Life & DeathDealing with death
9 Posts • 3405 Views Philosophy Forum |
How do you deal with a dead person's absence? They are not there anymore. You won't see them again. Your memories of that person might wither with time.
My grandfather died a few days ag... |
Rant OnMy letter to YOU.....(my little vent/rant)
9 Posts • 3271 Views Talk Talk |
I don't know if this has been done here....but I want to write a letter to someone and NOT send it......So, feel free to write anything on this post to anyone you want saying anything you want...... |
Relationships & Lovenobody loves me!
0 Posts • 31969 Views Psychology Forum |
Whenever I feel unloved, I get this automated mental slap saying, "Hello? Look at the people around you." I listen to the voice and realize that people do love me (you can always tell this b... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17049 Views Religion Forum |
"Even Jesus himself said "Do not worship me, but worship God"
Please post the biblical passage where Jesus said this.
I wouldn't spend much time looking for it though, becau... |
Ethics & MoralityEthical Question Relating to Stem Cells From A Baby
5 Posts • 4291 Views Philosophy Forum |
So the idea about abortion was just a sidenote but I can see there are discussions here too.
I find it rather silly really. America is the only civilized country who hasn't figured out and st... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77274 Views Psychology Forum |
No stupid people don't absolutely have stupid kids in every situation. There are no absolutes in my opinion. There are no complete truths, but there are alot of stupid fucking people that I hate.... |
30 Posts • 16479 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
319. Sobbing dog (6/12/05)
A decade ago, I was charged by a dog several times. The dog rushed to me, looked like intending to bite my hand. I had to raise the hand high to avoid to be bit.
Late... |
Science vs ReligionMiracles
9 Posts • 3616 Views Religion Forum |
Maybe the window was rolled down but you didn't realize it.
When I was aboard ship, there was a time once when I thought I saw a UFO and I reported it to the bridge and it turned out to be a h... |
War & TerrorismFrom Iraq
9 Posts • 3393 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I really don't like the goverment, or the military. However that aside stop loss has to stop. The way I look at it, if we are in a war on terror, which has no definable end then how can they use... |
War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23911 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Are you suggesting that he purposefully attempting to wipe out a people?
Nonesense, he is neither intentionally or unintentionally doing anything near genocide.
The low number of deaths in these rec... |
FuturologyIt's time for a revolution
20 Posts • 7052 Views Philosophy Forum |
Alright, I'll agree to give you my results in a week's time but it should be understood that I live on a college campus now which is obviously more liberal than 'the real world'. D... |
Christianityjesus finishing our sins
43 Posts • 10688 Views Religion Forum |
i meant that the people who MADE the christian religion or spraked it off set it up (written down) Morals... more than other religions around that time n place.. so thats why it spread becasue we have... |
DepressionLoss of Passion
9 Posts • 7193 Views Psychology Forum |
I remember when me and my girlfriend could talk for hours about anything. I remember when we flirted with each other and desperately tried to get one another's attention. We were in love and almost in... |
67 Posts • 18856 Views Philosophy Forum |
Fate IS dogshit
How can you say that ones life has no free will and that if someone believes in free will, its actually fate.
I used to think this way, but i have realized through all my experiences... |
War & TerrorismSuspicious Israelis Caught Near US Nuke Plants
4 Posts • 3371 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Israelis led Sheriff on high-speed chase near nuclear facility, dumped vial of unknown substance, gave officers false ID.
Two Israelis were arrested yesterday under suspicious circumstances after l... |
Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12471 Views Religion Forum |
Religions have been changed so much by the people who claim to follow them that it seems that religion is the result of people in power using fear of god to do their biding. The first religion must ha... |
PedophiliaChild Predators
46 Posts • 18715 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
how come?
Because it is alot harder for males to get some than it is for females. Men hit on women all the time while a guy has to actively pursue to have any chance at all. Women have the luxury of... |
Random QuestionsStupid things we've done as kids
49 Posts • 15156 Views Talk Talk |
okay um lol i sprayed pepper spray in my eyes, fell down the stairs head 1st, broke my sisters pinky and ALMOST broke my chin, cut off my cats wiskers broke a park fence threw a gameboy on my house ro... |
FuturologyTheory of Predictibility of Evolution
36 Posts • 11504 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, I don't think we will ever know what happens after the big bang, because we aren't going to live to see it, humans should most definitely be extinct by that time anyway, humans are des... |
Society & SociologySave us from puritanical soul-torturing 'Green' people.
25 Posts • 10355 Views Psychology Forum |
First off, Chris, I apologise if I have come across as attacking. I tend to speak in capital letters, with the intent of starting fires, so to speak. I like to get the blood up, both in myself and in... |
Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91153 Views Philosophy Forum |
Eotw has said what I would say. Those facts are universal and plain as day. People who embrace any type of mysticism in regards to that are just madlib'ing "unconscious" and "decom... |
Pascal's Wager
8 Posts • 3623 Views Philosophy Forum |
Blaise Pascal says that God is or he is not. Taken one step at a time if He exists (and you believe in Him) then you gain all, if He does not exist you lose nothing. Meanwhile, if you don't belie... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Price of Wisdom
36 Posts • 10236 Views Philosophy Forum |
i completely agree with leftwood, but if you are going to make me "choose" what makes me a philosopher... ill go with definition 1a. each definition covers some base that reflects myself, bu... |
PoetryAdmired Poets and their Poems
12 Posts • 9579 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
As we grow older
A little more tired at the close of day;
A little less anxious to have our way;
A little less ready to scold and blame;
A little more care of a brother's name;
And so we a... |
Random QuestionsShedding the Mortal Coil
18 Posts • 7261 Views Talk Talk |
I've been intrigued by the idea of puting taxidermy on my will. I think I got the idea from a TV series, but went as far as checking out the legalities of it. Alas, I was faced with the ugly trut... |