30 Posts • 10013 Views Philosophy Forum |
I can't say I regret anything really.When you think about it every action taken in life moves you towawrd some goal or another.Although they don't seem fair or right at the time they get you... |
God this sounds really dumb!
4 Posts • 3002 Views Talk Talk |
i've not been here a while, and in that time, i've forgotten what the thingamies at the side do, like...quote, list, list item, and e-mail mean....and what they do......can you shed a little... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotional correspondance
8 Posts • 2520 Views Psychology Forum |
thanks mugen although I'm still none-the-wiser as to an answer to my question.
Just as a side - remember it isn't the actual incident that affects the individual - its the incident in com... |
scariest movie
13 Posts • 5688 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I think it was the original House On Haunted Hill from 1959 that has scared me the most out of any movie, but I must have been 5 or 6 years old when I saw it. I could barely finish it.
squatteam -... |
SpiritualityA Sense Of Humor
9 Posts • 3790 Views Religion Forum |
I like the idea of the spirit or spirits having a sense of humor though.
Whatever you believe in, say God for example.
Seeing as how God would be so vast and all, I believe he has all the ability... |
Random QuestionsStupid things we've done as kids
49 Posts • 15156 Views Talk Talk |
Hmm..once I choked on a quarter while waiting for the ice cream man.
Then, when I was like 6 or something I was watching Matilda and I had myself convinced that I had "special powers", an... |
Relationships & LoveThe best way to apologise to a girl
19 Posts • 67845 Views Psychology Forum |
The best way to apologize to a girl...just be straightforward and genuine. Sincerity goes a LONG way!
And as far as gifts, poems, and that sort of thing goes...those tokens are appreciated at any r... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29898 Views Philosophy Forum |
Time as we know it is a function of consciousness, not a property of the external world. Mopreover, it is not constant in its flow and can "beat" very differently for different people and un... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23037 Views Philosophy Forum |
It's pretty logical that they couldn't see the animayed pitcures. Actually, we don't see things 'directly', we see them with the help of our memory. If there is a chair in fro... |
since we're all tryin to get to know each oth
11 Posts • 3614 Views Talk Talk |
where were you or where do you want to be on your 25th birthday?
why 25 do you ask? cuz ur half way to 50:P
i want to be ontop of the empire state building one more time and see a brilliant bro... |
Habits & BehaviorWhat gives you comfort when alone
15 Posts • 7059 Views Psychology Forum |
I basicly turn on noise to keep from disciplining my own alone time. I think that comes from being raised in house full of 8 people. It was never quiet, untill 9pm and then there was always some type... |
19 Posts • 6689 Views Philosophy Forum |
Warrior X - That's why I think sometimes a belief is simply a 'best guess'. In fact, virtually all our beliefs are best guesses, only after a while we simply take them for granted.
W... |
47 Posts • 14934 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you pay attention your body is probably doing things unconcsiously all the time that you dont even realize...right now, you might be biteing your finger nails, shaking your foot, or clenching your... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11633 Views Religion Forum |
Correction, that was the third time I turned it back on you. And I'm doing so because you're exhibiting the exact blind faith that you ranted against. You just won't admit it.
What... |
1 Posts • 3253 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
BLUEBEARD is a famous French folk-tale about a man who has murdered six of his wives. In most version Bluebeard's seventh wife is rescued in the nick of time by her two brothers. In my version BL... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36257 Views Religion Forum |
i was told to post this here..black holes,..... now i accept the fact that you dont belive you can fold the universe cuz i dont think you can either but you can not forget that there may be superior i... |
Religion & HumanityReligious beliefs
48 Posts • 15616 Views Religion Forum |
I thought that after looking through these posts, I would have found what my idea was... I didn't yet.
Maybe... people do not need a belief. Some might go insane witht the thought of no afterl... |
PoetryA Poem By Me..."Alright"
2 Posts • 3410 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I wrote a poem a while ago at a dark time in my life. I was really depressed (yuck!) anyway I decided to share it with you. Originally I wrote it in French, because I didn't want it to make sense... |
ignorance is bliss
6 Posts • 2234 Views Talk Talk |
I sometimes feel that way too.
I wish I could just be a drone and not even know Im alive. But I cant.
And sometimes when I see all the BS in this world, I wish I could just block it out like the... |
9 Posts • 2950 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hey and whatsup... im new to these forums and i just wanted to ask you guys a question.
Do you think that everything is made of energy?
*When i say everything i mean everything such as objects... |
Christianity2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;)
19 Posts • 5973 Views Religion Forum |
I see what you're saying about splitting hairs about the whole Christ thing. A big waste of time, I agree. The will to power though... you an advocate of Nietzsche then? I don't think power... |
What do you want for Christmas?
36 Posts • 13086 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
well thankyou for that useless piece of advice about the kayboard and what to get him for christmas. i think hed be abit pissed if i just sed well instead of a present well jst spend the time with you... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeHow Long Have You Been Thinking?
14 Posts • 4059 Views Philosophy Forum |
i dont remeber a time when i didnt.... ever since i started school?? yeah. i think so. pre-k. i didnt understand why i didnt get along with anyone. i thought they were all stupid and what they all did... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25428 Views Psychology Forum |
Suicide to me i s a concieded act.. Because you're only thinking about you and how your life is oh so bad when theres starving children around the world! And when you do commit suicide All your f... |
18 Posts • 5729 Views Talk Talk |
Chicks mostly just piss me off. I don't think I like any man or woman once I really get to know them, but I seem to have developed more centralized hatred toward chicks. They'll take you for... |