Are Videogames Good or Bad?
16 Posts • 10959 Views Talk Talk |
thanks for your helpful responses i am glad to no that most of you agree wit my opinion and i must say that final fantasy games also teach alot about relationships and love. |
Tank War
3 Posts • 16487 Views Jokes & Games |
Multiplayer with several game modes, and even better you dont need an email address.
Very Fun
http://www.arcadepod.com/ games/details.php?id=3617 |
24 Posts • 7661 Views Talk Talk |
Sorry everyone i didnt mean to have it in caps. I do not want everyone to think i was yelling just any information is appreciated .Also i am lookjing for geniune info i know they are out there. I know... |
Mario Kart Tournament
3 Posts • 2363 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
So, I guess the difference between being decent at video games and having no life is about six seconds.
My time - 1'09
Number 1 - 1'03 |
Society & SociologySony has been corupted.
10 Posts • 3238 Views Psychology Forum |
pretty much all of the religiously based games are simply propaganda. that is why they arent played. they are talked about, word gets around about them ie- this forum. but hardly anything goes into th... |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25218 Views Talk Talk |
fav games of all time:
playstation- Metal Gear Solid. it dominates
computer- cossacks
- oh and gotta love Sim City- wot a classic |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25218 Views Talk Talk |
So who here is excited about the new XBOX 360?
And more amusingly, who here actually has the cash or the hook ups to be owning one before years end?
$60 a game, muahahaha...
Just when so many... |
11 Posts • 4128 Views Talk Talk |
would drop MS, but dont think my dad would be impressed if i completely reinstalled everything on the computer, that and i tend to play a fair amount of games on my pc.
like fasterfox, qiute useful... |
How to love emotionally
10 Posts • 3919 Views Talk Talk |
This is really frustrating me. What is love supposed to feel like? Like a burning passion? Up until today, I've pushed myself to suppress emotion and now I've forgotten how to feel and how f... |
Wish breaker
121 Posts • 29871 Views Jokes & Games |
"I wish i didnt have to pay taxes lmao"
Than the world would be in utter chaos because goverment are supported by taxes, and other benifits to others as well. like funds for eldery and adop... |
27 Posts • 17665 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Sex and love should go together, but don't most of the time. For some sex is power. If you emotionally or physically over power the other person and have sex with them you might feel a sense of a... |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25218 Views Talk Talk |
i must agree with plattipus, counter-strike source, condition zero and the original are my favorite games of all time. i also think that most of the Resident Evil installments are great. |
How you surf Cynic??
15 Posts • 3434 Views Talk Talk |
i just tend to check general, joke, philosophy, religion, games, media. mostly just the first 3, if im really lazy, i just read what the last topic to be posted in was, and answer it if it interests m... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
welcome Attolia. i still dont have my drivers liscense, i love snowstorms and playing femme fatales in video games *lol* oh yea, i keep all my socks in a drawer... might try that out.
ps - youre co... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23026 Views Philosophy Forum |
in refrence to the most obvious reality, the society of hollywood screen sets and government role playing games-
in-FORM yourself. |
The "Void"
66 Posts • 18763 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think you guys are getting these voids confused. Someone in an earlier posting was talking about yearning and someone after that was talking about Bruce Lee. These voids are almost completely differ... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainStrange things with memory
11 Posts • 3626 Views Psychology Forum |
Smoking and any kind of drug (including caffeine) is bad for you everyone knows that, but lets take smoking as an example
"tobacco contains an agonist called nicotine, a compound that activates... |
Next Gen Conundrum
20 Posts • 6201 Views Talk Talk |
i cant really saqy id buy either, im not a great fan of console gaming. but id prob be more likely to go for the ps3, purely out of annoyance at the X-box. the X-box was a pain in the backside for PC... |
Video GamesSocial networking of now
5 Posts • 2935 Views Talk Talk |
I play a game called World of Warcraft. Played a number of MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) and found this to probably be the best of the bunch. Games like this seem to be the s... |
The "Void"
66 Posts • 18763 Views Philosophy Forum |
sup boys.
interesting thought, a bit vague maybe but i do see what you mean. For example, i just had to walk home from work and wait outside for 2 hours at like mindnight because i was locked outsi... |
Next Gen Conundrum
20 Posts • 6201 Views Talk Talk |
the only thing microsofts console has over its computers, is that u dont get the compatability problems with the console games. |
Links to Good Internet Sites
23 Posts • 9367 Views Jokes & Games |
This is an awsome place for collections of flash, cartoons, flash games. |
GamesInteractive buddy
100 Posts • 88934 Views Jokes & Games |
I never said it had a direct correlaion with progressively violent video games. I wonder where all this violent gaming will lead us. |
Video GamesPrototype and Spiderman Web of Shadows
1 Posts • 2963 Views Talk Talk |
If you ever played both games, they seem similar. Can you find what is similar? |
Booksmusic to listen while reading a good book
5 Posts • 3734 Views Talk Talk |
I've never done that. But I turn down the volume on the television and play heavy metal music when I play video games. |