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Tagged > Book
THREAD Religion & HumanityWe as the experiment of aliens
11 Posts • 9078 Views
Religion Forum
I compleatly understand and agree we are paid slaves but were you have gone wrong is the sugestion that we are governed by aliens. I'm not quite sure why a alien raice would give us a planet then...
THREAD God in ReligionGod being the generator of space, is beyond space and therefore, can never be imagined
13 Posts • 3390 Views
Religion Forum
It is the nature of a closed system that it cannot influence whatever is outside it, but it can be influenced by those outside factors. If we look at electronics the current passing through the system...
THREAD Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15137 Views
Psychology Forum
There are two types of people that really annoy me. The first type are the unbalanced arrogant people. The ones that don't have either common sense or book smarts but don't seem to notice...
THREAD Kahlil Gibran Discussion on one writing of his pro favor? (No it is not in espanol)
17 Posts • 9412 Views
Philosophy Forum
This is a man I have studied for many years. Now if you do not know might know of his book of the Prophet. Very interesting book to say the very least and VERY easy read. It just takes your...
THREAD Paranormal & PseudoscienceMEMES!!!!
12 Posts • 3649 Views
Science & Technology Forum
"The concept of memes was basically introduced by Darwin so everyone seems to think that they must operate exactly like the evolutionary process. I disagree, but I realize I'm in the minorit...
5 Posts • 2478 Views
Talk Talk
Right this is how I got through my maths degree. 1 attend all lectures 2 do all the example problems they give you (or as many as you have time for) 3a for revision go through all your notes once c...
THREAD Are all Philisophical minds elitists?
37 Posts • 9517 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hey Spiderz - I have a 2 and a half year old... I don't approve of most of the entertainment that is out there for her or her future... So "Technically" I plan to ruin her childho...
THREAD University Students
3 Posts • 2268 Views
Talk Talk
Yes Chris, thats very pragmatic; and I like it. I've pretty much always had that feeling; that somehow, by aiming to be good at somthing; to spelcialise; you ask your own questions; and if the...
THREAD Christianitywhat's the logic in x dying for our sins?
128 Posts • 26682 Views
Religion Forum
but if you say that the bible was inspired by "god" then you can argue that every book must have been inspired by god How are the two concepts related? If God inspired the Bible then you...
THREAD Philisophy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the G
4 Posts • 3311 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yes, the movie has no point, no moral, no lesson. It's completely absurd. That's why I love it. It makes no sense. You have no idea why people are doing what they're doing. I watched...
THREAD BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11970 Views
Talk Talk
HOW MUCH OF THIS NOVEL IS TRUE? The Da Vinci Code is a novel and therefore a work of fiction. While the book's characters and their actions are obviously not real, the artwork, architecture, doc...
THREAD God in ReligionJesus of Nazareth = Horus an Egyptian God
6 Posts • 7142 Views
Religion Forum
I have recently discovered that the story of Horus, an Egyptian God is the same as the story of Jesus of Nazareth. The story has simply been retold in different coulters around the world and the lates...
THREAD Society & SociologyPopularity and open mindedness
39 Posts • 9938 Views
Psychology Forum
There are a thousand and one reasons that all point to the Bible being a book of lies, incorrect historical facts, and psychological vices. Like what? People always insist that the Bible is wrong...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57835 Views
Religion Forum
No, we are NOT held accountable for the sin of our ancestor's, we are held accountable for OUR sins. Whether you are Christian or Athiest, no one can deny we do wrong. Whether it be lying to our...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorInteresting Psyche Test
17 Posts • 12069 Views
Psychology Forum
i read a book on speed-reading and supposedly the human mind is capable of taking in whole pages at a time, just as we do blocks of words. if you think about it, you probably don't actually read...
THREAD Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16228 Views
Religion Forum
It could be that the religious fanatics have killed more than the non-believers because there's just more of them. Athiesim is kindof a new idea. I'm sure there were people long long ago who...
THREAD Societyutopian society
10 Posts • 9112 Views
Philosophy Forum
i have a question about a book or short story i read in high school. it was about a utopian society where everyone lived in happy harmony, but only because one helpless child was required to spend it...
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17362 Views
Religion Forum
"IF the Bible lied, then it would not show history in exacting detail that archeology is finding." I'm afraid thats not true, I could write a book claiming I'm Superman and mak...
THREAD Astrology, Myth Or Magic?
6 Posts • 2748 Views
Talk Talk
oh and the experience doesnt neccasaraly have to be traumatic it just has to be intense and at the right time of a persons life. This kindof reminds me of the bardo state. this is the state that one i...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsGuilt
1 Posts • 2206 Views
Psychology Forum
This thread is for any serious discussion on the topic of guilt from a psychological standpoint. I don't know very much about it but the little I have learned has caused me to notice things my in...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17183 Views
Religion Forum
Einstien would say that there was something religious about science. I would have to say that it would depend on the scientist. It is not impossible to believe in science and god or god and science. F...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15596 Views
Religion Forum
This is the place were you talk about religion - with respect ofcourse to other religions, but - you share what you believe. Sounds to me that what you are describing is the Morman church. The Morm...
THREAD Movie ReviewTotal Eclipse
8 Posts • 6972 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
"Season in hell" was my first read too. It was the cheapest thing in the bookstore and tiny and i was out of money to buy a fat book. I rediscovered him through Dylan. hmmm i think maybe the...
THREAD BooksA book like no other
10 Posts • 3536 Views
Talk Talk
My mom has always felt that way about horror movies. That it both validates people with a propensity for such acts and gives them ideas. Do you think this book is more dangerous than a horror movie...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63978 Views
Religion Forum
Manbible, Scripture reduces god to only what we can imagine. And it far more likely that scripture contradicts god. And if scripture had been written during the time of the commonplace notion of ev...
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