ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21777 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I do not think your code of conduct can ever lead to peace.
Only to retaliation after counter-retaliation. People have rights, even if they lose a war. Arrogant Frenchmen thought that winning WW1 g... |
Iain King's 'How to Make Good Decisions"
1 Posts • 3016 Views Philosophy Forum |
Continuum is pleased to announce that Iain King's 'How to Make Good Decisions and Be Right All the Time: Solving the Riddle of Right and Wrong' is now available!
'Iain King's ambitious bo... |
it was just a tit..???
16 Posts • 8714 Views Talk Talk |
this whole deal about shocking people is really just another way to break down social barriers i think. i don't really like pop stars that much or what they do to further their careers, but i thi... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36245 Views Religion Forum |
Let me show you something, and altho small detail, very significant.
Genesis 1, 1
'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth;'
There is NO timeline, there is no additiona... |
Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15263 Views Religion Forum |
I was going to post this in the segregate atheist/agnostic forum but figured this would be a better place. It hit me a bit hard so if this is removed or I'm asked to delete it I understand.
I'm sure... |
Here's about me.... now hows about you?
1 Posts • 3031 Views Talk Talk |
I know.... you've all seen it a billion times, but every time I think it it is so fun. So what do ya think........let's get to know each other. (or let me get to know you, and you I.... caus... |
ChristianityChristian Q&A
0 Posts • 3762 Views Religion Forum |
Q: Christians say that: "The Father(F) is God, the Son(S) is God, and the Holy Ghost(H) is God, but the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost is not the Father&... |
War & TerrorismExcerpt: Good morning, we're bombing Somalia, do you care?
1 Posts • 2181 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Here is a perspective you won't likely hear from most news.
Listen to Africa relations expert, Emira Woods, who is the co-director of Foreign Policy In Focus at the Institute for Policy Studie... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27638 Views Religion Forum |
Firstly, there are no accurate accounts of Muslims forcing anyone to convert before, during, or well after the Crusades. The religious incursions into Christians lands were accomplished in one manner,... |
GovernmentQuestion for Love-it-or-leave-it types
2 Posts • 3089 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
mim3 for the Maoist Internationalist Movement:
The United $tates is the world's imprisonment leader, so my
question to love-it-or-leave-it types: 1) Do you they love
Amerika because it is th... |
0 Posts • 5643 Views Philosophy Forum |
it is hard to type, i have two broken arms right now...
at the same time...
Col. Maummar Qadaffi...
one thing that he is not ambiguous about is his over-forty year belief that th... |
Law & GovernmentWhat about stewardship?
4 Posts • 3324 Views Philosophy Forum |
I totally agree with you about the concept of stewardship.
The hardest part, as you know, would be to convince a world of greedy humans who can't see past their own short lifespan that it is in th... |
GovernmentInterventionism: Suicide for the American Republic
5 Posts • 3687 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It never was more than mere example. In fact this village was (and is) Europe. Nothing of what I have said must be changed for your brief note. Obviously you are interested much more in your foreign p... |
ConspiracyDid the government create AIDS?
26 Posts • 32177 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://www.propagandamatrix.co m/multimedia/aids_manmade.html
The Depopulation programme and
the man made origins of the AIDS virus
http://www.boydgraves.c om/
"The 1971 flowchart makes i... |
HistoryAquatic Ape Hypothesis
21 Posts • 12205 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I have taken a lot of interest in this subject. One just has to take a look at a naked erect human alongside the three other apes to know some powerful environmental forces made us what we are.
Fi... |
21 Posts • 10268 Views Philosophy Forum |
No really! They co-optd the religion of the ruling nation of the land which promoted it's culture all over Africa during their 4000 year stay. Yes God wrote it, but His identity origin and creati... |
Intelligence, Memory & Brainintelligence flaw - Chomsky
5 Posts • 3174 Views Psychology Forum |
To heed your warning of avoiding isms and what not, could you specify what you see as traits of these isms and what you feel are sound arguments against the government and which are not?
Traits of... |
SocietyBarack Obama and Gandhi.
1 Posts • 2873 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
:p I got the following message in an email from the Gandhi website group because I am registered there.
http://www.MKGandhi. org
From: MKGANDHI <info@mkgandhi.org>
Sub ject: Ob... |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12648 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It looks like you did some research into this - I'm glad :)
I don't know if it was sold, buried, destroyed or moved out of country. The problem was that Saddam was not transparent in his... |
27 Posts • 9961 Views Religion Forum |
Slavery is a form of payment, or employment to the 'owner' whom is owed a debt, or a slave may enslave themselves in order to have adaquate food and a place to reside.
To become enslaved... |
Religion & HumanityReal Religion Or Cult?
5 Posts • 4939 Views Religion Forum |
*confused* To begin with I am a Rastafarian; this is not because my ancestry can be traced to Africa. Jamaica or Ethiopia. It is because of choice. Which ultimately I feel is a greater grounding in be... |
ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21777 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Just because I am 1/2 British does not mean I endorse British policies. But then you agree Arabs have reason to hate you? "
No I don't agree Arabs have reason to hate the US. Nor do... |
Christianity2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;)
19 Posts • 5971 Views Religion Forum |
This is a thread I promised to write over the weekend and only followed through on now...
"Jesus Thou Son of David..."
"Seed of David..."
There are several qualifications... |
1 Posts • 3728 Views Jokes & Games |
Attention fellow dreamers, humans, and aliens! This is your friend Karissa AKA Star Girl...
I am an aspiring radio announcer, one day I will be famous...like Angie Martinez, Big Boy, Carson Daly, L... |
ChristianityChristian Q&A
0 Posts • 3762 Views Religion Forum |
Q: Does my dog have a soul?
The bible does speak of the 'life' of an animal as being present in it's blood and there are certain commands to treat animals a certain way. Yet the bible... |