GodNeutral Religion
8 Posts • 9527 Views Philosophy Forum |
what have i stumbled into?...... i can't beleive i found this site. i looked up " neutral religion " in google and this is what i got.
agnosticism...... last time someone called me a... |
ChristianityIs anyone here...
60 Posts • 13722 Views Religion Forum |
I'm not Christian I actually don't have a specific religion right now I kind of on a quest to find my self and my faith.I'm having never really liked organized religion I don't think that is true fait... |
TechnologyIKEA UPPLEVA - Furniture with embedded HD TVs
0 Posts • 363 Views Science & Technology Forum |
wow - I definitely see people going for it. Ikea is already so popular, people design their entire homes around it. 'Sure lets stick in that ikea uppleva while we're at it'
@ Decapol... |
Life & DeathAre We Ever Free
20 Posts • 8806 Views Philosophy Forum |
we are always imprisoned by something... its like..we are controlled by the government... by our consiouses,, by god.. by religion.. by people we love.by the media, tv adverts, family, money..... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36255 Views Religion Forum |
http://www.captaincynic.com/th read.php3/thrdid=33559-u-frmid =21#43743
Refraction: the bending of light when it passes from one medium to another.
Refraction occurs because waves travel at different... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11368 Views Talk Talk |
my impression of Attolia is that she is a party girl. She's the life of the party not because she has to, to be accepted but because it's fun to be with the people she's with. More than... |
Music Suggestions
11 Posts • 3615 Views Talk Talk |
light music - broken social scene
hard music - arch enemy, children of bodem
try listing to Dragonforce! body breakdown and fury of the storm(LISTEN TO THESE SONGS)
Edit: Forget yahoo and myspace... |
Aesthetics & BeautyBeauty
34 Posts • 17290 Views Philosophy Forum |
For me I've lived in both, currently in a growing industrial city (kinda dirty and run-down), but I also see beauty in the ability and creations of man. Cities can be awe inspiring, people in mas... |
SocietyThe Pekka-Eric Auvinen Manifesto
0 Posts • 2282 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
All I have to say about this thread is that it is very scary!
Humanity can be stupid, people can act like moronic drones, but we are all individuals involved in a social world and there's nothin... |
29 Posts • 10393 Views Talk Talk |
I'm currently reading The Face Of Another by Kobo Abe. It talkes about a scientist who got his face wiped out by a lab accident, and now he has a horribly disfigured face so he tries to reconstru... |
7 Posts • 4909 Views Talk Talk |
all pie is good pie in my book, and for your edification the rule of pie follows. Feel free to use this rule as neither I nor the person who derived it with me, claim any copyright privaleges.
The... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40752 Views Psychology Forum |
That two people of exactly the same ethnicity, background, social status, wealth, prosperity, decency, and however many other factors you want to throw in, go in to the same doctor with the same probl... |
What is gender?
17 Posts • 5655 Views Philosophy Forum |
social and ethical roles each culture gives when differentiating between the two genders
But those roles are limiting, why do we need to assign roles to gender? Aside from reproductive actions are... |
War & TerrorismNothing but terrorism
5 Posts • 2834 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Remember when there was more to politics than battling terrorism? How about granting economic opportunities? Increasing literacy? Finding better sources of energy? Decresing the rate of rape and abuse... |
GovernmentThe Federal Patriot--22 October 2004
15 Posts • 4077 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
One more lefty,
http://www.wedgewood subdivision.com/unfit_epilogue .pdf
Good summary of the book where the authors discuss Kerry's and media response to the swifties' charges.
H... |
Human Nature & EmotionEmotions
17 Posts • 7054 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thats a very nice thought cturtle, maybe actually realising the value of love and how much our families e.t.c. care for us would hold the key to a better undertsanding between people as a whole!
Many... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46377 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Then it says that it doesn't know the cause but the best treatment is drugs.
Where does it say that? show me the quote, because i read the article and i didn't see anything of the sort.... |
The Impression That I Get
44 Posts • 11368 Views Talk Talk |
The impression I get from awakendwraith
is that he is mentally quick, but nervous about how to act around casual friends. He feels most fulfilled when he is with his closest friends, and couldn... |
SocietyModern Republicans are Monkeys
0 Posts • 503 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm leaning toward Ronald reagan conservitisin myself, aside from the social beliefes. I can say from listening to most of the people that I talk to encounter or hear on talk radio that none of t... |
Society & SociologyWhat makes a person bad?
35 Posts • 9213 Views Psychology Forum |
The elites in every country are the real ones at fault. They control the power and they will do anything to keep it and to get more power. The rest of us are just trying to scavenge the scraps. Can yo... |
Gender PsychologyYou Are Not A Feminist If...
20 Posts • 9483 Views Psychology Forum |
So what you're saying is that all women are all victims all the time and that men are the eternal perpetrators of this victimization?
I HAVE studied gender at university. I WAS a feminist.... |
IslamThe Qur'an
110 Posts • 27645 Views Religion Forum |
In the past I would never go to Aljazeera because I believe they are bias. But something happened to Iraq.net. My source of news for what was really happening in Iraq. So now, all you have Aljazeera.... |
SocietyI am of society and not society per say.
15 Posts • 4172 Views Philosophy Forum |
Social interaction is good, if we all work together for the benefit of all. But our human nature always has the last word. There is safety in numbers, but for those who have fear of there own safety.... |
57 Posts • 10422 Views Talk Talk |
i tend to find i go skating on my own, which does kinda suck, everyone leaves their uni work till the sunday evening after having spent firday and saturday in the pub, and saturday and sunday daytime... |
Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Just read the thread, well part of it.
I guess if Kerry had won I should have made a thread saying "Kerry only won because of rich liberals who sit on their ass, don't listen to a word an... |