Genius - How would you know?
13 Posts • 3403 Views Philosophy Forum |
Thank you Ironwood and KG-nonvirgin for engaging in a debate... I truly believe differences are the building blocks of peace, understanding ect. Differences often identify areas where dialogue needs t... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 42000 Views Religion Forum |
Sought, when you tried to argue my point about God not taking responsibility for HIS actions and creations, you spoke as though it made sense that while being omnipotent and omniceint and having been... |
SocietyAtlas Shrugged a Cynical Review
28 Posts • 9374 Views Philosophy Forum |
This is primarily for those who have already read the book if you haven't the spoilers aren't a lot and I didn't give away the ending.
Where does one begin when trying to accuse a be... |
GovernmentTrotskyism versus Stalinism
1 Posts • 2864 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Trotskyism versus Stalinism
by Wolf Larsen
The socialist/communist world is divided into two camps: Trotskyism versus Stalinism. Trotsky and Stalin were enemies, they both had completely different... |
ConsciousnessDifferents Forms of Consciousness
5 Posts • 3095 Views Philosophy Forum |
I saw this post and it stuck out to me. This is my understanding as I have learned it.
A letter for HOPE
(Helping other peoples experience)
In the past year, I have undertook various journeys;... |
Ethics & MoralityThe five fingers of ethics
2 Posts • 9646 Views Philosophy Forum |
A more elaborate description...
With five ethical principles, it is possible to construct a coherent ethical system that best matches the strongest basic moral intuitions that I share with a lot of... |
GovernmentSecurity Council members deny meeting Kerry
13 Posts • 3586 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
How do you lefties explain this? I'd like to hear it directly from you.
Steve From Texas - just passing on the facts.
Security Council members deny meeting Kerry
By Joel Mowbray
SPE... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62743 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Stanley Hilton, a government insider, Bob Dole's former chief of staff, political scientist, lawyer, represents 400 plus plaintiffs - most of them victims of 9/11 He had an interview with Alex Jo... |
ConsciousnessA change in conscious thought and understanding
1 Posts • 3983 Views Philosophy Forum |
A letter for HOPE
(Helping other peoples experience)
In the past year, I have undertook various journeys; thoughts, actions, and dreams. I always imagined that I had something very special for t... |
Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7017 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Hi guys - thought I'd give you another chapter:)
CHAPTER SIX - Shadows in the darkness
Qaphsiel held my hand so tightly and pulled me along around the perimeter of the house so strongly that... |
Long one act
5 Posts • 2768 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Here it is... the fifth and final piece... let me know what you guys think of it.
Scene 5
(One week later. JUDY is, yet again, on the phone with Cheryl. This time, however, she sits in her c... |
28 Posts • 7158 Views Philosophy Forum |
Jesus didnt alleviate the world of pain, he didnt free us from sin let alone ALL sin. He died for our sins so that we may be forgiven for them. Pain still exists. He died so we could make mistakes and... |
Is This Freedom?
34 Posts • 12891 Views Talk Talk |
Gagged librarians break silence on Patriot Act
Larisa Alexandrovna / Raw Story | June 1st 2006
Connecticut librarians spoke about their fight to stop the FBI from gaining access to patrons'... |
Starcraft 2 (no, NOT Starcraft Ghost)
12 Posts • 3355 Views Talk Talk |
The Rise and Fall of a Blizzard Fanboi
I know because Blizzard is so hugely succseful and loved these days, Im probably not going to be very popular for this post. But I have had this inside me for... |
SpiritualityLife-Now, then, or to come!
3 Posts • 3838 Views Religion Forum |
Is it now? Is it then? Is it to come?
'Life is a cycle, a circle that can only be lived in a straight line. A motion that can only be experienced in the present and comprehended through the... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90766 Views Psychology Forum |
101. Sniper case
I think the sniper case was done by government insider. It's a case similar to anthrax attack. I believe it was done by law enforcement agency. The anthrax attack was done to... |
Paranormal & PseudoscienceWhy do you think people can have psychic abilities?
17 Posts • 11226 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Did you describe this event already? If not, do tell. If so, refresh my memory
Not in this thread, I provided a link in an above post to the thread where I do describe it. It was an out of body exp... |
BiologyWhat About Eugenics?
23 Posts • 10891 Views Science & Technology Forum |
However, I do not agree with you on how can you get that population decreased, you should net let some disease overtake the planet, such as the 1920s flu that eliminated millions of people.
Then in... |
SocietyAtlas Shrugged a Cynical Review
28 Posts • 9374 Views Philosophy Forum |
We need a Social Democracy, not a Democratic Socialism system, and not an ideological one a practical one,
Step One Nationalize the Fed, its a bullshit system that has the government paying interest... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90766 Views Psychology Forum |
111. How they plant.
In late December 2000, in bank statement I found a check (amount 5000) paid by my wife to her company. I asked her what was it for. My wife said she had bought a house in her... |
Society & SociologyMy American nightmare
34 Posts • 90766 Views Psychology Forum |
96. Follow up (11/1)
In 10/28, I asked my wife to come back home early next day to attend the meeting. I said firmly I wouldn't go because I thought it was another trap. In 10/29, one hour bef... |
Issues with Hate…
8 Posts • 3141 Views Talk Talk |
I have a little folder I have watched grow over the last 9 months full of my thoughts I jot down for this site. And somewhere I had written a few similar lines to what your getting at.
It went somt... |
BiologyWhat About Eugenics?
23 Posts • 10891 Views Science & Technology Forum |
First of all, I'm sorry for posting my reply late, but I didn't have any time to reply as I was busy. But I'm back now, heh heh...
Now back to the original topic.
To Summit- What... |
God in ReligionWho created God
3 Posts • 3878 Views Religion Forum |
God has no beginning and no end because God is unimaginable. The beginning and the end must be also unimaginable for an unimaginable item. The beginning and the end of the cosmic energy or space or th... |
EconomyWhat Economic Governmental Sytem Works Best and How?
24 Posts • 12453 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We need a Social Democracy, not a Democratic Socialism system, and not an ideological one a practical one,
Step One Nationalize the Fed, its a bullshit system that has the government paying interest... |