Is it inconceivable to you that many women actually love the things you deride?
There are many women, and I know many myself, who say 'I love make up' with plenty of cheer and seeming happiness in their voice. But the majority of women who say this and feel as through they 'love' these things don't actually love makeup. What they love is the 'fix' it provides them. When they look at their natural faces, they have a deep seated self insecurity or self hatred. But wearing make up and looking more like the glamorous people that society deems as respectable/worthy human beings, covers up that self insecurity/self hatred. So when they say they love make up, they think they 'love' it because it provides them with an an escape from feeling ugly. But that's all it is. An escape. Not a solution. That's why women act like they love getting model type make overs - the more effective the make up the greater the escape.
Additionally, my post is not about 'deriding' makeup, you seem to constantly misconstrue what I write in favor of skewing it according to what you think it is that I am saying, rather than actually tring to understand what I have written. This thread is about feminism and the signs of not being a feminist. If you disgree with the any of the points in my original post, clearly state what point you disagree with and why.