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Tagged > Power
THREAD ElectionsObama Deception
17 Posts • 6806 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I only viewed a portion of the video, certainly don't accept everything that I did see but . . . It does make a valid point in that historically we should be rational as to the aspects that thi...
THREAD One power
34 Posts • 7947 Views
Talk Talk
If i had just one power i suppose it would be to just be heard, and make a difference with my vocie. It would be nice to be able to say " Look this is the way society has gone, stand up an...
THREAD God in ReligionMe, myself and God
11 Posts • 3606 Views
Religion Forum
All things can be argued In the Navy I became the command's drug and alcohol adviser. As such, I was required to attend an AA meeting as an observer. It struck me vary odd. Had a guy who be...
4 Posts • 3657 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The actual communist ideology does not cause the harm but is the government in power. The government receives to much power and then abuses it. When this happens a revolt may take place or a protest w...
THREAD War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23907 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
How would have saddam fallen? He ruled in dictatorship over Iraq, had america not interfered then Saddam might still had his WMD. And the Russians were probably dealing some sort of treaty so they...
THREAD Life & DeathLife for people in their 20's
19 Posts • 6186 Views
Philosophy Forum
i would like to introduce my self as someone who shares your desire. i have long thought that deity would be a brilliant thing to have, absolute power and understanding. the power would be of no inter...
THREAD ChristianityA Great Man Passes
24 Posts • 6711 Views
Religion Forum
No, I don't know these things, thats why I asked, I merely made point of peoples outpouring of personal sentiment as if they were family. And how Pope is still a posistion in an institution in re...
149 Posts • 38605 Views
Talk Talk
allmost close but not for the TD06 turbo...... i have a Downpipe -------------------- ------ Top Secret Titanium Exhaust System ---------------------- -------- GReddy BCC ---------------- GRedd...
THREAD The Numbers of Destiny...
1 Posts • 1688 Views
Philosophy Forum
Imagine the statistics of the events of the Universe... Each person, everything they may or may not do... When and where things get done even when planned... However, yes it's a huge number...
THREAD ChristianityA Great Man Passes
24 Posts • 6711 Views
Religion Forum
'Firstly, by giving a single person credit for the acts of an organization is move in the direction of propaganda and fallacy.' I think we are missing a point. If they Cardinals come up with an ide...
THREAD Christianitysecond coming
53 Posts • 16359 Views
Religion Forum
Judgement day implies a judge. A judge has a definition as to it's position as well as it's sense of consciousness and of power. To judge without power is to have an opinion. It also implies...
THREAD SocietyALL the world's problems in one single word:
26 Posts • 7993 Views
Philosophy Forum
i should look for lust definition too but from my guess no it is not that, power and then absolute power has no relation with lust u seem to not believe that u exist so ur conscious sense of ursel...
THREAD InventionWhat happened to solar powered cars?
8 Posts • 3827 Views
Science & Technology Forum
It's just like the amount of scientists doing nuclear research VS the team looking for a cure for cancer/AIDS. Or perhaps 'It's just like the amount of scientists doing nuclear research...
THREAD Gorillas
3 Posts • 3318 Views
Talk Talk
does anyone remember the old 2D game, where you have 2 gorillas standing on the rooftops of a couple of towerblocks, and you have to throw exploding bananas at each other by setting the power and the...
THREAD War & TerrorismIran-US: the next war?
6 Posts • 3174 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
fundalmentalism (terrorist) These words do not equate. More moderate thinker of religious fevor should deal with those extremist of their own religion, take them into tow, reason & study wit...
THREAD Infinite universes from Matter and Anti-Matter
39 Posts • 10653 Views
Philosophy Forum
decius, i think your wrong. just becuase it knows why, or has the power to, doesn't mean it completly under stands. what if the origin is extremely immature. with great power doesn't always...
THREAD Christianitychristians?
110 Posts • 24284 Views
Religion Forum
relying on nothing but herself, and will be stronger in doing so Why do people associate self reliance with strength? If you break your arm do you say to yourself "Self, I can get through this...
THREAD Sociological Conundrum
0 Posts • 1956 Views
Philosophy Forum
in a time like this, words are the most powerful tools... hitler came to power because of his words. they convinced the people times would get better in a dark time. almost every major leader came...
THREAD Emotional effect of overcrowding.
2 Posts • 2080 Views
Talk Talk
That sounds like an interesting social experiment, not sure what the ethics commitees would make of it today though? I would say it has something to do with power struggles and who has the dominant p...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32945 Views
Philosophy Forum
No one voted for war. They voted for giving the President, who we trusted, the power to start the war. Now one can argue that the president abused that power. One can definitely argue those who vot...
THREAD God in Religionproof of the existence of God, maybe...
14 Posts • 3754 Views
Religion Forum
the question im raising is how is movement possible without some form of a higher power because- how would we get from a to b without having our movements connected. since its a fact that we cant get...
THREAD GovernmentJesus for President?
45 Posts • 9634 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Jesus wouldn't seek that sort of power to begin with. I don't think rephrasing "in power" with "in influence" is it - and I hate Gandhi. That guy was a hypocrite i...
THREAD Video Games
76 Posts • 25221 Views
Talk Talk
I'm sure most of you have played soul calibur, for a lot of you that means that you own or did own at one time a sega dreamcast, what I ask is if anyone you remember or even played Power Stone? A...
THREAD SocietyUnlocking Human Potential
11 Posts • 6662 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
This is a link to the initial pineal gland activation practice that I'm left to feel led to my obe experience. That plus of course an openness and desire for and toward unlocking human potent...
THREAD GovernmentPower of the people
8 Posts • 2521 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ok, The way I see our government is simple. The people who control power and control the nessesary resources are elected to the government. I believe many of our officials and representatives are not,...
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