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Tagged > True feminist
THREAD Aesthetics & BeautyBeauty
34 Posts • 17286 Views
Philosophy Forum
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as the saying goes, true beauty as many of you have stated comes from the qualities within us. But it is a sad fact that most people only see what is on the outsi...
THREAD ChristianityIs anyone here...
60 Posts • 13717 Views
Religion Forum
no religion is completely true though there are some that seem to come remarkebly close so searching for a true religion is folly while searching for truth within religion is a worth while pursuit. it...
THREAD DrugsAcid as a Catalyst
11 Posts • 3485 Views
Psychology Forum
"What part do you not understand that drugs are an abuse that no good will ever come of it." Restless, do you really think "because I said so" is going to convince anybody? Plea...
THREAD ChristianityI've searched everywhere for the true church,
23 Posts • 8512 Views
Religion Forum
Believers and non believers can both be arrogent, you are right. Faith is a trust, a belief in something you cannot see. the true church is within yourself... not withing organized religion, st...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhat If Everything Is Fake And You Are The Only Thing That Is Real?
46 Posts • 44906 Views
Philosophy Forum
The problem is that the human mind longs for closure. You are trying to find a particular google of an angle in a circle. What I mean is that you could hypothesize all your life and never find the clo...
THREAD ChristianityMisrepresentation
81 Posts • 21655 Views
Religion Forum
I say I don't know for sure. I do know what you believe, I used to believe it. If it helps you. I will tell my whole story. I have been baptized four times. I don't know how many alter ca...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9455 Views
Religion Forum
So... You will accept logic. Alright, good. When I said they were wrong, that didn't mean in all aspects. Summit set it up as saying that if there is truth, everyone would accept it and it wo...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Spreading
98 Posts • 20499 Views
Psychology Forum
Not true knowledge. It is very, very hard to explain this through language. Imagine eductaion as a factory. In it the little pieces are run through an assembly line. However, the very start of that...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Crimes against Humanity
0 Posts • 51326 Views
Religion Forum
I knew a Catholic Layleader while I was in the Navy. The most gentle and kindest man I have ever known. He go out and spend his own money on board games to play with the snipes who were unable to go o...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityAnti-morality: a new, justifiable theory to live b
15 Posts • 6013 Views
Philosophy Forum
And for those of you who think questioning authority is bad or immature, grow up and wake up. Foundations untested are the danger, not the questions that seek honest truth, that only becomes danger...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122958 Views
Religion Forum
"Well, God appears to be the most logical reason for this universe etc." That seems to an overstatement. There's nothing logical with saying that a ALL GOOD and ALL POWERFUL being e...
THREAD Relationships & LoveMen and Women don't want the same things, so why bother?
14 Posts • 6107 Views
Psychology Forum
Why bother with the fantasy in the first place then? If it's just about species perpetuation? The fantasy evolved because it conferred a reproductive advantage. Evolution doesn't care one w...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist or Agnostic?
8 Posts • 3400 Views
Religion Forum
I think the question of whether or not I'm an atheist or an agnostic is purely a matter of perspective. When a believer asks me whether I believe in the existence of god, I say no, so from hi...
THREAD A new theory about why world peace won't happen
12 Posts • 3292 Views
Talk Talk
Chris, so if people sincerly preach what they consider to be true, because we know that nobody agrees on that, then its okay to preach as long as they arent lying. World peace will never be attained b...
93 Posts • 30404 Views
Philosophy Forum
I can't answer how one gets, earns or qualifies to, for heaven - I don't even want to try - On that one, you got to ask the owner. I knew a Protestant layleader in the Navy, he was a good...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42145 Views
Religion Forum
Is it true that the glass is half empty - yes, absolutely Is it true that the glass is half full - yes absolutely In choosing to see the glass half full I might turn my head to some negatives...
THREAD Would You Tell?
21 Posts • 6558 Views
Philosophy Forum
if the meaning of life was explainable to you it doesnt mean you had acheived it and what if it was some thing that only through out a life time could be acheived then i bet you would had been plzed y...
THREAD Anarchy... don't you need a rule for that?
48 Posts • 11461 Views
Philosophy Forum
it seems everyone believes that anarchy does not work because our ugly human nature will always win out. we humans are greedy and selfish and violent and if there were no laws to hold us back then we...
THREAD PoetryThoughts Unchained
40 Posts • 10955 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
The Meaning of Life. You search for happiness, but happiness derives from meaning. So you wonder what is your meaning, what makes you complete. And so far, youve found no meaning. L...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42262 Views
Philosophy Forum
"I'm not saying we all necessarily do that but that we definitely can. Psychically connecting to the buffalo itself, I would think, would be a farely advanced method but that would be one wa...
19 Posts • 6688 Views
Philosophy Forum
Math is a collection of internally consistent systems. Math itself is rarely true in the sense that it can apply to our universe. That's physic's job : to apply some of math's systems...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyOrigin of space
12 Posts • 7523 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Yeah, black holes do not suck space itself, cause you can't suck something which doesn't exist. Anyway, it is a different matter of how the universe was created, what I am saying is that s...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsWhatever needs to be discussed
43 Posts • 9455 Views
Religion Forum
C.S. Lewis, Norman Geisler, and any theologan worth a second thought don't collapse into "Oh well, it must be a miracle which we weren't meant to understand". They provide very good rea...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39608 Views
Philosophy Forum
Most Assuredly, I say to you that the simple answer that it was for his Glory and Honor is true. He makes the answer so simple because He wants his true children to see that it is just that simple. Un...
THREAD Ballhog
1 Posts • 2945 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Ballhog by Cory Rice "Mommy, Daddy, big brother will not share with me" I've been called alot of things A ballhog and in flight the wings The center of attention is where I like...
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