You don't create things that you want. You create things that you give your attention to whether you want them or not. - Chiron
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Tagged > Body
THREAD Gender PsychologyFat girl, tight clothes.
66 Posts • 70923 Views
Psychology Forum
i think imma have to agree with ya on this wandering i'm not fat at all i weigh 130 and i'm 5'4 and i had to bust my ass to gain the 28 pounds i've gained in the past few months lo...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Crimes against Humanity
0 Posts • 51326 Views
Religion Forum
Religious organizations are made up of imperfect humans. One can compile records of any religious or ethnic group known and make a case against them. But what does that accomplish? Not a thing. People...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsDoes perception match the true form?
11 Posts • 4064 Views
Philosophy Forum
Sure Summit! But the idea I was trying to get across was more that things we perceive, in particular our own body and brain aren't always perceived in common ways we use to describe them (for exampl...
THREAD ConsciousnessHow do the ideas of Universal Consciousness and synchronicity fit together?
5 Posts • 3725 Views
Philosophy Forum
I guess what I was saying that we're very much aware of the soulful and spiritual nature of each other, as it is more easily read and incorporated with our own. The essence of we feel in the body la...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42207 Views
Philosophy Forum
Here is something,,,,,we take in air, we take in food, it processes, we take in thought, we take in light, we take in pleasure, we take in water, we take in sights sounds and all other tangible and in...
THREAD Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29230 Views
Religion Forum
I think there are four ties of existence, and they are emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual. Heart, body, mind, soul. Also, they tie with okcitykid's order as in saying; spirit, mind...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhat If Everything Is Fake And You Are The Only Thing That Is Real?
46 Posts • 44877 Views
Philosophy Forum
The idea of you is the problem. In classics we have mind, body and spirit. But this can relate to a person, or the universe. Instead let us assume that the body is matter. And so in order to...
THREAD two questions
21 Posts • 8234 Views
Philosophy Forum
Very nice questions :D 1st question : *I* am not Craig James Willy. I am something (which might as well be called a spirit or soul) that uses Craig's body and life as a window to see the unive...
THREAD Religion & Humanitypro-life v. pro-choice?
18 Posts • 6030 Views
Religion Forum
The core issues: 1) When is the zygote a “human”? 2) What has the right to live? 3) Why do women get to decide on the abortion alone? 4) What is a valid reason for an abortion? 5)...
THREAD Christianityjesus finishing our sins
43 Posts • 10654 Views
Religion Forum
^^^the only reason that jesus died on the cross was for the significance of the end of offering physical sacrifices to the almighty. The end of sacrificing birds and lambs on altars, and blood sacrifi...
THREAD I am a bodybuilder and have been thinking about taking creatine
4 Posts • 3160 Views
Talk Talk
my sisters bf used to take creatine and it will screw you up chemically. It has the same effects only not as harsh as roids. It allows you body to be pushed to a level that is wouldn't be able to...
THREAD How is body and mind one?
4 Posts • 2654 Views
Philosophy Forum
Duality is illusion. Due to limitations of our experience of Time, and, subsequently, our perception of Space, we experience only one minute cross-section of reality at any given moment, one slit, and...
THREAD Visual Learning and Diagrams
2 Posts • 1864 Views
Philosophy Forum
It is commonly said that around about half (or more) of all communication is visual and about half (or more) people are more visually based learners. These amounts do tend to differ from statistic bod...
THREAD Random QuestionsShedding the Mortal Coil
18 Posts • 7243 Views
Talk Talk
After you die what do you want to be done to your remains? Donated to science creamated, buried feed to wild animals? I set up a pole a while ago and I was surprised so many folks chose the donate...
THREAD Freinds With Benefits, I Think Not
16 Posts • 6525 Views
Talk Talk
It's a chemical and obviously as your body gets use to it your body will develop a tolerance towards it. Try developing a tolerance for adrenalin or testosterone. You can't. You can train...
THREAD General HealthHealth Tips
12 Posts • 6315 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Honestly you need to discover that on your own. Everyone is different. I used to listen to people's advice, and what was good for individual but it didn't seem to benefit me. So the past yea...
THREAD Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19170 Views
Philosophy Forum
I totally agree with what your saying. I have seen people who don't know they have the power to heal there body can actually heal there body, levitate, kill someone etc....what i'm bringing...
THREAD Women are scared sexy...
24 Posts • 15036 Views
Philosophy Forum
The origional post is rather interesting- are women presured into finding other women attractive and are differennt body types portrayed in different periods of art? I think now days it is '...
THREAD Best cars
17 Posts • 10005 Views
Talk Talk
nice car, finally someone actually modding a car worth doing it to. loads of people round my home town mod their cars, but mainly it is just body kit and exhaust, and it looks ridiculous cos they p...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91100 Views
Philosophy Forum
To me, souls (if there is such a thing) and spirituality are merely physical thoughts/feelings. All thoughts/feelings only operate through a physical mechanism (the brain). Yes souls/spirituality may...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainPhysical Imagination?
2 Posts • 5245 Views
Psychology Forum
Your thought is completely made up of electrochemical impulses that stimulate neurons to fire and make thought "work". Imagination is a direct consequence of thought, therefore 'comes w...
THREAD What makes you cry?
44 Posts • 9977 Views
Talk Talk
*lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* *lol* does anybody here actually do that? why would any body?
THREAD Free Will
60 Posts • 15124 Views
Philosophy Forum
if the brain is "you," then what about when it ceases to operate? when you die, are you still conscious? your body still has a brain. or would a better physical definition of "you"...
THREAD ChristianityA Little Quiz
34 Posts • 10480 Views
Religion Forum
"Who am I talking about here? He was born on December 25th to a virgin mother; he was called a savior, the only begotten son, and died to save humanity; he was crucified on a Friday - "Bl...
THREAD I am looking for help with a survey for my philoso
7 Posts • 3455 Views
Philosophy Forum
Age – 40 something Religion – Celtic Reconstructionist/pagan Do you believe in a soul? -Aye If yes where do you believe the soul resides? – The soul, a part of the spirit self tied to...
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