Mental IllnessMultiple personality disorder; Disorder or defense mechanism
2 Posts • 4424 Views Psychology Forum |
I have recently read about multiple personality disorder, and have began to wonder about this one qustion. Is it a disorder? or a defense mechanism. Most cases of multiple personality disorder develop... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21984 Views Religion Forum |
Pickup, having reread your comment, aside from some errors in the science, I will have to agree with you that the motive of wanting design is to centralize the individual as the purpose of the univers... |
God in ReligionGod Is Greater Than My Understanding
18 Posts • 4527 Views Religion Forum |
A shark is really not much more then a killing machine with hardly a brain operating off of mostly instincts alone.
The dolphin however is a very intelligent animal of whom it is rumored as to have... |
47 Posts • 14929 Views Philosophy Forum |
To jayne says,.. some sort of caused curiosity instinct makes you think of that (from so many factors such as tempting, cool contrast against a norm, through past expereince knowing consequences stimu... |
FuturologyWhat do you think the Future will be like?
43 Posts • 16794 Views Science & Technology Forum |
First off all thank you for condescending your points, really helped my uneducated brain understand.
The bases of your theories contradict themself.
How can the universe expand eternally yet ti... |
47 Posts • 14929 Views Philosophy Forum |
word up, you know the deal.. and yea theres reason for every action which you can call an action reaction (part of cycle back n forth) reason= lets say chemical brain "action" causing you to... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24971 Views Religion Forum |
Can you have a mind without a physical brain? I don't think there is as much of a difference between mental and physical as generally perceived.
I was trying to ask, if we didn't think li... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46370 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
and hearing thru their eyes i could tell you being gay is predominately a genetic factor.
You do not believe experience to be a valid cause of homosexual behaviour and yet you use experience to... |
Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91139 Views Philosophy Forum |
To me, souls (if there is such a thing) and spirituality are merely physical thoughts/feelings. All thoughts/feelings only operate through a physical mechanism (the brain). Yes souls/spirituality may... |
Conscious and Sub-Consciousconsciousness - define it! Explain it! Any comments?
17 Posts • 11469 Views Psychology Forum |
consciousness. I was thinking today.... whatever! Just the fact that I was thinking about anything got me to thinking what on earth is consciousness? Biological psychologists talk about... |
PoetryMusings of the Cynics
19 Posts • 6330 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Another night alone.
Cool bedsheets warm me
like blankets of ice.
The bed is built for one
but recently held two.
It seemed to fit that way.
Now I realize
Alternate Universe Theory
22 Posts • 14756 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yeah, He could create a world like that, but the thing is that I think He didn't have that much of a choice in creating the universe, and just had to give it a number of artibary 'charctaris... |
Emotions & FeelingsExplaining your emotions
13 Posts • 3661 Views Psychology Forum |
I know wholly sees emotions as chemcials, and many do, but I believe in that only up to an extent. To fully believe that all of our emotions are involuntarily produced by chemicals in our brain totall... |
I would like to commend
14 Posts • 3759 Views Philosophy Forum |
AHAHA ekimup ... You think your on top and im at the bottom becasue someone on the internet put you high and didn't mention me? get outta here.. i was going to write that i was joking.. but that... |
Life & DeathDid Einstein unknowingly prove life beyond death?!?! This is a theory of everything
25 Posts • 63818 Views Philosophy Forum |
There is a lot of good discussion going on here, but I've got to wonder if there is a sort of human bias to all this. I certainly could be wrong, but (religious views aside) at a fundamental leve... |
Cool Psychology Stuff!
1 Posts • 4595 Views Promotional |
This store is a treasure chest - if you're at all interested in psychology you will be delighted by the contents of this site:
http://www.coolpsycho logystuff.co.uk/
Cool Psychology Stuff se... |
Life & DeathLife, what is it?
11 Posts • 3805 Views Philosophy Forum |
Regarding the possibility of life without death, it is said that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only transferred. So what we may percieve as death could be just a change in form. Given... |
Is There are real right and wrong?
61 Posts • 15656 Views Philosophy Forum |
the only two ways an "area" of my brain currently sees it is that tif there was an absolute right or wrong amung all people (at least at 1 time) is that if theres some "god" figure... |
'Absolute perfection'…
13 Posts • 9799 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok, now the opposite of God, attolia, thats a gud one!
Well, the opposite of time and space can be no time and space, but since God is everything and everything is God, so the opposite of God can... |
what is it we feel?
10 Posts • 3743 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ive been troubled lately with the issue of feelings and emotions. There are non stop scientific explanations about hormone receptors blah blah blah. But also theres the theory of the freely feeling so... |
47 Posts • 14929 Views Philosophy Forum |
Of cousre theres a reasion for everything.. you may not like thee reason or say "theres no reason for that ex:fighting" but there is a reason for you saing ther is no reaosn (casue you dint... |
35 Posts • 14271 Views Philosophy Forum |
This is all good and fine (not to mention confusing), but what if you introduce religion. I mean how could God predetermine our fate (through mathematical computations, hocus pocus, or whatever) and a... |
network marketing
4 Posts • 2264 Views Talk Talk |
I am a Quixtar IBO and I can tell you with almost absolute certainty that joining at this point will not result in becoming a millionaire. MLMs are only great for those who start them. For everyone el... |
Friends and what they mean.
6 Posts • 2816 Views Philosophy Forum |
Do you people have a particular friend in your life, which is probably a really good friend if they are to you as I am about to explain it, make you a better person by being in your life. By this I me... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDark City/Matrix theory
22 Posts • 9607 Views Philosophy Forum |
I really found the begining of the thread to be very interesting ( not that the rest was not...) the idea that our brains our tied into some machine is a provocative thought. Some time ago there was a... |