Tagged > What makes women superficial |
Self-centered or introspective?
28 Posts • 16573 Views Philosophy Forum |
you can be introspective and still be interested in other people. take me for example; i am very interested in how everyone operates and what interests them and why it sparks that interest... but at t... |
99 Posts • 21720 Views Philosophy Forum |
How about this, when the tree falls, it makes vibrations that could be interpreted as sound, but since there is no one there, there are only vibrations.
You have done something wrong as soon as the... |
Infinite universes from Matter and Anti-Matter
39 Posts • 10654 Views Philosophy Forum |
Everything and everything that will be and has been is coexistant with reality. All knowledge is here and always been here, it's the descovery part that makes it new. The universe had always been... |
Having Kids
49 Posts • 20522 Views Philosophy Forum |
Gee sounds familar some how , did we do this one before?
many women comijng up on the change find the thought of not being or having the choice, seem to want to do so before it is to late.
Kind of a... |
Random QuestionsFlatulence when is it OK?
16 Posts • 21502 Views Talk Talk |
@sunonleaves: Sounds like a lovable guy.
My hubby and me have been ove the farting part, well where its still embarassing, for a long time and now just start laughing when it comes in the most untim... |
Age/sex make us feel different about posts?
14 Posts • 3630 Views Talk Talk |
I really try to understand the point one makes. If it is well explained and the person has a way of backing up their points of view, I try not to brush it off. Even it its gross, sexist, racist or big... |
Death Penalty
54 Posts • 12932 Views Talk Talk |
The human rights activists started screaming.:)
Seriously though, financially, it makes sense. Life without parole costs taxpayers no small amount of greenbacks, and it's cheaper for a syringe... |
Society & SociologyPoluting the gene pool and wasting tax money
9 Posts • 3377 Views Psychology Forum |
im not jealous, personally i dont want 6 kids by 6 different women, ones confusing enough (woman that is, i dont have kids). sometimes beating the system is admirable, finances for uni in the country... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhole is more than the sum of its parts?
14 Posts • 3932 Views Philosophy Forum |
The obvious is too often forgotten. It is the first step to clarity.
Emotion; yes that could be something. Emotion exists in our minds beyond the fact of the matter. But its more than just emotion.... |
StoriesWar Scene
1 Posts • 3438 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I've been writing a book, this is an extract from it:
Red thunder flashed acrss the tear filled eyes of innocent children, as the black sky looked down upon the dry land with gloom. Dead trees... |
God in Religionproofs for God's existence
23 Posts • 7422 Views Religion Forum |
"i'm not sure i follow. you're saying that since life is nesasary to observe the universe the universe has to have life and hence is probable? that may be completely wrong, but i didnt... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17048 Views Religion Forum |
Anything can be used to promote evil. Yes I admit religion may be the most powerful tool to aid those implementing evil. It allows the despotic to claim a divine right to do their harm.
However I... |
Don't let people tell you what to do
13 Posts • 4440 Views Philosophy Forum |
Our world is based upon rules, who makes the rules? how do we know the rules? why do we feel guilty?
What are the real rules in life? physics contains a set of rules that things obey, where do we get... |
Random QuestionsFirst kiss.
37 Posts • 9245 Views Talk Talk |
You know, i just recently learned that it is not always your very first kiss that you remember most. It is sometimes not even the first kiss with the person you love. It is that kiss that defys the od... |
Australian pub bars heterosexuals
1 Posts • 1647 Views Talk Talk |
Dude, I would so laugh if they banned hetero marriage somewhere. I hope you like hypocricy sandwich served cold biatches.
Excerpt: BBC
Monday May 28, 2007
Comment: If "Australia's e... |
Society & SociologyArrrghh Some people
3 Posts • 3491 Views Psychology Forum |
Some people are genuine, honest and good. Others are false and bad. The key to knowing which one is which is intuition. You cant really teach it but you can help others open up to it.
My tip would... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34670 Views Psychology Forum |
Acknowledging that women are more aggressive than men from a visual point of view in society is not biased in the least - women themselves will tell you this.
I don't even know what you mean... |
Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11372 Views Psychology Forum |
Wyote, both sexes seem equally affected to me, no matter what they both feel they are getting the shaft. It's also obvious that women do get the shaft (pun inevitable) due to a traditional subser... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Applejacks! now your talking!
Reading is great- although i typicly read only non fiction- I too find TV very tiresome - commercials infuriate me! it just makes the whole experience not worth it - a... |
Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87305 Views Psychology Forum |
Decius: You are probably right that I am distorting the definition of sarcasm here. I hadn't gotten much sleep when I posted that and even I don't really agree with myself when I read the po... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39618 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think the question is do you believe god created the universe or do you think that god exists within ones being? There are many concepts of belief along with all the various religions. So Why! is a... |
That time of the month!
19 Posts • 5689 Views Talk Talk |
it's rubbish you know, about testosterone being a violent chemical. Testosterone elevates libido. It's just in the animal kingdom (and some times with humans) mating requires you fight for y... |
Emotions & FeelingsThe goodness in humans
0 Posts • 2168 Views Psychology Forum |
Is anyone familiar with coldplays CD Parachutes? number 1 on that CD makes me feel as though the world is perfect! NO one hates on anyone, Love and peace surround the atmosphere, "WE LIVE IN A BE... |
Human Nature & EmotionMy Happiness Equilibrium Theory..What Do You Guys
22 Posts • 12045 Views Philosophy Forum |
:) I do not believe happiness is a state of mind for it is an emotion that is affected by its surrounding which is what makes us humane. I do believe that there is an equilibrium balance because every... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25014 Views Psychology Forum |
Another thing, people say you can feel in a dream, but that is not a 'true' feeling, we just feel from memory. Like you can almost 'taste' the foods you love. Also, although you ex... |