PerceptionI really need advice.
17 Posts • 7203 Views Psychology Forum |
I don't have a proper mike, and I am pretty wasted atm. I have drank about 4 beers on an empty stomach and its like... 1am here,
So in order for you feel more comfortable with sharing with us... |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12644 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
And all those reforms you mentioned...It seems to me they are all attempts to get things back the way they were many, many years ago, long before the Reform movements and Roosevelt. It's an attem... |
LawHomosexual Marriage
100 Posts • 29311 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Sorry Dt, I should be more specific. My son is autistic as is Robbie. Generally speaking these people (children) don't function (developmental disorders) with the social graces of society. Which... |
Feral Children
6 Posts • 9074 Views Talk Talk |
i found it quite interesting because of the amount of discussion on this forum that concerns itself with social conditioning in its various forms. such as our perception of beauty and what we think of... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46357 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
alot things cause social disorder
everything is in a mess
the politicians dnt no wot theyr talking bout
we humans dont even no if god is really there
us muslims hav 2 believe in god 100% or itz st... |
SocietySocial Engineering
15 Posts • 3584 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I appreciate the bravery you must feel you are showing in enduring my crazes insanity, and the strain it must cause to bother and to repeat yourself so, oh so much.
First, your failure to participa... |
Video GamesSocial networking of now
5 Posts • 2932 Views Talk Talk |
I play a game called World of Warcraft. Played a number of MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) and found this to probably be the best of the bunch. Games like this seem to be the s... |
Ask the question, know the answer
16 Posts • 5363 Views Philosophy Forum |
That's just people hiding who they are. The quest for social acceptance.
But does anyone really know the answer to this? Like a real scientific answer. |
uc berkeley
8 Posts • 2624 Views Talk Talk |
I just thought that would clutter up the site. I always saw CC as a discussion/debate site rather than another social network. But hey, it's all good. |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46357 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
alot things cause social disorder
Are you suggesting we just let them happen then? |
A Theory on Omniscience...
5 Posts • 2466 Views Philosophy Forum |
god this theory trips me out. if you look around in social situations you can actually see physical evidence to this theory. its intense. |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31946 Views Psychology Forum |
"Don't know about all of you, but I'm sickened by this. Too many women kill themselves to get the looks you guys want. They lose self-confidence and pursue the perfect look for the rest... |
What IS existance?
59 Posts • 15362 Views Philosophy Forum |
The Spankster hasn't heard of "social science" yet has he?
PS - Everyday is a Blessing! |
Having Kids
49 Posts • 20511 Views Philosophy Forum |
Having kids in many social groups these days is about image and convention. That shouldn't deter anyone from having children, but everyone should consider why they want to have kids in the first... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist Morals
8 Posts • 3265 Views Religion Forum |
Why do people feel bad when they do something "wrong"? Social conditioning. |
20 Posts • 6290 Views Talk Talk |
war on terrorism
president G.W. bush jr.
honorable G.W. bush jr.
social security |
Societal Pressure
11 Posts • 2819 Views Philosophy Forum |
Distractions, amusements, pettiness, drama. These are the things around which we build our lives. However, this is not objectionable in and of itself, as some people think. It allows us to be what we... |
Relationships & LoveHurt...
9 Posts • 4186 Views Psychology Forum |
Umma, if we lived by Jim Morrison's philopsophy or never telling anyone anything we trusted, it would be as illogical as not building a house because you're afraid it will burn down. We need... |
EconomyStock market and social security
23 Posts • 8173 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
13. Fallacy (9/12/05)
Fallacy 1. "Politicians stole all the extra SS tax money and spent them in the general fund for their own purpose."
Answer: The surplus of S.S. tax are now in the... |
43 Posts • 9079 Views Talk Talk |
My psychological impression of emo is something akin to "wearing your feelings on your sleeve". These feelings generally seem expressive of (or at least desire to express) negative self-awar... |
Human Nature & EmotionPartners In Life
27 Posts • 7976 Views Philosophy Forum |
Kratos' offering of the Tao quote "Alone, yet not alone" , is the best reply to the struggle for balance in a relation. All social animals struggle with this balance between self intere... |
Society & SociologyOver population and the effects it has on the human psyche.
8 Posts • 12798 Views Psychology Forum |
humans do need social contact, but we need everything in moderation. too much contact, and it starts to grate on us, every single person i know likes having time to themselves, with no pressure to be... |
23 Posts • 26625 Views Philosophy Forum |
Altruism is an indirect selfishness.
it is usually a product of cultural indoctrination which makes selfishness a dirty word, so as to maintain social harmony. |
Lawrequest for help
3 Posts • 2841 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I don't want to devalue this board with questions as opposed to debates, but i can't think where else to ask. I know that The social contract 'as told by' Rousseau is more complica... |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14988 Views Psychology Forum |
People just get told what to think because they lack proper social interaction. But if we spent less time listening to media and more time with eachother we could solve a lot of problems |