ANY DVD.....$10 shipped
8 Posts • 3548 Views Jokes & Games |
Here is a few that i have taken the time to list.
Mystic River
Bourne Supremacy
Day After Tomorrow, The
Man on Fire
I, Robot
50 First Dates
Last Samurai
Kill Bill Vol.... |
EconomyStock market and social security
23 Posts • 8176 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
What I think is that the politicans in Congress should work together on a plan. There is too much Liberial vs. Conservative. Social Security is about people's retirement. Good grief! Those politi... |
19 Posts • 7034 Views Talk Talk |
i usually get to bed at like 8am after staying up all night reading or playing video games--i like the night a lot better because everyone is asleep and i don't ever get bothered. so then i wake... |
6 Posts • 4923 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
final fantasies 4, 6 and 7 in my opinion had the best character development(4 in particular) and storylines. 7 was the game that got the final fantasy games famous and thus more commercial and kind of... |
5 Posts • 3643 Views Talk Talk |
I like to explore things on the net. I love libraries as well as talking with people.
For my I usually have no problems in finding interesting it sometimes can be a question of motivation which can f... |
SocietyFacts and spins
9 Posts • 3709 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Alright I\'m completely confused. I used to think that i had my political views all laid out and i knew what i wanted. Well silly me i forgot no one knows what they want. But the thing I really w... |
Is attachment weakness?
0 Posts • 6864 Views Philosophy Forum |
ok...you explain a general idea of what people must be thinking when someone dies and dont relate it to how attatchment may or may not make you weak. or if you were getting to that in another post jus... |
Online Gaming.....
18 Posts • 7380 Views Talk Talk |
I no longer play On-line games because my two bros, my dad, and me(and sometimes my neighbor) have our own comps. and we are networked so we play LAN.
Though, I used to play Everquest, and my bro i... |
Online Gaming.....
18 Posts • 7380 Views Talk Talk |
I play Trystell Dark Ages at www.tabcreations.com also
play Imperial Conflict, they are both free online games I play when I am at work with nothing to do. |
GamesInteractive buddy
100 Posts • 88934 Views Jokes & Games |
It's all do to the fact that people are getting caught more often. As women become more independent more and more rape crimes get reported and more get convicted.
Theft increases as a result o... |
SpiritualityIn any Spiritual Text is there a way to give up Free Will?
5 Posts • 3144 Views Religion Forum |
To find a text which shows you how to give up free will is really finding a text to change your own nature.
From an Islamic perspective having free will is the most valued thing about humans. In the... |
A new path.
6 Posts • 2686 Views Talk Talk |
The things I enjoy doing are Playing computer games, biking, hanging out with friends. I think the issue is, im afraid to get burned/rejected. Go up to a group and not have such a good encounter. main... |
Marvin Spectrum
5 Posts • 8229 Views Jokes & Games |
This game's music makes you realize you can't give up! :p
(Post your highest score on endless mode, like a winning board)
http://www.killsomet ime.com/games/Game.asp?ID=394 |
7 Posts • 3208 Views Jokes & Games |
Everyone post cheats for ps2 games here. Lets try to make the biggest collection of ps2 cheats!:D |
Playstation 3 VS Wii
0 Posts • 1085 Views Talk Talk |
Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Zelda: Majoro's Mask both kicked ass. Screw you for saying Zelda should have stayed 2D. You didn't name any games you liked on any Sony consoles, which side are yo... |
what do you do?
8 Posts • 3349 Views Talk Talk |
Masturbation doesn't count? Damn...:( . Well I play video games, watch tv, go to movies, go shooting, and surf the internet. Shooting is my favorite, nothing quite like setting up random things t... |
Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11368 Views Psychology Forum |
Mind games are covers for insecurities, they are defenses, and or abuses if used in malice.
They generally aren't intentional, it goes hand in hand with a society that thinks white lies are ok... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeWittgenstein's notes called On Certainty
4 Posts • 4703 Views Philosophy Forum |
"Whether a proposition can turn out false after all depends on what I make count as determinants for that proposition (OC, 5)."
This is an interesting point, many of our beliefs are indee... |
6 Posts • 4923 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
im not a fan of tactics, never really got that far into it tho. FF7 is awesome... also check out the umm well i forget its official title but its got three of the old FF games combined into one on the... |
Super Hero Clips
13 Posts • 7441 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
It is mainly from various video games, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Punisher, X-Men Legends, etc.
After watching it the first time I realized how much cool computer animation gets missed in video game... |
Video GamesSupreme Commander 2
2 Posts • 3065 Views Talk Talk |
I just finished the campaign and watched some replays online. Its fun, challenging, 1v1 games are 10+ minutes, 2v2 and up typically last longer.
Turtleing isn't the best method, no real micro... |
Bookswhat about books?
3 Posts • 3186 Views Talk Talk |
that is so true. the reason why i have not been on this wonderful websie for such a long time, is because i made a vow on my 15th birthday to but away all electronics in order to better myself intelle... |
Video Game Videos
17 Posts • 4839 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
My brother is a game developer and hes actually making Force Unleashed.
But if it sucks please dont blame me. Im just his brother and I just play games. I dont make them. :D |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77264 Views Psychology Forum |
Not much of a reader eh, that could explain some things. But regardless, I want to again express how much more pleasant "not" speaking with you has been.
Thanks for clarifying again, so... |
Hi New I am a new user
2 Posts • 2680 Views Talk Talk |
Hi there pepeje2k1,
Well first you click on the flash games forums, then click the link of the game you would like to play. Wait for them to load then follow the game instructions. |