really angry at a spouse for smoking and/or sleeping with someone else besides you?? please?? |
60 Posts 26398 Views |
Here I want everyone to share the poems that have an affect on them. These are the kind of poems tha... |
17 Posts 15234 Views |
Let me know what you think :P Mine probably aren't as good as some of the others but oh well, i... |
16 Posts 5327 Views |
goin' 80 down that narrow strip of ice,
we didn't see the deer.
and as that warm rubber... |
41 Posts 13304 Views |
The window is like the breeze, against shallow curtains to our soul
Death is at ease as we silently... |
1 Posts 2200 Views |
No amount of light can change that
In the afterhours it is night
Grasped in the
Hypnotizing face... |
2 Posts 2712 Views |
This is just like Hedgehog's, just with a different scenario.
"Oh man, this is not good... |
5 Posts 2577 Views |
I was something like human
in the blue morning
when you came
to make it grey
burning grass to a... |
1 Posts 2173 Views |
A lot of times I just come up with a verse or two that have no real meaning and no real reason for b... |
1 Posts 2054 Views |
I am going to attempt to re-aquaint myself with my brain :p and evaluate this poem through different... |
3 Posts 14263 Views |
Explore yourself. |
2 Posts 2540 Views |
I am taking it upon myself to study poetry more indepth than I truly ever have. Of course, my knowle... |
5 Posts 3220 Views |
Someone reminded me not long ago that I used to write poems. And I haven't done that for so lon... |
2 Posts 2659 Views |
After a long hiatus, I'm back! Here's my latest work!
Locked Out
(The scene takes pl... |
1 Posts 2779 Views |
He heard it a few seconds before it even happened, the hocking noise of mucus being built up at the... |
3 Posts 2845 Views |
she tells me this
is real life
as she slides the
drink across the bar,
and I take... |
1 Posts 3858 Views |
In the midst of youth comes imagination, and with age comes damnation, amidst the demons of the dark... |
51 Posts 13407 Views |
You and I
You and I, we have greeted so many!
We are not evil; we want liberty.
We are angels... |
3 Posts 3673 Views |
My name is dustyn, but thaat doesn't matter at this moment. I really would like a song to sing... |
1 Posts 2432 Views |
You are my fucking everything and you don't even know it,
your importance to me is phenomenal... |
1 Posts 2974 Views |
"This is an exercise" muttered the headphones in Danielle's ear. "This is a test... |
2 Posts 2581 Views |
Stand on granite
and you'll weather any storm.
Stand on a foundation
something that is sta... |
19 Posts 6342 Views |
Love. Love love love. What is love? I think the reason why i feel so unloved is because my idea of w... |
35 Posts 9635 Views |
We want to write songs specifically for you. What does that mean you ask?
Think funny, sad, inter... |
1 Posts 2877 Views |
I am the darkest day
I am nothing but the aggressor
I am the nothing in between
I am the one who... |
33 Posts 9156 Views |