Relationships... or Lack Thereof
7 Posts • 3368 Views Philosophy Forum |
i realise i am still very young and dont have a true grasp of the whole "relationship" thing yet. i am in fact, much less experienced in that department than most of my peers. but i do feel... |
The "What probably is = what is" fallacy
31 Posts • 9388 Views Psychology Forum |
but yet again you are so tragic and serious. what do you think abt the people who don't give a damn and just play the game for the sake of playing...some children never learned how to play joyful... |
About You / IntroductionsHow's it going?
5 Posts • 4416 Views Talk Talk |
This is true. You've got to hand to Orwell. He really saw something happening to us as a species. I think we'll collectively be able to break the addiction if we realize that this isn't... |
Reality & Metaphysicsdeluded reality
7 Posts • 3737 Views Philosophy Forum |
Books, multimedia can you really believe any of it sure I agree it helps you form perspective view points on life and everything else, but if those views are based on fallacies is it really worth it?... |
philosophy of friendship
31 Posts • 17941 Views Philosophy Forum |
hmm, friends.. what a very iffy subject, to me friends will leave you, nobody can keep a secret,their human, humans are selfish. the only person you have is yourself, you can only rely on yourself. yo... |
Riddles & PuzzlesBuddhist riddles/interesting philosophies
65 Posts • 41323 Views Philosophy Forum |
A lot of philosophy is interpreted through logical reasoning. However some philosophy is beyond that. Metaphysics is generally not fallible, testable or provable. There is no valid set of empirical ob... |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24284 Views Religion Forum |
life is not a test life. life is not a struggle. life is not a gift. life is an experience, and each persons is as different as the next. do not try to catorgoize something on such a scale as life. ex... |
SocietyIf You Believe Strong Enough, It Can Happen
6 Posts • 5711 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
In the Scriptures of Thomas (not found in the Bible) we find that
(48) Jesus said: If two make peace with one another in this one house, they will say to the mountain: Be removed, and it will be r... |
Atheism & AgnosticismA case for atheism
34 Posts • 10682 Views Religion Forum |
Very true, the obvious creations of science are all around us and youd have to be mad to dipute that, cant really say that about the theory side of science though,in regards to super dimension string... |
Questions ...........
3 Posts • 3084 Views Philosophy Forum |
Do we ever stop to questions ourselves the lives we have been living ? Some of us have later found out that we have dearly love one somewhere out there in the world.......... What would you do if foun... |
Gender PsychologyWhat kind of guys do chicks like?
55 Posts • 22926 Views Psychology Forum |
"actions speak louder then words"--cliché? But so true. Don't let her think your a bank machine, but doing small things like calling just to say hi, or carrying her stuff, giving her f... |
Basic Friend, What are the Fundamental Trusts?
2 Posts • 2930 Views Philosophy Forum |
What does a friend expect of himself? And you? Between two people, expressed and implied 'contracts' structure cooperative, supportive relationships where goods, services and intangibles, ( like emoti... |
GovernmentI Was Right - Bush Just Wants Black People To Die
7 Posts • 3492 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
In an email message to John McCain posted earlier on on e-thePeople.org
http://www.e-thepeople.org /article/41611/view?viewtype
--------------- -----------------
New Orleans was a disaster. It&... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34664 Views Psychology Forum |
I have to say, most of these replies are what I expected: blame me for the hurtful actions of women. Of course it has to be my fault, because it could never be true that women do actually seek abuse,... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat Gods or Goddesses do you believe in
31 Posts • 9976 Views Religion Forum |
I believe in God, but not the form most people do. In the Bible, it says simply God is love. I believe that God is the embodiment of love in it's purest form, meaning he literally is a multi-dime... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55451 Views Philosophy Forum |
ekiump It is true that you could be right. You have used logic in arriving at your beleifs. But however no matter what you beleive it is nothing more than the same beleifs as others have. As I said to... |
Is it?
21 Posts • 6711 Views Talk Talk |
the fact that people search for god merely for comfort is what is absurd. everyone feels alone sometimes, at that point Donnie feels particularly alone. maybe he is, maybe he isnt. whats important is... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64046 Views Religion Forum |
If you take creationism as a fairy tale story. It really is good, and there is a moral. I think, some day all religious people will agree on that. Agree that this was the true purpose of this inspired... |
hi my names chopped liver
17 Posts • 5435 Views Talk Talk |
indeedly brave i had the same situation as fairy boy but backwards i asked a grl to become closer than acquaintances (lets just be friends) she says and it tore me up. next wk i hear my coworker bragg... |
7 Posts • 3361 Views Talk Talk |
[heyjme1] huh never had a pigeon story end like that or even start like that*lol*. I guess not every light is brought forth by dark. And true although death is part of nature it sucks that after my ef... |
Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21560 Views Religion Forum |
You are right. That is why he came into the world! But it was not an aimless death, it was to die for our sins.
Ask your self this. What made 11 misfits be willing to die preaching the message of... |
PBR Opinions
2 Posts • 3409 Views Talk Talk |
Curious as to your opinions of the PBR in a few areas..
1. Do you like the PBR?
2. FOr those that Do does it seem that the Bulls have gotten tougher more... "thinking" over the past fe... |
Well guys...consider this my official goodbye
17 Posts • 5872 Views Talk Talk |
I spent two years on a missile guided destroyer - Charles F. Adams DDG-2 then two years on Surabachi. It was Amo supply ship. The next ten years in the Navy I never saw another ship. Strange but true.... |
Life & DeathDeath
4 Posts • 4303 Views Philosophy Forum |
How can we ever believe that death is painfull if no one has lived the experience and was able to tell about true death? |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31954 Views Psychology Forum |
Well its all a question of admiring them without seeming perverted (which I wasn't very good at a few years ago). Rather I usually either try to be discreet or better yet compliment them. Obvious... |