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Tagged > Space time
THREAD Best cars
17 Posts • 9895 Views
Talk Talk
This is my freind's modified 2006 Audi TT Quatro (and engine) Purchase Price - $31,000 Estimated Value post modifications - about $130,000 Number of custom made patended parts - 2 (hood scoo...
THREAD GovernmentKerry Bad For America
26 Posts • 7459 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
[So does the 139 million.] Really? According to the Dept. of Labor your 139 million includes seasonal and part-time workers. If you dig into the website, you'll find the stats for full-time wo...
2 Posts • 3249 Views
Talk Talk
I'd like to share this essay and ask the question, is porn political? I've included a link just because of the length: PORN by Max Gordon Sapience Magazine April 2006 Porn is in my...
THREAD meditation
33 Posts • 9903 Views
Philosophy Forum
You come across as a bitter man, angry for losing his time - a lifetime as you described - and when approached critically by someone who in your eyes has more lifetime left than you do, you feel that...
THREAD Paranormal & PseudoscienceDe ja vu - my theory
11 Posts • 6974 Views
Science & Technology Forum
In another post I mentioned the theory of eternal recurrence which was a popular idea around the turn of the century and promoted by a russian mystic and mathematician named Peter Demianovitch Ouspens...
THREAD Could there be a pill for that?...
17 Posts • 5951 Views
Philosophy Forum
Saying we choose our sexual partners based on food is such a stretch. Man look at that chicks rack, Yeah but look at her ham sandwich haha. Maybe if you were into fat chicks or something then you...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24183 Views
Philosophy Forum
i have had more than one experience where admitadly, i have said "hello god, hows it goin'?" for a couple minutes, to up to a day. however, after i actually think about the situation th...
THREAD A Bearer of Water, a Hidden Lion.
2 Posts • 2878 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
?delete? i didn't write this... kinda liked it tho/ Waste of Paint I have a friend; he is mostly made of pain. He wakes up, drives to work, and then straight back home again. He once cut...
THREAD Relationships & LoveRelationship Problems
9 Posts • 2619 Views
Psychology Forum
I'm no expert... But, there is probably no perfect way to win her back... The things that have worked for others may or may not work for you... I like the idea of letting her know how you feel...
THREAD God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41211 Views
Religion Forum
I think it wud be better if we just let go of 'why'. Excuse me if I give an answer that seems to diverge from your comments as I am not sure I understand your point fully. On the whole I fe...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 56940 Views
Religion Forum
As Jesus was tempted by Satan. Hmm In The Aquarian gospel Jesus teaches that we are a strange mixture of good and evil in constant battle with ourself. Consider when Jesus was tempted, he knew w...
THREAD Dawn's Greeting
9 Posts • 3647 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
CHAPTER FOUR Kelly awoke to a darkened room. It was warm and cheerfully decorated with printed curtains and matching wallpaper and bedcovers. There was a television and a bookshelf and by her bed a...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAn answer
31 Posts • 9395 Views
Religion Forum
If matter is composed of vibrating subatomic particles, isn't energy forming matter? However matter forms energy: you need matter to create energy, because without energy you have no matter....
THREAD Relationships & Lovea little insight please?
27 Posts • 5317 Views
Psychology Forum
Adam, those are very interesting theories. Not at all necessarily wrong, but I feel almost as though they are speculations, and some of them somewhat extreme. Not to mention you managed to throw out s...
THREAD Too much deep thought.
32 Posts • 13643 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yes, cuz it has been people who think that has allowed everyone to live that 'happy lie'. I m not sayin everyone shud become deep thinkers, nor should all deep thinkers become like the laym...
THREAD Arts on UGN! Submit your works!
75 Posts • 19365 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Well folks it is time for a UGN art gallery- I hope any interested party will submit images of any artworks they have made at any time. Any medium any subject! (well i am thinking nudity may cause an...
THREAD Life & DeathSoul Mates
58 Posts • 17513 Views
Philosophy Forum
I too believe in soulmates,I pray I have found mine.i lost my spouse a year ago.I have always know this man,for the last 10 years.But it was always hi and bye.But I was always happy to see him,and he...
THREAD Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51397 Views
Philosophy Forum
Some interesting thoughtss here... here is a link to an ongoing reincarnation thread.... http://www.captain 1743-u-frmid= I like the earlier thought that without sh...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 39793 Views
Religion Forum
We are all part of a singular consciousness only devided by the self. When you die your system of energy that is your whole making dissapates and your consciousness fades. Without memories we are all...
THREAD JokesClean fun...
24 Posts • 8802 Views
Jokes & Games
A WOMAN'S (REAL) PRAYER: Now I lay me Down to sleep. I pray the Lord My shape to keep. Please no wrinkles Please no bags And please lift my butt Before it sags. Please no age spots Plea...
THREAD From Where did it Come
1 Posts • 2292 Views
Philosophy Forum
Prior to there being anything, any matter, any height, depth, width, or time for reference, its pretty much impossible to imagine what was there. But something was. Even if that something was nothing...
THREAD Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13506 Views
Philosophy Forum
Using a "forbidden" word is still an insult, regardless of whether you meant it or not. (If you did mean it, and look liked you meant it, it's far worse.) Can you bring up any topic...
11 Posts • 5280 Views
Talk Talk
i love the part in Analyze This where billy crystal is telling robert dinero that hitting a pillow helps get rid of stress, and then he proceeds to shoot the pillow several times... i usually talk...
THREAD AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 84656 Views
Science & Technology Forum
16 January 2013 NGC 1309: Spiral Galaxy and Friends Image Credit: Hubble Legacy Archive, ESA, NASA; Processing - Martin Pugh A gorgeous spiral galaxy some 100 million light-years distant, NGC 13...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainHow is our focus
9 Posts • 3671 Views
Psychology Forum
how much can we focus on, 1 thing or two things or 3 things? more?? (at the same time) and if not much, then why's i tlike that? (by thing i mean any mental occurance like your current desire, an...
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