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Tagged > What makes women superficial
THREAD PoetryThoughts Unchained
40 Posts • 10958 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
The Meaning of Life. You search for happiness, but happiness derives from meaning. So you wonder what is your meaning, what makes you complete. And so far, youve found no meaning. L...
THREAD so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12770 Views
Talk Talk
I suppose there is some truth to the statement that a girl who is more of a tomboy does tend to have a more athletic physique, my gf for example has more solidly built legs than most of the other girl...
THREAD ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43988 Views
Religion Forum
"I see no point in perpetuating a lie. Rights are never divinely given. They are always given by a man. Usually that man claims (and he may even believe it) they are divinely given to make himsel...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionIs love real?
10 Posts • 3623 Views
Philosophy Forum
wow you can think.. lol jk.. ummm that is interesting.. but even tho you haven't had the same things happen to you, you are made up of the same stuff and require the same basic needs to be satisf...
THREAD SpiritualityRight or Wrong - Good or Bad - Righteous or Evil
8 Posts • 3644 Views
Religion Forum
What is it all about. Did we really do something wrong or did we really do something right or did we just imagine it. We think we know the differance, most of us agree. But then most of thought sla...
THREAD Perfect Mate
17 Posts • 9140 Views
Talk Talk
My perfect mate IS my wife. She is beautiful, smart, sexy, and I can talk to her about absolutely anything. She is my best friend. I cannot live without her, and CAN live with her. We have so many s...
THREAD "It's not all relative"
12 Posts • 3650 Views
Philosophy Forum
What about man being the protector-breadwinner and women being the child-raiser? Can I say that a "true man" should hold his emotions in in order to survive and ensure the survival of his fa...
THREAD JokesMen vs. Women
4 Posts • 5776 Views
Jokes & Games
My advice to women - If he gets jealous of other men looking at you, run away. My advice to my brothers - If she does not like her father, there is a good chance she will not like you. I was mar...
THREAD Just For FunSarcastic Horoscopes
20 Posts • 49641 Views
Talk Talk
According to the dictionary: A bitch is a female dog. A slut is someone who's considered promiscuous. But if you want to add your bitter, twisted opinion of women in there, that's fine....
THREAD Sexually Transmitted DiseasesThe AIDS Thread
0 Posts • 1251 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Not kidding, I've fucked about 1,000 different women including anal. Some were prostitutes and I didn't use a condom AND, in two cases, there was blood on my dick. Got tested recently. No...
THREAD Religion & HumanityHow Close is Male Chauvanism to Religon?
3 Posts • 2352 Views
Religion Forum
I was asked about the beginning of the use of Time pieces, and Calanders and all that, and it lead me to post this thread... *confused* Can we continue to ignore the place of women in the mind of Go...
THREAD Frosty Spring
1 Posts • 2935 Views
Philosophy Forum
A pure, humble life is a healthy, beautiful life. That is my philosophy. The word beautiful belongs to pure, healthy nature. As someone once said, 'Health is beauty, beauty is health.' In order for th...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionThe greatest emotion of all
37 Posts • 9677 Views
Philosophy Forum
Is it possible that the greatest emotion of all is Sadness? Sadness is the underlying emotion of any good deed. If you wish to help some one it is because you are sad at their plight. Or you do it so...
THREAD War & TerrorismTen years after "war on terror"
11 Posts • 4537 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
DEA makes living on drug case. FBI makes living on terror case. Without these cases, they lose value to exist. So if there is none, they create one. To expand their power, DEA invented "War o...
THREAD Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views
Psychology Forum
yes two years is not too long in real time. but considering the fact that i have talked to this man more than i have spoken collectively to everyone else in the rest of my life, that two years is quit...
THREAD Touching a Girl
4 Posts • 5394 Views
Talk Talk
ok......as a woman....if she didnt like it or didnt want you to do it she would probably tell you...i would,or maybe she would give you a subtle signal, like moving your hand....you could also talk to...
THREAD Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14995 Views
Psychology Forum
So it's ok to wear painful heels and constricting jeans on a daily basis to attract guys? That all women have to do is be practical (not wear mini skirt in winter but in summer)?
THREAD More guys than girls on these forums...why?
39 Posts • 11274 Views
Talk Talk
Calm down Attolia what Decius says is true. Name something a woman has invented. The over whelming majority of it is men. But, it's not their fault. Men historically have been more encouraged to...
THREAD Gender PsychologyYou Are Not A Feminist If...
20 Posts • 9481 Views
Psychology Forum
Inner beauty, for those with souls to feel it, AND outer beauty. And the two should have a direct link. But by using the rhetoric of oppression, something is obviously not right with these women...
THREAD Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14995 Views
Psychology Forum
Women choose the pain. They know that walking on heels causes pain. The only way to get them to stop is to make a rule against it. Which would you rather have freedom or opression? Order or chaos? Do...
THREAD IslamMuslim women who cover their hair
27 Posts • 77118 Views
Religion Forum
So loving a fat guy for his money is better than loving a women with big breasts.
THREAD Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeWhat is TRUE KNOWLEGE
6 Posts • 3988 Views
Philosophy Forum
True knowledge is numbers. Men lie, Women lie, numbers don't.
THREAD Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38019 Views
Psychology Forum
Dugbug I am so impressed with your insights and obvious intelligence at only 14 years! Thank you for having the courage to dispute the myths of rape. I have never stated that I endorse provocative...
THREAD so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12770 Views
Talk Talk
you have a more than slightly strange sense of fun code warrior. I would agree that i'm fine talking to girls about most things (and my gf anything) but i wouldn't say some of the topics are...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73107 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
women can get sex anyitme they want, guys approach them all the time from all directions sometimes whistling from cars, or as theyre walking down the street. Womena re the choosers, they choose who th...
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