ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58686 Views Religion Forum |
Can others be saved? Yes!.....Jesus knows our hearts...and our souls. He judges accordingly...
For the record my own neice sought advice about joining the Church. I did not advise her to one particu... |
God in ReligionWhat do you think about God?
14 Posts • 3440 Views Religion Forum |
I've seen six different religions over the years, and have finally settled on a mutation of Atheism- Physics and Mathematics are what I believe built the universe, but for those who have consciou... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33698 Views Religion Forum |
Dude... you just blew my mind. :p
I find this whole human being thing very frustrating, in a "ramming our heads against a brick wall" sort of way. We know that we're limited in terms... |
does energy and matter cover everything
22 Posts • 6185 Views Philosophy Forum |
What I meant was, that is energy a seperate 'force'? I If I pull a bow, I don't think there will be energy in the terms of a seperate 'force'.
btw Thought Manifest, what do... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12154 Views Psychology Forum |
The above post was written in a very emotional and raw state, after I'd just had a negative enounter with my parents.
All day I have been trying to make sense of my feelings and come to terms... |
BiologyPain and Pleasure…
4 Posts • 2877 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I don't really know much about hedonics but I suppose it depends on how you look at pleasure and pain.
I mean I suppose if you think in terms of evolution and the fight or flight response, pain... |
EconomyPeak Oil - Are we heading for a oil shortage
11 Posts • 3938 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I think alternatives to non-renewable resources are reliatevly viable. Renewable energy is very capable of success or continuing effectiveness. I think the problem is its practibility currently. Unfor... |
Im Getting Married!!!!!
6 Posts • 3267 Views Talk Talk |
Do you to want to grow old together? Lose hair together? Worry about financial concerns together? Would you love each other after all the initial romance ran out?
To put this in business terms, kno... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122492 Views Religion Forum |
Nothing absolutely exists.
Can't you see it, its right there, I'll even show you again.
Nothing. Its a word, it exists. Its a concept, it exits.
The concept exists, the w... |
General Information On Promotions
1 Posts • 3638 Views Promotional |
Welcome to the Promotional section of Captain Cynic!
CC Promotions is a unique place where site visitors and members can find cool and interesting promotions about a variety of things. It's almost... |
Reality & MetaphysicsQuestioning Reality: Are we for "Real"?
118 Posts • 36443 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I think in thez circumstances we shud adopt the policy of ''I ll c it b4 I believe it''
The one problem I have with this is that most people aren't actively seeking a... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33698 Views Religion Forum |
I assume this would take a while! *eek*
Though even if we reach the limit of our dimension and are satisfied, wouldn't it be just that - our limit? The knowledge that we are unable to fully co... |
48 Posts • 12518 Views Talk Talk |
Aand I really want this issue posed in terms of politics and governmental leaders, business owners, all criminals, all these people get away with what they do because of lying
We all know that poli... |
5 Posts • 2764 Views Talk Talk |
This was mostly just a place to vent. I didn't really expect any replies.
The bottom line here is their immaturity. I have come to realize that that was why i broke up with them in the first p... |
9 Posts • 3887 Views Psychology Forum |
Sometimes people correlate a symbol directly with meaning. For example, perhaps something geometric like a cross, can mean something to do with religion.
This does not need to be so, as in you cou... |
God in ReligionUniverse : design or necessity?
63 Posts • 14555 Views Religion Forum |
This is speculation of speculation that is very restricted by what we know, don't know, can't fathom and can't detect, I have come to see that most likely, anything is possible, and eve... |
Weight LossFat Loss Tips
13 Posts • 5231 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
People need to learn what's effective. Here are some terms to google for further research:
LISS cardio
HIIT cardio
Carb Cycling
Whoosh Fat Loss Effect
Cortisol and Catabolism
ECA Stack... |
Time Gravity
8 Posts • 3075 Views Philosophy Forum |
Was thinking about this again, and liked how this concept worked with another concept previously posted...
http://www.captai ncynic.com/thread/78861/a-theo ry-on-omniscience.htm
I like how gravity... |
Sexual PsychologyA submissive woman
3 Posts • 4573 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
OK, I don't know where to start, this is about a woman being submissive but not in the terms weknow today, but, in the terms women were seen in the past.
It may seem I am talking as if I was i... |
Life & DeathLife, Already Planned?
62 Posts • 24057 Views Philosophy Forum |
heh...heh...heh... you basically summed up the matrix trilogy right there.
"do you believe in fate?"
& quot;why?"
"because i dont like the idea that im not in... |
Science vs ReligionMiracles
9 Posts • 3584 Views Religion Forum |
kgb; miracles only happen when someone looks for them. Perhaps this was adrenaline mixed with a shut down of logical conciousness making a push seem like a pull; I think this because you say the word... |
Habits & BehaviorCrazy
19 Posts • 6460 Views Psychology Forum |
I suppose one could say "crazy" means thinking constantly and of "weird" things in terms of society and it's accepted standards. But I believe my mind is relatively unrestrict... |
Religion & HumanityDoing good: Universal Religion
24 Posts • 8001 Views Religion Forum |
unfortunately a lot of the people who get to the top, are the ones who are willing to make big sacrifices to get there, either environmentally or in human terms.
commercialism is a brilliant excuse... |
Life & DeathWhere did 'mid-life crisis' come from?
7 Posts • 4058 Views Philosophy Forum |
some thoughts about communication:
I think the average human speaks from a need to speak, and not from a need to be understood.
Again, speech and conversation with no regard to it's content... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21825 Views Religion Forum |
I am not sure how to explain this in simple terms, but matter itself can be reduced to a wave. This is where string theory gets really strange. Imagine the vibration of a one dimensional massless part... |