Only when the human race stops growing in numbers, and starts growing in character, will it have taken a true step toward genuine happiness. - Chained Wings
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Tagged > Black hole
THREAD Wearing your seatbelt
32 Posts • 12250 Views
Talk Talk
Personally I do wear my seatbelt at all times, but I don't like it. I have a close friend who wore his seatbelt when he and some friends were going down a road and missed a sharp turn and hit a...
THREAD It's been years and still... I loved you so much... Go fu** yourself
2 Posts • 3848 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Masks and makup to cover up your lies and flaws. Plastic skin and fake hair to catch the glips of strangers to try to make yourself feel more important. Abusing of words to get your way. You with a...
THREAD spiders
42 Posts • 10401 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
For thine heart cares not of the brain, Thee heart chooses it's victims, Thy heart chooses one, and loves or hates, Thee heart loving is compassionate, Thy heart hating, shows no mercy, Lo...
THREAD Random QuestionsBattered Mars Bars
8 Posts • 7614 Views
Talk Talk
lol..rollergirl you had to is the recipe 1 cup Flour 1/4 teaspoon Salt 1/8 teaspoon Black pepper 1/2 cup milk 1 Egg 1 1/2 cups Dill pickle slices, thin Oil for frying Mix the...
THREAD so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12523 Views
Talk Talk
Lol I'm sorry I just don't see it that way. I don't need to have shared the experiences of my male friends in order to talk to them about them openly or to empathise with them. Also...
THREAD Title-less
8 Posts • 3298 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Another school sonate, it took to my inner emotions... What I have written death cannot take Nor fade that special sparkle in your eyes From God, hath her pen, the stars she did make I take tha...
THREAD Famous PhilosophersWhat would Socrates do?
6 Posts • 8890 Views
Philosophy Forum
If you were Fred would you inform your friends and acquaintances of this occurrence? I would try to hide it but if you started seeing color when you've been living in a black and white world, you...
THREAD Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22012 Views
Psychology Forum
Rap IS music. Weather you like it or not. Just because you dont like it, doesn't give you the right to declassify it. What defines music? A guitar? I'll give you a rap song with a guitar in...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyOrigin of space
12 Posts • 7471 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Yeah, black holes do not suck space itself, cause you can't suck something which doesn't exist. Anyway, it is a different matter of how the universe was created, what I am saying is that s...
THREAD How to avoid a fight?
13 Posts • 3468 Views
Talk Talk
I had a suspicion that my manager was sleeping with my girlfriend so one night i asked someone about it and they acted like it was ridiculous that i didn't know. I asked several more people with...
124 Posts • 33223 Views
Talk Talk
u lot think lyf is hard, try coping with a mother who got burnt fully head 2 toe on the second year of her marriage. had me 8 years l8. so from when i was barely able 2 walk i watch violence and t...
THREAD SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17046 Views
Religion Forum
I'm having trouble with the title itself, so let me take care of that first before I do or say anything else. From what I gathered, you never really had "faith in God" to begin with, or...
THREAD Could there be a pill for that?...
17 Posts • 5975 Views
Philosophy Forum
The sex of a baby is determined by the sperm so yeah ... would have nothing to do with the mother (off topic). I'm sure someone told you that or you read it and you just believed it. Where...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyQuantum Physics Double Slit Experiment
50 Posts • 16793 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Just a thought but . . . photon emission is stated as the result of a single electron then the aspect of elements having particular spectral emissions then the line spectrum must be the results of the...
THREAD Blackspots and Self-Communication
1 Posts • 2296 Views
Philosophy Forum
This was something I tried. Please let me if it works for you... The term 'exact middle' is used over 'middle' as precision appears to make a difference... When focusing energy...
THREAD Poetry'Untitled'
51 Posts • 13183 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
driftting though the emptiness of that field like the wind through your hair. there i found that pond in which we Stared, in to the blue abyss and dreamed. But now that abyss is made only of my tears....
THREAD BiologyScience versus Instinct
37 Posts • 11472 Views
Science & Technology Forum
think we might have skipped that bit purely for the fun of continuing to argue black is white against each other. and what word would you prefer us to use? predict fits the meaning, not psychicaly,...
THREAD Definition of Cool
4 Posts • 2839 Views
Talk Talk
I was talking to a friend of mine and we saw this car and he said "dude thast a cool car". I personally thought a 90 year old, fat, retarted woman looked much better and I asked him what mad...
THREAD In The NewsCanada, Maple Syrup Heist and the Maple Syrup Blackmarket
1 Posts • 4021 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Quebec Canada seems to have a monopoly on the maple syrup market: it produces 75% of the global supply of maple syrup. In a rural warehouse 160 kilometers (100 miles) northeast of Montreal, Quebec...
THREAD IslamDefending Muhammed
62 Posts • 15739 Views
Religion Forum
Angel of Death - You got it right. In Revelations it says, I stand at the door and knock, he who hears me shall let me in. We assume this is speaking of Jesus. Religion is much this same way. Most...
THREAD DreamsCrazy Dream
7 Posts • 4124 Views
Psychology Forum
My interpretation: me sleeping Its about you and I get farther and farther into the sky until I can see the earth When we are young we see only ourself as we grow older we see more than o...
THREAD Creative MusingsFar from above, just separate like any reservations held in fear
10 Posts • 3393 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
From A Pale Of Lights Below I shy away from that upturned glare, afraid to be seen as coming down from above with all sorts of tablets and law...but I miss that glow I used to know, the shining...
THREAD JokesKookie's Trivia
34 Posts • 13692 Views
Jokes & Games
Barbie's full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts, and she is from Willows, Wisconsin. First sold in 1959, Barbie wasn't given bendable legs until 1965. Barbie and Ken Dolls are named after Mat...
THREAD SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33433 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
America's on crack. That's what it's been playing with, mind-altering addictive and also quite illegal drugs. I have a conspiracy theory that drugs are illegal to excite people on t...
THREAD God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14454 Views
Religion Forum
There is a certain constant, which name eludes me right now, whose value determines how much atoms hold together. Below a certain value all matter heavier then helium disintegrates too quick, above a...
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