionDrugs
23 Posts • 14386 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I think drugs are wonderful fun especially if you share your experiences with other people. I have only tried minor drugs such as pot, alcohol, and cocaine. Alcohol just gives you confidence and self-... |
GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5471 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"This point is where one ceases to accumulate excess and surplus and to compensate to keep up "profits" , begins to take the very base resources from the those which that enabled this e... |
Society & SociologyThe mentality of a soldier
0 Posts • 7803 Views Psychology Forum |
"1. The country is no longer democratic, with freely flowing information and leaders voted in by the people based on adequate information. "
The people decide who is elected, that is democr... |
Commonsense Australian Politics
15 Posts • 3115 Views Talk Talk |
You know ironwood, really there are few that can really think for themselves and not be swayed by opinion; but stand by what is just and what is right.
I was reading today an article on The Pope an... |
Rehab & AddictionAddicted to Drugs in my Teens
5 Posts • 2939 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
I hate to admit it but I feel more comfortable with this forum now so I'll share.
I went through a drug dependency problem when I was 15/16. When I recall that period of my life now it is kind... |
6. The Truths that Keep Us Free
2 Posts • 2282 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
On one important Washington day,
a Senate historian was asked to say,
this the people's very own essay,
as a prayer for words they display.
The truths that keep us all free,
are there on th... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33956 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
DT, did you know that America's government admitted to taking young poor women and taking out their uterus. Did you know that our world leaders have been solidly accused of raping children, even... |
Ethics & MoralityInherently Good or Evil?
15 Posts • 12932 Views Philosophy Forum |
There is one notion that most of these responses presupose which is the existence of morality. Acts that occur in the world do not come w/ moral strings attached they are simply acts. People perscribe... |
11 Posts • 9493 Views Psychology Forum |
im not ignoring you decius. but a lot of times being romantic is the better way.
wrong. that only pertains if death is what you fear. and if not mattering is unsettling. what if the only thing that... |
Religion & HumanityReligious views: are they really a reason for argument?
5 Posts • 2698 Views Religion Forum |
Do you really believe God can not be known, or understood? Do you really believe God is just an abstract idea of our imagination? Do you really believe God is not personal?
Why do people base their... |
EconomyWorld without money
1 Posts • 2274 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Will we ever have a world without the need for currency?
Our form of currency is by far flawed and wont bring any peace or save lives with the greed we get from it. All money does is get used on pros... |
Human Nature & EmotionLove
41 Posts • 25163 Views Philosophy Forum |
i saw this and immeadiately had to make a post.....
love doesn't exist, but the natural human need to feel wanted does, which can be replaced by a mothers love.
of course in the end there i... |
SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13198 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You see a soldier fights to protect his wife and children. Forget the oath and all that other good stuff. The truth is, we volunteer to protect our homeland. That should be the only reason to go to wa... |
Society & SociologySave us from puritanical soul-torturing 'Green' people.
25 Posts • 10357 Views Psychology Forum |
I accept your apology Ophion. I know what you mean by it being exhilerating to come on strong in a discussion, but to other people I think it comes off as overly arrogant and unrespectful. A little ar... |
Art AppreciationSo called "art"
13 Posts • 6123 Views Art Forum |
If he hadn't done this exhibit, probably no one here on this forum would even know about the stray dog problem in Costa Rica. His exhibit has incited this debate here on this forum and blown up t... |
I'm Stuck In a Rut, and I Can't Move On...
23 Posts • 8237 Views Talk Talk |
If you're feeling excluded from your friends, instigate an outing with your friends that you yourself have organised. If you feel like your out of "the loop", start a new one.
And ab... |
God in ReligionGod, Heaven, and Good People
7 Posts • 3153 Views Religion Forum |
syrcadalena you have raised a very good question indeed.
If only good people go to heaven it really does make no sense that God would tell us about heaven. It would cause people to 'pretend... |
Aesthetics & BeautyOn Art
11 Posts • 5832 Views Philosophy Forum |
so what makes something art? nowadays you see a lot of this postmodern stuff, like a 10 foot pot filled to the brim with cigarette butts, for instance, and a lot of people are thinking, what the hell... |