Tagged > Why do people snore |
Religion & HumanityWhy I don't preach anymore
28 Posts • 7485 Views Religion Forum |
Decius: I don't think you read Summit's post correctly. Summit's arguement is that opinions do differ between all (and including preachers a-z) because they come from different contexts... |
Habits & Behaviorzoning out
6 Posts • 4348 Views Psychology Forum |
I heard masturbation was bad for your eyesight when i was growing up.
I never heard daydreaming was. And I'm not sure why it would be. Its like your eyes are taking a break because they are no... |
PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7207 Views Psychology Forum |
I'll post that voice story thing when I've the time. Been a bit busy.
Indeed, a lot of that made sense to me. And I agree that it's probably indeed the case regarding that... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"not true. you must be reading the new york times..."
People from both parties have accused their respective rivals, as they do in every election.
"that is also not true..."... |
93 Posts • 25443 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Here we are talking of cloneing. We can attempt all day to discover if it is wrong or right. Stem Cell (as far as I know) is for the betterment of indviduals. Obviosly that's not wrong. Or is it.... |
Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6756 Views Talk Talk |
i really didn't mean to put so much blame on parents, some people are just stupid. as for getting out and taking the world, i can do that tomorrow [sarcasm] i do plan on getting out and seeing th... |
SocietyWill the Downfall of Society Save Us?
2 Posts • 2651 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think society as it stands today must fail in order for a new one to take its place, yes. There are too many people afraid of change, who will suffer through depression just because of the familiar... |
SocietyLargest worldwide protest in history
0 Posts • 2557 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Now, we are in the month of January. I look back at all those protests and ponder over their effects. It was astounding to see people of all different religions, cultures, nationalities stand together... |
War & TerrorismAl Qaida is US puppet
24 Posts • 7588 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Quantanamo detainees (1/27/09)
Quote, "The Defense Department has said as many as 61 former Guantanamo detainees -- about 11 percent of 520 detainees transferred from the detention center and... |
Habits & BehaviorWhat Star Are YOU?
42 Posts • 17224 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm on the cusp of gemini and cancer (June 21irst) which in fact is also the summer solstice. My personal take on astrology is a comparison to plant life. Certain flowers only grow at certain tim... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24975 Views Religion Forum |
my answer to you is simple...reverse the question and answer it. why does it have to have a creator? why does the world have to be ruled by something? your title of 'Aetheists Are Illogical'... |
The Sins of the Father
1 Posts • 1557 Views Talk Talk |
I've been doing a lot of thinking about this recently and I've often wondered: how far can one one reasonably hold someone else responsible for what his ancestors or countrymen did centuries... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32946 Views Philosophy Forum |
I didn't vote for Bush - sad thing is, I don't believe most people did. We have been tricked by Diebold and others to include a bought media and we're too comfortable in our living room... |
SocietyArguments for the prohibition of drugs
22 Posts • 9142 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
THX:" I am not so sure that I can agree with you. In argument 2 you suggest that it is fiscally efficient to use a blanket enforcement. I do not think that the billions of dollars we have spent o... |
Society & Sociologyfashion
26 Posts • 8636 Views Psychology Forum |
Fashion itself is not evil. Some people's appreach to it is destructive.
I have never been a follower of fashion and sometimes I have been ridiculed for this reason. That's sheep misdset ma... |
GovernmentI'm sick of government
5 Posts • 2880 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm pretty cynical but there's still a part of me that wants to believe it can be done. And yeah, if that possibility exists I think it only exists with Ron Paul.
US people need to be mo... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
I can't argue with decius at all about any single thing he just said. It becomes obvious to many people after awhile that you can't speak out against the war without being criticized for it.... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Conscious and Unconscious Duality
13 Posts • 3616 Views Psychology Forum |
I just looked up a little on lucid dreams and also the phenomena of people who dream they are awake.
This may be interesting to you Sorceress.
A false awakening is an event in which someone dream... |
GovernmentLeftwing Fascism...
28 Posts • 7162 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I would still argue that if someone, regardless of their personal beliefs, has crossed over to being an anarchist that they are members of the extreme right. Although the fact that many people are not... |
48 Posts • 12653 Views Talk Talk |
That's how is seems, lies are detected by internal fluctuations, and our brains make brainwaves that like radio waves leave our skull, they are already trying do decifer this, no it will not be h... |
Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13586 Views Religion Forum |
Just because Jesus said that there would be wars and rumor of wars does not mean he supported killing and wars. He taught us to pray "let it be on earth as it in heaven."
If there are wars... |
Gender PsychologySex, Money, and why?
8 Posts • 3719 Views Psychology Forum |
Of course, if prostitution was legalised in the sense you have outlined, then there would be less - what, prejudice? - but the thing is, realistically, even if those 'requirements' were writ... |
Societya society at eachother's throats.
18 Posts • 6541 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hehe, exactly my point Jacker. People who like to hear themselves talk hate being ignored. Same goes for people who are addicted to anger. Not getting what fuels them, a defensive response or a look o... |
SocietyGay Marriage?
17 Posts • 5297 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I once made the argument that a holy marriage is the binding of two people its gods eyes. And that if gay people want to be married they should take it up with the church and that the government shoul... |
Human Nature & Emotionemotional voids.
9 Posts • 5452 Views Philosophy Forum |
so as i was driving home i was thinking about my recent breakup with my boyfriend of little over a year. and then i was thinking about voids… and what people do everyday to fill a void they have... |