Tagged > Belief judgement truth lies alskjdf |
68 Posts • 15267 Views Religion Forum |
The Bible warns that those who judge will also be judged. As I said without judgement there would be no criminals. God set up rules and therefore we have to judge according to them or else we would ha... |
 42yrs • F
there is one one person that can pass judgement on me |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64047 Views Religion Forum |
"Um no, I would be specific but you offered no example. "
Examples you requested:
"I know I'm tired of wars over this squabble, why haven't you fixed that?... |
110 Posts • 24276 Views Religion Forum |
...it is a process only possible by Jesus's work on the cross.
wrong. jesus was a ray to tell the truth. his belief was just that he had no doubt. his belief was not belief but nowledge.he kn... |
 43yrs • M
what matters is ur belief |
 42yrs • M
Here's the truth about telling the truth, it hurts, so most of us lie. |
 42yrs • M
Truth, what is the truth? |
 52yrs • M
Believe in Truth nothing but the truth |
 35yrs • M
media is evil it truns the truth into false and false into truth |
Life & DeathLife for people in their 20's
19 Posts • 6185 Views Philosophy Forum |
Another revelation I had when I was 25 was that, as much as I devoutly believed that truth (to the purest extent) was the single best friction reducer for interactions between people on any level, It... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
Aldinsane - I agree with pretty much everything you said!
Arcadian - "I strongly believe that if I didn't constantly question things and detach myself from repressive state apparatuses(i.... |
God in Religionproofs for God's existence
23 Posts • 7419 Views Religion Forum |
Then the question arises is religion certain or do they believe? -which is a more stand out point of probability. Certainty isn't based on relgion but on personal knowledge so regardless of if yo... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAgnosticism
23 Posts • 7696 Views Religion Forum |
A belief is something accepted as truth. And like you said, that can be done without reason or evidence, Agnostics seem to avoid "believing" in things without good reason or evidence, while... |
Christianitysecond coming
53 Posts • 16355 Views Religion Forum |
Judgement Day doesn't exist.....lol......hahaha....j udgement Day is a period of time.....which is the time that we're living in now........everyday that you live a judgement takes place...it... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42419 Views Religion Forum |
"I don't believe in believing out of faith." ~DumbTeen
Yeah, uh, that is pretty much what beliefs are."
No, they are not only arbitrary beliefs. Belief can also be based on facts... |
Truth paradox
9 Posts • 3634 Views Talk Talk |
Universal truth means that everyone agrees with one truth.
However I disagree. First of all, you have to put some context into how you define truth or if there is universal truth. I believe in rela... |
 46yrs • M
Belief and disbelief require an equal measure of proof. |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122959 Views Religion Forum |
he states
"a belief in God lies mainly in an un-explainable feeling and inherent knowledge that there is indeed a "force" out there."
at no point does it say that a force ac... |
Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 12103 Views Religion Forum |
You cannot handle the truth.
It is more correct to say that one does not want to handle the truth becasue truth is usally harder to accept the lies. |
 58yrs • F
No man is great enough or wise enough for any of us to surrender our destiny to. The only way in which anyone can lead us is to restore to us the belief in our own guidance. |
Generation Gaps - Believer / Non-believer?
12 Posts • 2983 Views Philosophy Forum |
So - "Washing My Pirate" -
Am I to understand that you feel it is beyond the power of the government of any nation to do anything but create a generation gap due to the fact that they ca... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21986 Views Religion Forum |
If you want know what "a priori" actually means, you would know that does not make it valid. It only makes it a question; a question which reason is not able to answer. In fact calling this... |
SpiritualityDo aliens know about god?
12 Posts • 4397 Views Religion Forum |
both...they are both constructs of nature...of us. the differntiation lies in the depth of their belief and in what |
110 Posts • 24276 Views Religion Forum |
id hate to say that christians are suffering from bible dependence
Doesn't matter if you would hate to say it, it is true for some but not all.
There are many reasonable Christians in exist... |
ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12246 Views Religion Forum |
"Yes, do you? See how you can even laugh at that, yet I know it apply's to me, you are understanding it but think it does not apply to you, right?"
I have no idea what you are trying... |