SocietyPolitical Compass
17 Posts • 7377 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I got :
Economic Left/Right: 1.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.77
Pretty much on cue, I'm a little closer to the center then I expected though. Give me freedom (and markets) or give... |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14988 Views Psychology Forum |
People just get told what to think because they lack proper social interaction. But if we spent less time listening to media and more time with eachother we could solve a lot of problems |
Child & Family PsychologyRecapturing youth?
15 Posts • 4192 Views Psychology Forum |
Of course being a university student you might imagine that it would be easy to meet other university students. Unfortunately our university just doesn't have that chatty cafe / coffee type metin... |
Reality & MetaphysicsMaterial Body's Importance: Right or Wrong
17 Posts • 7368 Views Philosophy Forum |
Depends on how you're attached. Do you value it because it helps you achiece whatever worthy goals you have? Because you increase your status in the superficial social world? Because it makes lif... |
Is attachment weakness?
0 Posts • 6864 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think remaining in social contact and attachment are two completely different things. One is just associating. The other is reliance upon something that you could really live with out. But, just bec... |
conversation I had with a myspace female
24 Posts • 7053 Views Talk Talk |
no it has to do with me being considered unattractive by majority of females despite the fact I dont see why, me not having any game, me being unconfident, me not having alot of friends or going to pa... |
PoetrySecret poems
21 Posts • 14509 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i was never bullied persay, i was just a loner. these days, however, i have a comparitively active social life, and am often nearer the bullier then the bullied. i write about myself because i know my... |
Audio/video converter for protected files
10 Posts • 3652 Views Talk Talk |
prefer Tunebite anytime, just got the latest version and has some pretty interesting new features for recording social web radios and saving videos from youtube. |
Life & DeathCircle of Life
34 Posts • 11596 Views Philosophy Forum |
No I don't necessarily mean just those extra organs but any hormonal implications are worth looking into. Because the pleasure factory as well as the social inclination, and perhaps any particula... |
Starting over
20 Posts • 5397 Views Talk Talk |
its subconscience in the majorityof people to asses everything they see whether it be color, weight, use, old, shiny, pretty etc. and these all affectthe way we judge things instead of if we can use i... |
Females Inferior?
31 Posts • 13310 Views Philosophy Forum |
quote - "but it seems that generally men are better at science and math and that women" - its nice to hear that some women actually see and appreciate (i think!) the talent that men have rat... |
Gender PsychologyWomen - to be the only one and their lack of freedom
6 Posts • 3809 Views Psychology Forum |
I agree with most of what you're saying. Esspecially about needing to rid the self of guilt. Post orgasm guilt is very strogn in society these days, and I have spent a great deal of effort, while... |
@tax cuts
22 Posts • 5534 Views Talk Talk |
you have yet to present any real arguement against my points.
so do some research and give me some better examples of how social programs are not in any way inspired by communist views. I have gone... |
EconomyStock market and social security
23 Posts • 8173 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
What I think is that the politicans in Congress should work together on a plan. There is too much Liberial vs. Conservative. Social Security is about people's retirement. Good grief! Those politi... |
DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141019 Views Psychology Forum |
I dread human interaction.. too bad I can't make a decent living without being the best at something (best includes basic social skills).
Prefer to be alone, I never bothered with socializing... |
189 Posts • 73071 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
women can get sex anyitme they want, guys approach them all the time from all directions sometimes whistling from cars, or as theyre walking down the street. Womena re the choosers, they choose who th... |
Sexual PsychologyHave you used such term as a `program`?
1 Posts • 3255 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Men`s programs. Have you used such term as a `program`?
For example:
All living creature have bios like computers.
In bios prescribed programs is.
Programs can be divided into the recognition prog... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
Interestingly I had read this discussion earlier and chose to let it develope and see were it lead? I was in Miami when a young man was abducted and later found murdered. My native friend's, brot... |
The Definition of Smart
17 Posts • 6592 Views Talk Talk |
Behind every action comes reason whether they do it subconsciously or consciously. There is likely a subconscious reason, fear of being hurt or insecurities maybe even feeling needy of social acceptan... |
SocietySocial Security Debate
1 Posts • 2447 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I say to all the young people in the United States not to depend on the government. People in Washington are too busy butting heads than actually making plans to fix the problem. |
PerceptionI Find Myself Here
20 Posts • 7364 Views Psychology Forum |
what is knowledge? can one person have more of it than another? because one person is drawn to different ideas, concepts and social excercises than another, does that make them more or less mature or... |
Atheism & AgnosticismWhat is the root cause of atheist's disbelief and are they qualified to debate theism?
54 Posts • 15260 Views Religion Forum |
Response to Brother Bob,
I don't fear or loath you. I have had to deal with many religious followers the majority of my life now. You have been just another one but glad we could discuss and review... |
SocietyPolitical Compass
17 Posts • 7377 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Greens are like greens everywhere else... They want social equality and a safe environment. They are not off topic, although according to the chart the greens would have a similar economy the neo-fasc... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24423 Views Religion Forum |
Interesting image there Mugen.
Some people suggest that the character of Christ is a social construction. And as I have mentioned before if no logical evidence for his existence and death can be f... |
LawStatutory Rape
14 Posts • 4571 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
My stance has been this way for awhile... the conversation just kinda rolled into this.
I don't see how so many people allow society to control them though...
Any body out there that... |