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Tagged > Protests around the world
THREAD to believe or not to belive
21 Posts • 8305 Views
Philosophy Forum
It's been said that there are a lot of things that are both true and untrue. What those concepts have in common is that they don't make predictions about observable reality. Thus they cannot...
THREAD War & TerrorismSam Rasouli talks about the prospects of Civil war in Iraq
0 Posts • 1327 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I just had a discussion with my friend who is Iraqi about civil war. He was sayin exaclty the same thing. The conflict between sunnis and shiites does not come from within the country. As Rasouli poin...
THREAD Life & DeathThe Afterlife
22 Posts • 9835 Views
Philosophy Forum
Eeek...Just trying to contiplate whether or not my existance leads to somewhere or stops dead in its tracks give me a headache. I would hate to imagine that the my conscience is total gone and whole m...
THREAD IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23081 Views
Religion Forum
Last word on this subject. I've been doing some studying and there is no cleric who could condemn voilence. It's a little different on that side of the fence. But - let me say that relig...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57888 Views
Religion Forum
Some people are very good, some people are very bad. Most of us are a little of both. I might attribute this to reincarnation, other than that, I really don't know why. Dispite that - there is...
THREAD GovernmentThe meaning of democracy
65 Posts • 34205 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
If you are not a Christian conservative, why are you using their arguments to make a point? We have agreements, and if you could find a copy of Monroe's "Text Book in the History of Educ...
THREAD GovernmentKerry Bad For America
26 Posts • 7564 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Which Roosevelt, Teddy? I suppose I should concede the national park system is a benefit. But my new rose bush does more for humanity and the world than both of the Bush presidents put together. Wilso...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32929 Views
Philosophy Forum
"If, on the other hand, one believes that the US is the world's moral superior then it is not hypocritical at all" No, I see how you are thinking here, you are working with multiple...
64 Posts • 19304 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have one thing to say......If you believe that Jesus is God.. the supreme God...the ONE....then you have nothing else to search for and your life should be easy should have understandi...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42413 Views
Religion Forum
And also cyberangel, that was one contradiction made evident by thought, another is all things happening by god's decree or whatever, nothing happens that he doesn't "control"? is...
THREAD Song LyricsMad World
22 Posts • 9559 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
No Poetry "There's no poetry between us" Said the paper to the pen Something's burning in the attic That her tongue will not defend Through the arc of conversation Past the...
THREAD Universal Constants
8 Posts • 3282 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yin/Yang philosophy Each thing depends upon its opposite in order to exist; thus Yin 'creates' Yang and Yang 'creates' Yin. Everything in the physical world has an opposite....
THREAD Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32929 Views
Philosophy Forum
So what was your revelation. We can't support an unjust war just because we were stupid enough to put our kids in harms way. We can never ignore the fact that our presence is causing serious turm...
THREAD SpiritualityWhat if.....
36 Posts • 10456 Views
Religion Forum
What if you were God? What would you have done, or do? And how? I will ask some questions first..for you to answer. Ok; you make humans. Would you just accept that they take everything for...
THREAD Pretentious or Intellectual?
3 Posts • 5962 Views
Philosophy Forum
A big sign is people who speak in definitives rather than calculated yet open minded degrees of probability. I speak definitively on facts of what people say alot, which often gets confused as thei...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyLunacy & Science
17 Posts • 7452 Views
Science & Technology Forum
I recently was posting in another thread so I started to look around at for other threads related to the subject. In seeking to expand on the present understanding of principles, I was seeking to give...
THREAD SocietyA One World Struggle
1 Posts • 2173 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Stop Chemtrails, Or I Will Call the People of Serbia to the Streets (Video) In this remarkable video from Serbia (English transcript is below), Nikola Aleksic, Director of the Ecological Movement o...
THREAD GovernmentNo More Rubber Stamp Politics
12 Posts • 3838 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It is the American way to investigate and criticize decisions made by our government and encourage solutions to current problems. People will always complain, nothing will ever be perfect. But this...
THREAD Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59358 Views
Philosophy Forum
surley your all overlooking the definitons of the words and also their implications. what does 'right' and 'wrong' imply... morality. is morality inate , does it depend on anything...
THREAD Nature & GeographyAre natural disasters more frequently nowadays?
28 Posts • 13688 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Global warming is a questionable topic. It is argued in the science community of what is actually causing the increase in temperature. Some say it's a natural process that the Earth heats up in c...
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17384 Views
Religion Forum
You would think, but look what happened. Everything you just said, was speculation, assumption, and flat out wrong. Everyday people fight for different sides of equally witnessed and accounted...
THREAD GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15506 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
theory typed "Little Jon your points are valid and i take heed. I'm just getting bored with the amount of wars and murder that happens in the world every day. Its pathetic that some people s...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsA few question, interested in everybody's opinions
9 Posts • 3320 Views
Philosophy Forum
Is the real world really real? It's a real illusion. Is reality real? Be definition. Can it be that it's all just illusion? It's a real illusion, I said. What is our purpose of b...
THREAD ConsciousnessI Got A New Theory on the Human Mind
31 Posts • 10193 Views
Philosophy Forum
It is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself. If I try to concentrate on accomplishing a discrete goal, like obtaining $500 to pay bills with, it doesn't happen. I must change my perce...
THREAD Death Penalty
54 Posts • 12926 Views
Talk Talk
Putting a person in prison in the first place is a form of psychological torture would you like to see this practice stopped? No, of course not. I would like to see the death penalty stopped, but...
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