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Tagged > Belief judgement truth lies alskjdf
THREAD Beautiful Quotes
0 Posts • 817 Views
Talk Talk
The conclusions you dredge up out of that beautiful mind of yours are endless. Believe what you will. It is my belief that you will fall just like... Like VanGogh. Because no one will ever be able to...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24618 Views
Philosophy Forum
belief in god.... depends on what u define god as. personally, i think there is god....or some supernatural force... because most of the eccentrics, high profile thinkers we know have always had thi...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58972 Views
Religion Forum
Ah Patri, I do not belittle you nor your belief. Well yes false doctrine (misconceptions) can be harmful. *clown*The heyoka in me plays the trickster but it is in the spirit of fun that we see the...
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17394 Views
Religion Forum
You would think, but look what happened. Everything you just said, was speculation, assumption, and flat out wrong. Everyday people fight for different sides of equally witnessed and accounted e...
THREAD Life & DeathThe Meaning of Life
21 Posts • 8059 Views
Philosophy Forum
I understand there are probably 20 threads dedicated to this same question but I'm starting mine off with less bullshit. I was thinking about this question and it seems that the question is flawe...
THREAD @tax cuts
22 Posts • 5539 Views
Talk Talk
this probably opens up a whole nother topic that we will have to save for a nother day. Karma. every living thing has the potential to do things that are either benificial or harmfull to the world aro...
5 Posts • 2388 Views
Talk Talk
I agree, my parents are divorced and I find that being absolutely truthful is one of the most important things to be in this kind of situation or any situation where you are really close to someone. L...
THREAD People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31810 Views
Talk Talk
awakenedwraith: "and the only reason why we do not eat people-- " ..got to stop you there, like I said before, I'm not talking exclusively about cannibalism anymore, I used it a...
THREAD God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13387 Views
Religion Forum
hmmm...why be so naive about the billions of other people who don't believe in your belief system. As I said before- If one is close minded and is incapable to compare different mainstream re...
THREAD The Matrix Online
8 Posts • 4359 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
haha yes that would be rather strange, which is why it wont be done in that mannor. contrary to popular belief the Wachowski brothers are not idiots. not a heck of a lot of information has been releas...
THREAD GovernmentDoes the goverment have rights to penalis those it
67 Posts • 17368 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Teen, I watched an old movie last night which starred a younger version of Robert Redford. The plot revolved about the CIA and Arabic Oil, His best line stated how we (USA, government, CIA) Seem to ha...
THREAD War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23909 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
cturtle, it is NOT about religious freedom. Terrorists bombed Spain, killing a few hundred. They bombed Indonesia killing a few hundred, and these are since 911. Saddam is the leader of Iraq. Ira...
THREAD Relationships & LoveRelationship Problems
9 Posts • 2669 Views
Psychology Forum
just be there for her, take into consideration what she feels, a couple of weeks waiting to make contact doesn't make sense. She was the one who wanted to break it of remember? Life goes on and s...
THREAD to believe or not to belive
21 Posts • 8307 Views
Philosophy Forum
Why believe in God? for as long as many of you have been Christians or any other religion in the world, and even atheist..Why believe in God or not? Belief is not reality, it can be taken down at a...
THREAD Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8916 Views
Science & Technology Forum
No!..of course not!...Science and its efforts are the greatest and most effective means by which man can at least approach Truth within the confines of physical perception...but those confines limit m...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64074 Views
Religion Forum
You denied using mockery, that was your lie. Then you trivialized it when cornered. You have no credibility. Uh no, I'm infamous for mockery here, why would I deny it? I asked for examples to...
THREAD God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12984 Views
Religion Forum
I understand exactly what you are saying. And hopefully soon you will too. *lol* Sorry, I'm just in a good mood. But if you can look beyond the religions at the messages Dude, did you...
THREAD Christianitysecond coming
53 Posts • 16361 Views
Religion Forum
so your saying that you cant believe in something you have never seen, or experienced yourself. you need proof beyond a reasonable doubt produced by your own experience of something to believe in it?...
THREAD Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13693 Views
Philosophy Forum
you can say more or less whatever you want, as long as you are considerate of your audience. a great example of this is the cartoons of muhamed. while not said, they are something that would have been...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismA case for atheism
34 Posts • 10687 Views
Religion Forum
Kind of off thread a bit but this seemed to be the place to ask. Why do atheist (you) not believe in GOD? I tend to think along 2 lines of actions. 1) That as parents teach by their actions, their l...
THREAD Religion & HumanityApostasy
4 Posts • 2593 Views
Religion Forum
You still have free will. To be able to answer your question, you and I would need to know more about Islam's belief system and values. Islam and Judaism obviously value being a part of the group...
THREAD Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35956 Views
Psychology Forum
There are Christian Nazi's too, its not what one preaches or claims belief in, its one's actions that make them a terrorist. "..(killin old ppl, kids, n women for i duno wat reason)...
THREAD GodWhere do the ideas in religion come from?
42 Posts • 12282 Views
Philosophy Forum
i have always contemplated over the belief in "god." or i have at least as long as i remember understanding the concept of god... which was a very young age considering my family is very rel...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismWelcome to "Atheist vs. God". Join the s
64 Posts • 22587 Views
Religion Forum
I have belief in spirit & God's existence, but what others believe is up to them. I will debate with others about it as I would other beliefs to which people subscribe but I have no desire...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55476 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hey everybody. uh, i've been thinking and stuff. So like, i dont know if this post will be a waste of space...or if its something you guys would like to read...so i think i'll just post. Enj...
  54    55    56    57    58    59    60    61    62  
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