 33yrs • F
I'm not Addicted, I just don't want to quit. |
 49yrs • M
hmm, weird... |
Best Friend=Nightmare
31 Posts • 8871 Views Talk Talk |
lookim the same age as you and i know that chicks can be weird. but i do drama and well have for the past three years and we arnt weird. she sounds as thogh she is just insecure and that she is a cool... |
 38yrs • F
weird and strange but sexy in a soft way |
 33yrs • F
HALLO!!!! |
 55yrs • F
"When the going gets tough, the weird turn pro" - Raoul Duke |
About You / IntroductionsWhat's In Your Name?
92 Posts • 27145 Views Talk Talk |
i needed a game name and since im weird i just put down zyphon. (zi-faw-n)
wouldnt it be weird if i was sleeping. zzzzzz
and then the phone rang. z phone.....zyphon! that would... |
Weird ThingsThree weird things you're grateful for.
33 Posts • 10540 Views Talk Talk |
I can't so much call it weird itself, but more weird that I'm thankufll for it, them, though understandible from many philosophic perspectives.
Pain and sufferiring. |
Weird ThingsFood. Weird Food
40 Posts • 13764 Views Talk Talk |
i don't eat meat so i guess im limited on weird foods. I did have a banna pepper sandwich.. Some would think thats weird i suppose. |
Weird PM
3 Posts • 2688 Views Talk Talk |
did anyone else get a weird PM in their inbox asking for help to withdraw funds from a bank. and does anyone know how or why it got there? i can understand it getting there on a normal email account b... |
 39yrs • M
Please dont say i'm crazy, i've tickled all your sences in a second. |
GodGod Life and Mind
41 Posts • 9906 Views Philosophy Forum |
are you guys really 15?
i agree he has alot of unorthodox insight. he seems incredibly smart and rooted, weird for a 15 year old.. weird to me anyways b/c when i was 15 i was dressed up in A&F c... |
Word GamesA fun game to play
584 Posts • 104181 Views Jokes & Games |
lalalalalalal looopty looopty in da head.
soory if i have seemed a bit weird of late but my being weird is better than me being angry. |
Rehab & AddictionI need a cigarette
18 Posts • 19417 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
How come I have been smokin for like 3-4 years and I'm not addicted?
I mean I dont have the usual problems( headache, crankiness etc) if I take a break for a few weeks or even a month.
The re... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainWeird things you do when you stay up too late
11 Posts • 7733 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm talking about really weird things, like hallucinate, and the regular, out of time things, like walk in freezing rain.
My mind feels different after midnight...I think and feel differently.... |
HomosexualityAm I weird?
7 Posts • 4210 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I have a huge question. I have always been the type to be alone not have any friends. I find it very pleasing. Then, came high school I kept staring at this kid. Thinking wow Irish I was like him. We... |
ElectionsWestern World, Here We Are!
2 Posts • 2360 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hmm . . . the US election is becoming downright weird Weird ?*confused*
We're running out of time to solve our problems.
Anyone know what the answer is?Mind repeating the question again?
I a... |
whats friendship?
14 Posts • 7635 Views Talk Talk |
alcohol solves some problems !
it brings people closer
and helps them have a good time
sometimes it helps them to relax and even study ( weird huh that's how it works for me)... |
17 Posts • 7592 Views Talk Talk |
chained wings and mugan you guys are both correct i never really thought about it like that. I always felt weird when i used to watch porn (years ago) and stoped because i thought it was kind of fucke... |
Habits & BehaviorCrazy
19 Posts • 6547 Views Psychology Forum |
I suppose one could say "crazy" means thinking constantly and of "weird" things in terms of society and it's accepted standards. But I believe my mind is relatively unrestrict... |
ChristianityGive up sin?
22 Posts • 5963 Views Religion Forum |
I like the responses, but it just seems weird... to me. I know there's some chance that I can't even comprehend the transition from life to death, but just imagining and being consciously aw... |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301749 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I know, I agree, and I have no freakin clue.
That would make for one big turtle head.
The best I can gather is that its some weird skinned or hairless dog, bear, big cat, or something with a to... |
9 Posts • 3394 Views Psychology Forum |
Sounds like some very wise advice from Sorceress. I once tried to keep a dream journal and the more I would become aware of my dreams, the more weird reality would seem when I'd wake up so I stop... |
Internet Vulnerability
11 Posts • 2835 Views Talk Talk |
How much of the stuff we share on the internet would we actually share with a person in real life? I'm referring especially to the poetry section. I was reading the beginning of a poem by OkCityK... |
Nature & GeographyWeird: Orchis Italica aka Naked Man Orchid
1 Posts • 60068 Views Science & Technology Forum |
A very weird flower - the petals are the shape of seemingly naked little men. Some petals even look like they have faces on them. |