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THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58925 Views
Religion Forum
In 1985 in Connecticut I used to attend a Bible church. Unlike most protestants - they actually had a lot of good things to say about the Catholic Church. They were the ones who taught that the Cathol...
THREAD Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13565 Views
Religion Forum
Christianity is a false religion. Just like the other monotheistic religions (Islam, Judism), they were created by man. The theory of One God was used by power hungry men who equated the theory with o...
THREAD FuturologyTheory of Predictibility of Evolution
36 Posts • 11488 Views
Philosophy Forum
The Big Bang is still a mystery. The thing is, that how did the blast take place, *withought a universe in which it could take place in*. One view is that God caused the blast by his infinite powers,...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13252 Views
Religion Forum
I see someone's been making a Smoke sacrifice, the only thing I have ever seen sacrficed was tobacco. In native traditions herbs & or spices have certain attributes (spiritually & physic...
THREAD ChristianityHow the Catholic Church evolved.
40 Posts • 18247 Views
Religion Forum
DID you, prayer, fasting can stop world disasters....and war..?? Let me try again....with scripture this time. ;) Matthew 24, 6 For you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. Take...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Whether you think it or not, Bush is a smart man. He graduated from Harvard. Just because he has speech problems does not make you stupid. I know this from experience, here's a story. Atfer takin...
5 Posts • 2478 Views
Talk Talk
It is highly dependent on your own learning skills. But here are a few tricks of the trade I have learned from people who really seem to know how to study well: Write out (copy) your notes, or any...
THREAD General HealthHealth Tips
12 Posts • 6315 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
It seems that there are more and more claims about what is good for you and what is not. One minute bananas will help fight cancer, the next they will give it to you. Then there was the no carbo...
THREAD The "Void"
66 Posts • 18740 Views
Philosophy Forum
PROOF, not heresay: Can the ego or the id be proven? I have heard it said that one side of the human brain is related to a particular type of thinking and the other another. I wonder, does the subcons...
THREAD Society & SociologyRevenge
15 Posts • 4810 Views
Psychology Forum
Heh... A couple of months a go i had a girlfriend. Everything was going good, we really cared for eachother and we would hang out like almost all the time. Before i know i was going to switch highscho...
THREAD SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33444 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Jacker, you are entirely missing our point. We aren't saying that body scanners can not provide a sense of security, as far as preventing things onto planes. If anybody ever said that body sca...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42373 Views
Religion Forum
You are part correct Entervention. Because indeed it says if you have not love, but give charity you are an empty gong. Acts are not the only way, nor is faith. But love is the way. Love will encomp...
THREAD God in ReligionGod Is Greater Than My Understanding
18 Posts • 4516 Views
Religion Forum
Because there is no logical reason why you should believe an omnipotent supernatural being created life. We should have a logical reason to believe not a duty. There are many other reasons of course,...
THREAD FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13275 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well humans aren't going to evolve physically anymore because animals evolve to better suit themselves to their environment. We change our environment. That being said in order to alter our en...
THREAD Constantine
6 Posts • 3685 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
several people seem to be very over critical of this movie. whether it is the fact that they still cant accept that Keanu is a relatively decent actor or the fact that the special effects werent exact...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainMind on a Scale...
1 Posts • 1703 Views
Psychology Forum
When you think of something large or something really small, do you think your mind appreciates it quite in that size? My answer is "No!"... I believe the mind works on a scale to unders...
THREAD InventionWhat happened to solar powered cars?
8 Posts • 3826 Views
Science & Technology Forum
there is a simple reason, solar panels only convert about 17% of the light incoming into energy and you need a lot to produce very little power. but there is some new developments but as we all know s...
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33926 Views
Religion Forum
Mr.T your missing the point, the point is that it doesn't matter if its her angel or if it was a damn unicorn the message is the same, it didn't happen. You have stated nothing proving the e...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsYour Own Insecurities
22 Posts • 8535 Views
Psychology Forum
Attention = validation. Maybe on some level you feel there is something wrong with you, because as you said, once you establish a mutual emotional connection with someone they turn away from you. You...
THREAD What's Worth Dying For?
54 Posts • 13261 Views
Talk Talk
Is something that can not exist without our giving it existence such as worth, a determinant to react to with dying when both the sentiment and the feeling requires our own consciousness? We are not i...
THREAD FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13275 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe that evolution has to be forced more than anything. Though a lifestyle and certain mannerisms can change said evolultion from how it began or when/why it even did. Example: Say a nuclear bom...
THREAD ElectionsRemarkable State of the Union Speech...
85 Posts • 21759 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Of course I know who Scott Ritter is - he was one of Clinton's loudest critics and demanded that the US take greater action against Iraq. Then he switched views and now he is considered to be ext...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25379 Views
Psychology Forum
Now when anyone talks about or thinks obout or does commit suicide it is highly frowned apon. i just want to know why. how many people out there have actually been in a position that bad that you woul...
THREAD Movie ReviewWhere the wild things are
1 Posts • 3243 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
For the most part I loved this movie, although they could have left out a lot of the music which to me, made it feel like some kind of music video at times. The only thing I'm really annoyed at i...
THREAD StoriesFinish The Story
11 Posts • 3668 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Here's an idea I got from a friend. I'll start a story, and then come up with an idea to continue it. Don't end it off, so that the next person can post. Let's see where it take...
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