FuturologyProgression of Humanity
16 Posts • 9320 Views Philosophy Forum |
I appreciate your enthusiasm. I have one friend who really believes in the power of one person. I admire him, I really do but at the same time it seems a little helpless. I mean even when one person m... |
EconomyEducate Yourself About Money
34 Posts • 10009 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
America is the sleeping bee hive that those with the greedy power are carelessly slapping, But is it consciously or unconsciously, this is the question I put to you all to find out.... what does their... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30358 Views Religion Forum |
yes 730, I agree with everything you said, but thats not the point here. No matter what, we still have to use our reason. There's a difference between knowing you know nothing and thus being spir... |
God posts
3 Posts • 1896 Views Talk Talk |
I guess people want to try and resolve the matter as much as possible, so that we're all on the same page...
It's just an important concept...
So many are religious, and often their de... |
33 Posts • 10061 Views Philosophy Forum |
this is what's going on here
after a lifetime of seeking (meditation, therapy and the like), I've finally seen the uselessness of it
there is nothing to seek, nothing to improve, all i... |
SocietyThe Next Generation
4 Posts • 3101 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
While important, that has only so much to do with computer processing power and speed which is the backbone of such compitition.
And beyond all that, besides other uses and features, it really come... |
War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 89319 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yess my friend.. But you forgot to mention one more super power country, RUSSIA!! I do agree with you... I think China and Russia will work together to destroy the U.S. they will invade.. And they wil... |
GovernmentAmerica is an imperialistic empire!
24 Posts • 6224 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I just finished writing a paper about how America is an imperialistic power. Examples of this include how America uses its influence in international organizations such as the IMF to get nations to ag... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist Ideals
21 Posts • 7466 Views Religion Forum |
an agnostic that is not sure if god exists and states it in that phrase is simply a denier of the christian faith. they need to constantly question and rebel against all faiths and all gods which mean... |
Religion & HumanityBah'ai the religion
11 Posts • 4124 Views Religion Forum |
The political agenda of Fundamentalists is historical fact, and applies today. Fundies seek total political power, by subjugating all around them. Your reference to angels, in reply to my divine exper... |
God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19643 Views Religion Forum |
I believe someone asked if God could create something greater than himself. (a boulder he cannot lift)
The answer is no. His abilities..do not surpass..his ability.
In other words-because he is... |
36 Posts • 10488 Views Religion Forum |
Antichrist? Is that like Antipasto?
I'm sorry, I just find the whole concept of Satan and an antichrist absurd. Isn't the Antichrist supposed to be the demonic counterpart of Jesus, and the son of Sa... |
SocietyWrite To Your Senators and Congressman
3 Posts • 2614 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As hard as it is to believe that Bush decieved the people into the War in Iraq yet not only are we still at war but that Bush is still in power stalling all peaceful resolution except for domaination... |
GovernmentThe Role of State
10 Posts • 4223 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
What is the role of the State? Yes we all hate it, but all the stateless societies are dead, so there's a good reason its here.
Must the state make sure of the well-being of the citizens? Must i... |
erase UR self from World!!!!
14 Posts • 3555 Views Philosophy Forum |
Who told us we exist? We just have to presume, we may not be 100 percent sure, but we are 99.99 percent sure we exist. Questning if we exist is irrelevant( unless somebody sees a machine going around... |
110 Posts • 24289 Views Religion Forum |
id hate to say that christians are suffering from bible dependence
Doesn't matter if you would hate to say it, it is true for some but not all.
There are many reasonable Christians in exist... |
Society & SociologyThe Right Thing Todo...? Interesting Story
4 Posts • 3092 Views Psychology Forum |
you did no harm to anyone, you didn't get into tourble, and the assholes got expelled. i see nothing wrong with that. you got a lot more control of yourself than i do. by the sound of it, you cou... |
Movie Trailers & ClipsRandom Video Thread
147 Posts • 25719 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
And now ladies and gentlemen, after watching the previous cringe-worthy's
(featuring some big-time male cock-up's) …
..I bring you girl power, hehehe. ;)
This one is truly uplifti... |
War & TerrorismThe War You Don't See
3 Posts • 2591 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I am just curious as to what you thought war was?
This is war I have seen, and comparatively this still makes what you see the pleasant part. Anyone who has ever set foot in a war zone can tell you t... |
War & TerrorismBin Laden Killed In Pakistan
8 Posts • 2899 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Which part?
Bin laden is and has been a public relations patsy. Right now its a desperate attempt to make obama look like less of a tool, and unfortunately that works on a lot of people.
With th... |
ConspiracyOur Secret Government
5 Posts • 4039 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Why is this and all information in general so important, like an ex CIA operative said, possibly quoting someone else, "Wars are not won on the battlefield, they are won in the minds of the peopl... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
true that, many books cover the topic of bush and his plans before 9/11. most generals, advisors,and people in power i our government actually created a document and sent it to Clinton during his year... |
19 Posts • 10749 Views Philosophy Forum |
point taken wind-I'm not one to argue for the sake of argument.If you're not a bigot-then fantastic-more power to you.Thx for the link but Ive read so much on this subject through the years... |
Societal Pressure
11 Posts • 2820 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm convinced that all of the electrical appliances in our life have quite a negative affect on our psyche. I have the same feeling you are describing whenever the power goes out. I think people... |
i know of someone in here who writes songs
1 Posts • 2570 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
And who ever is willing i just wanted to see if someone could write me a love poem or somethin along those lines for my girlfriend.. i just want it to consist of like you mean everything to me and i w... |