Tagged > Why do people snore |
ChristianityGay Bishop = Gay Jesus?
48 Posts • 15295 Views Religion Forum |
:D( MY OPINION (even if its true) That married things is CRAP! Jesus did not come to earth for that and He loved Mary like a SISTER!! In those days kissing wasnt strictly sexual......-_- It was an act... |
Governmenteconomic and social system in the USA?
9 Posts • 8686 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Not sure what you mean by social system but economically it works something like this :
If people need a type of goods or a service, a company, seeing that money can be made, provides the goods/servi... |
Human Nature & EmotionLoss of a loved one...
4 Posts • 2947 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have only lost two people 'close' to me, my mothers father and my father's mother... I didnt love either so when they died i went through a stage of guilt, that why didnt I feel a thi... |
Famous PsychologistsFreudian psychology... Ha!
9 Posts • 3725 Views Psychology Forum |
Of all the ways I thought to answer this I am down to simply voicing a small part of my opinion. I don't want to go off subject.
Freud like every psychoanalyst who tried to document the human... |
SocietyAmerica is F***ed
0 Posts • 1436 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Sorry for my complete and utter ignorance. How could one possibly assume that you thought this endeavor was impossible? I mean, you didn't repeat the phrase "America is f***ed" some 10... |
Kallenites, x-liberals, and Neocons, oh my!
19 Posts • 7264 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As always you're missing the point. I was agreeing with Phil about immigration. Your side has been whining about immigration for a long time. Bush should've ended it after 9/11 but he didn... |
why continue?
63 Posts • 20693 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think all intelligent people ask the very same questions. (i dont consider myself all that intellectual) but i also have asked the same questions and i think we have two options when considering thi... |
Society & SociologyThe world today.
15 Posts • 3501 Views Psychology Forum |
I see what you are saying and for the most part, i agree and admit that yes, we are indeed a primitive and barbaric people. However, what is progress without conquest and what is history, if not writt... |
SocietyWhen People Stood Up
4 Posts • 2637 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The reason why I posted this is because right away in watching the movie I found myself very disturbed in how conflicted I am.
The main points behind the philosophy of this group is that after the... |
ConspiracyExcerpt: Mainline U.S. Church Publishes Book That Claims U.S. Government Was Behind 9/11
9 Posts • 3058 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We see things differantly because we are different, and if we all saw things the same way, somethings would get missed.
I think the media has convinced us that religion belongs to the conservative... |
Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87307 Views Psychology Forum |
I am very secure about my intelligence- i'm stupid, straight up. But that doesn't stop me from being sarcastic. sarcasim isn't made by people who are insecure, it's just that there... |
Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9459 Views Religion Forum |
1. Where is the evidence that shows the bible is valid non-fiction writting?
There is no evidence, only assumption by Christians, even though much of it defys all logic and science.
The evidence... |
War & TerrorismAl Qaida is US puppet
24 Posts • 7588 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This news may prove what I have said that Al Qaida exists where US intelligence dominates. They are protected and supported by Pentagon and Feds and work as a false flag to the US interest. That'... |
Relativity:The miracle of movement
24 Posts • 6214 Views Philosophy Forum |
I hear you eye.
100% is the expectation of the end of evolution. But this is true only if a beginning is assumed. *lol* Without assumptions or expectations, everything is perfect(100%) the way It is!... |
Perfect Polygraph?
3 Posts • 1888 Views Philosophy Forum |
This may be a bit of a weird concept, and some may consider a bit of a obstruction of privacy, but here goes...
With all the expense of crime, the effects of legal drugs, the victims and their pers... |
SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33468 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
It is not about hurting, it is about causing fear.
But terrorists are causing fear by HURTING people.
Do you think America is the only country that is being attacked? Have you heard of the Bal... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33991 Views Religion Forum |
Let's see, the past 8 year's religious conservatives have been running the country.
A couple of wars and a crumbling economy of the most powerful nation in the world later, here we are.
How, let... |
PoetryHeres a little poem i wrote for people to know me by.
3 Posts • 2668 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
The Cold love
This place, My face, This race, It all came to disgrace. This love, This cold bitter love, Which has been given, Is driven, Deep into my soul,
Like a deep black hole. I'm torn,... |
93 Posts • 25443 Views Science & Technology Forum |
We wouldn'f follow the bible if it said to kill all faggots because it would never say that. If it said that then we would know that the bible is not true. The bible has legitimacy b/c it is base... |
ChristianityWTF Christianity
6 Posts • 2934 Views Religion Forum |
No, not everyone does know, it's just as corruption and mental prisons in so many forms are not well known.
It could be argued that this is well known, but it is not the prevalent societal nor... |
PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7207 Views Psychology Forum |
I too related to many of the things that you described. Being bullied at various stages of schooling life, not being able to look people in the eyes, being extremely self conscious walking through uni... |
93 Posts • 25443 Views Science & Technology Forum |
for those who have trouble mixing religion and cloning - God is perfect, man was created in Gods image. if we have the abilty to clone whole humans, God is allowing us to do so.
as was discussed b... |
GovernmentFive Reality Checks For Democrats
12 Posts • 4534 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Iraqi Election Creates Unusual Alliances
http://start.earthl ink.net/newsarticle?cat=0& aid=1129050550_5301_lead_story
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Doubts about holding Iraqi national elections on Jan. 30 pro... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceMEMES!!!!
12 Posts • 3660 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I've been very fascinated with memetics for a while now. I would shy away from using the term parasite as it has very negative connotations for people. I like the definition in this video which i... |
64 Posts • 19308 Views Philosophy Forum |
Personally, I find it harder to believe that everything that is is just coincidence than God exists. There are numerous physic constants that are infinitally precise that allow life to occur. It has b... |