258 Posts • 67447 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I'm Really Tired
you can sleep while your standing
and luagh 'cuase im new
write down a poem
and forget homeworks due
kick back and relax
the people on the other side will suffice
k... |
Sexual BiologyNot Cumming
17 Posts • 7396 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Ok well I lost my virginity when I was 16 and I would say I have had a lot of sex since then.
There are no callouses or anything physically wrong with my penis.
And when I masterbate my usual t... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49770 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Interesting, I can see the resemblance between that (Side Note: Crystal Singer is about a planet home to the Hepitite Guild that mines crystals by song, and requires all applicants to have perfect pit... |
I don't know anything about anything
7 Posts • 3720 Views Talk Talk |
I thought I replied to your post awakening...but it doesn't seem to be showing up...oh well.
Yeah. We reconciled again, but I really am tired of doing it. I decided I'll be friendly and n... |
DrugsDo you smoke?
47 Posts • 16754 Views Psychology Forum |
Forget about it.
I've been all clear for quite a while.
Once you've had it though, the spectre never leaves you, and as the treatment was pretty draconian, they consequences of discomfort... |
Creative MusingsContinuous story 2
5 Posts • 2570 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
For some reason that Tim couldn't possibly understand, he decided not to run this time.
"This time," Tim thought, " I won't run."
Half petrified, half insane, Tim wai... |
64 Posts • 19308 Views Philosophy Forum |
Science proves the whole book by the first statement.
"In the beginning..."
There at one time was a point where everything was all together at one so focused point it was unseeable thr... |
War & TerrorismA Cry For Help From A Distraught Parent
5 Posts • 3122 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
No - I think I'm just getting older.
I'm very lucky - I got the easiest no stress job in the world, I'll never give it up, I'll keep it until I am either fired or layed off. I c... |
Intimacypain and the first time
28 Posts • 8859 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I hate to sound like a prude - but here is a fine example of why love is important.
If its going to hurt for her on that first time - well then - she better love the guy, otherwise, there is nothin... |
ChristianityA question for a devoted Christian.
235 Posts • 43059 Views Religion Forum |
That there comes a point in time that the teachings of the Bible serve of little use and that you can help people without a manual. Just like true inventors don't do everything by the book but op... |
SocietyGay Marriage?
17 Posts • 5297 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
First place I could care less.
I think everyone should suffer equally or outlaw it all together.
I have proposed that all marriage licenses should be like hunting and fishing licenses and requi... |
Emotions & FeelingsThe goodness in humans
0 Posts • 2168 Views Psychology Forum |
I used to think like that heh, in fact all the time, you know even if I was picked on or made fun of, I used to always think "its not their fault, I probably did something wrong".
Though I&... |
Movie Trailers & ClipsMovie Trailers
41 Posts • 13607 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Its one of my all time favorite movies, this trailer gives a good idea of basic concept.
Fans of Donnie Darko should take special notice!
http://movies.yahoo .com/shop?d=hv&cf=trai... |
Is ideology the bane of intellectual sophistication in the US?
13 Posts • 4954 Views Philosophy Forum |
And you're clearly a troll.
In all your time here you have not contributed anything positive to this site. Merely disguise your intellectual shortcomings with lowbrow insults and smart ass re... |
Self-centered or introspective?
28 Posts • 16573 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, I have met three people whom I think are deep thinkers, but it's taking time drawing the deep thinker out of them. But it's working. On my way back from gym class, I asked one of those... |
Goals with philosophy
8 Posts • 3219 Views Philosophy Forum |
rationalize the irrational, lol, true tho. Question the things we don't have answers to and find if others feel the same, it makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside. The funny thing is once we have s... |
Alternative BeliefsWhy do we exist?
20 Posts • 8625 Views Religion Forum |
Humans have consciousness, birds and bees do not
How do you figure, and what makes you so sure?
I believe that this universe holds many dimensions, many of which we do not understand and will be... |
GovernmentNorth Korea is asking for it...
4 Posts • 2518 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
what if this isn't a stunt? what more could you expect? SK and the US run Military drills at the border all the time, they never tell the North when or what theyre doing, so it looks like theyre... |
If someone can help
2 Posts • 1754 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've been meaning to take practice in Zen Buddhism and thought to come here for help.
my question is, does anyone on here know enough about this practice to teach me one on one? and two, cou... |
DrugsDo you smoke?
47 Posts • 16754 Views Psychology Forum |
I love/hate smoking.
Currently I am not smoking full time. BUT I will light up if around smokers...and if drinking. :(
There is a satisfaction with smoking...and a dissatisfaction.
Does that m... |
Self-centered or introspective?
28 Posts • 16573 Views Philosophy Forum |
One of my problems is that I don't know how to get into a discussion. Up till date, every time I tried, the other person just says something that shows that he or she doesn't really care abo... |
110 Posts • 24290 Views Religion Forum |
Tell me,
If Jesus was purly an ordinary man and died on the cross so other might follow him. How would he know if people actually followed him after his death?
Unless you are God or have certaint... |
FuturologyProgression of Humanity
16 Posts • 9320 Views Philosophy Forum |
I appreciate your enthusiasm. I have one friend who really believes in the power of one person. I admire him, I really do but at the same time it seems a little helpless. I mean even when one person m... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Conscious and Unconscious Duality
13 Posts • 3616 Views Psychology Forum |
I've talked to a few of my friends about lucid dreaming and they all seem to think that they have full control over their dreams all the time. I don't know whether to believe them or think t... |
Psycadelic Ether Trip
17 Posts • 26909 Views Philosophy Forum |
Damn thats a bad trip i have had a similar trip but with me i just saw a bunch of eyes look at me and i fealt so alone at that time, Then i started to hear some type of noise that i have never hard so... |