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Tagged > Avenue of the baobabs
THREAD General HealthHoly Harmony
3 Posts • 3076 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Jonathan Goldman This was happened upon by me after some interesting research into all manner of subjects. From esoteric knowledge and the general search for the truth of human potential. Sac...
THREAD GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34204 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Well, honestly I was hoping for more to work with, but alas, we take what we can get. Wraith hit a nail on the head and nearly stole some thunder lol. Why am I using this or that labels arguements?...
THREAD Scorpion
15 Posts • 4687 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Sea Base 'Falcon's Nest' Sea of Oshkosh 1:50 A.M. "We need to adjust the plan." At the head of the boardroom table, the teenager sat as stiff as a board. His lifetime of...
THREAD ConsciousnessCan we learn to be critically self-conscious?
1 Posts • 3112 Views
Philosophy Forum
Can we learn to be critically self-conscious? In his book 'The Assault on Reason' Al Gore informs me that he concluded after talking to many candidates of both parties in the 2006 election cycle th...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107400 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Why is alcohol legal, why is marijuana not? I offhand want to say that in my entire life I have been pretty frequently exsposed to some form of drug or another, and in the cases of marijuana and al...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64040 Views
Religion Forum
Ironwood, Unfortunately our discussion has deteriorated to the point you have adopted ad hominems and mockery as your argument. What I said about perspective went right over your head. Quo...
THREAD Is This Freedom?
34 Posts • 12888 Views
Talk Talk
Gagged librarians break silence on Patriot Act Larisa Alexandrovna / Raw Story | June 1st 2006 Connecticut librarians spoke about their fight to stop the FBI from gaining access to patrons'...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27253 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
did you show me how, "homosexuality" is beneficial to even those who prefer it..over heterosexuality? If they are born or even abused into existance and it turns out that they cannot live...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64040 Views
Religion Forum
Ironwood, Your "reorganization" per se, is appreciated. Let me clarify something for you real quick. When I posted my original post on this thread it was just a passing thought on the...
THREAD Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35947 Views
Psychology Forum
But we cannot overlook the fact that many of the reasons that these people have for hating us are based on biased opinions from radical muslim clerics who use relegion as an excuse to attack innocent...
THREAD I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7730 Views
Talk Talk
Terri Schiavo, is in no pain at this time, and she deserves the right to die. I do not believe that any judge, politician, including our esteemed President, or right to life group has the right to tel...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64040 Views
Religion Forum
Look at what you are saying. God hasn't left us to wallow in ignorance. You know full well what God desires of you, that is why you can't let this go. Unfortunately you likely misinterpre...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27253 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
It's not a matter of opinion, it's a fact. Scientific studies are not proven facts, they can never include all factors. This specifically, as I stated before does not factor in prejudi...
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34659 Views
Psychology Forum
Acknowledging that women are more aggressive than men from a visual point of view in society is not biased in the least - women themselves will tell you this. I don't even know what you mean...
THREAD Who needs friends when you can write bad poetry?
17 Posts • 9072 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
A Eulogy for the Inexscusable As I sit here contemplating 2005 it's not unlike contemplating all our mutual suicides. How much of our aspirations and dreams and expectations for the past year...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62736 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Stanley Hilton, a government insider, Bob Dole's former chief of staff, political scientist, lawyer, represents 400 plus plaintiffs - most of them victims of 9/11 He had an interview with Alex Jo...
THREAD HistoryAquatic Ape Hypothesis
21 Posts • 12205 Views
Science & Technology Forum
For the past ten years, I've been looking at the evidence given for the aquatic ape theory to determine whether it's accurate, honest, and makes sense in terms of evolutionary theory. Sadly,...
THREAD Jim Colyer in Alaska
1 Posts • 2372 Views
Talk Talk
I flew to Minneapolis on September 8, 2006, changed planes and flew on to Anchorage, Alaska. I flew Northwest Airlines, using Roundtrip fare was $731.80. It was inches and feet. Things cl...
THREAD StoriesPricks Cunts & Motherfuckers: the Novel about New York City
1 Posts • 3361 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Pricks Cunts & Motherfuckers: the Novel about New York City by Wolf Larsen I was working as a catering waiter at a fashion show in Greenwich Connecticut for the day. The skinny skinny models...
THREAD Life & DeathLife: Is it now? Is it then? Is it to come?
7 Posts • 3799 Views
Philosophy Forum
The Word ¡§In the beginning was the word and the word was with Jah and the word was Jah.¡¨ ¡V The Bible There are two major things we need to notice here that seems to be so open but yet...
THREAD Funny TidbitsInteresting Facts
6 Posts • 3969 Views
Jokes & Games
1. 1,525,000,000 miles of telephone wire a strung across the U.S. 2. 101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan (Wendy) are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents that are present and don't d...
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