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Tagged > People are dicks
THREAD ChristianityWhen jesus comes hes going to be pissed
20 Posts • 6710 Views
Religion Forum
if bringing them to ruin would mean turning them into good people, then surely hell would be a little empty. and as for the subject of forgiveness, it always says in the bible, that to be forgiven by...
THREAD Christianitycommandments
68 Posts • 15242 Views
Religion Forum
You seem to assume that without rules people would stop commiting crimes. The crime rate would be zero without laws but the result would be much worse and how does it create freedom for the person bei...
THREAD The Internet Going Slow
3 Posts • 2529 Views
Talk Talk
nope internets been running fine.:D what do you use for a ISP becouse some companys do limit bandwidth even if they say they do, also what times of the day are you on since there might just bealot of...
THREAD Newbie Alert!
3 Posts • 2795 Views
Talk Talk
its quie easy to forget ur new, i did it really quickly. i havent been here ages, but ive been here long enough to get to know some people. suggestion would be dont aggrivate etheralmeekle in a religi...
THREAD Rugby is a man's game not Football
9 Posts • 4695 Views
Talk Talk
When you have 6 people on top of you, you're the bottom and you're chewing grass whilst watching the ball disappear into another persons hands you soon realise.. Rugby is not for the soft...
THREAD I have returned.
3 Posts • 2003 Views
Talk Talk
I don't know if you people remember me. I used to be on here fairly regularly but I got caught up in a lot of stuff. So I just kinda want to say Hello again to everyone and give you a heads up th...
THREAD SpiritualityThe aura
15 Posts • 4506 Views
Religion Forum
Violet is also usually associated with humble people as well. Of course, this is assuming the positive aspects, otherwise... MUSTARD - Manipulative STRAW - Day dreamers MAGENTA - Often found i...
THREAD War & TerrorismAnonVsScientology
13 Posts • 3542 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Oh, ya if you run Linux, you must clearly be one of those terrorist seeking to infiltrate honest people (Window buyers) usage of the web. So that you may steal passwords => owners identity to finan...
THREAD ArtworkAn old project
14 Posts • 4276 Views
Art Forum
Her friends call her that and she's just known as Barbie. There was a pile of pictures of other people to pick from, all of whom are art students, and I decided to draw her. She looks kinda fu...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsJealousy
17 Posts • 8147 Views
Psychology Forum
Well, at least someone understands the 1st option real well! Lol. Some people just don't realize that they can have certain things if they just get off their lazy asses!*angry* Hey I say, if...
THREAD Sexual BiologyI like sex but have trouble Orgasming
17 Posts • 17685 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
i believe its more around 18-23 for women and 15-20 for men. of course everyone is different. a lot of people psyche themselves out about it. its much easier for a womans mind to wander and as a re...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It's official, there is now a back door draft, they have officially re-enlisted people who are not reservists, not coast guard, not extended terms, but out of the military completely. Enjoy.
THREAD Rant OnPeople! BAH! Humans suck!
5 Posts • 6238 Views
Talk Talk
You are truly right my friend... I agree with you 100%. But I am happy to see that there is yet hope for humans, because, people like you are finaly coming out and trying to fix things, although it�...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views
Talk Talk
Hey all. Kinda stumbled across here so I thought I would check it out. Liked what I seen so I created an sn and decided to chat with all of you! I love to be outside doing anything. Mostly working in...
62 Posts • 21990 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I just got done doing a current event on this and was also wondering how significant will this be on the war in Iraq. I mean if this were 1945 and we had Hitler then I would understand that that could...
THREAD GovernmentNo More Rubber Stamp Politics
12 Posts • 3835 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Power corrupts people. Imagine being the most powerful man in the United States. This is not an easy task to remain a straight shooter. This is why corruption in politics is so common.
THREAD SocietyArticulation
4 Posts • 3781 Views
Philosophy Forum
perhaps some astonishing (to us at least during the transtition) truths would be reviled.. but then we would be like ok whats the point we know what we know.. well like it is now, just knowing more.....
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36734 Views
Philosophy Forum
If the matrix existed what would be the point of letting us create a movie about it? If the are so smart they would realise that too many people would believe it and begin a quest for escape. What pos...
THREAD Relationships & Lovea little insight please?
27 Posts • 5420 Views
Psychology Forum
In a way SUPERBEST is right but maybe just not in such a harsh way but yeah moving on and finding somebody else is probably the easiest way to forget someone as you make better memroies with a new lov...
THREAD Governmentopinions on democracy PLEASE!
23 Posts • 15823 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
We have a say in who our representatives are.. and we have the right to replace government officials if they aren't doing what the majority wants.. I'd say that's pretty awesome. Its...
THREAD Is This Freedom?
34 Posts • 12880 Views
Talk Talk
Which is a walk in the part to being arrested and thrown in a condemned building loaded with asbestos and whatever else that gave people rashes and chemical burns, some of which were held for days.
THREAD How has coming here affected you?
17 Posts • 4991 Views
Talk Talk
definetly LESS sarcastic. not saying that im still not, but i dont really mind that much. quicker at the whole argue thing. better reasoning. more respectfull. i can point out weaknesses a...
THREAD Hello from the Middle East
18 Posts • 6340 Views
Talk Talk
On the one hand BMX wasnt conscripted so if its shit, well you signed on bucko. On the other, thanks for doing your duty, your defending our ideals. You are out there to prove we're good decen...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsDo You Ever Feel Like People Don't Care What You Think?
5 Posts • 3620 Views
Psychology Forum
When the topic is politics or religion...people often have their minds made up. They just want to know if you agree with them...If you don't, you are wasting your breathe telling them what you th...
THREAD Why things are cheasy?
10 Posts • 2957 Views
Talk Talk
I don't think that people giving to charities questions intelligence, I think it's time to question those that make the commercials. Every other sector of marketing is brilliant but for some...
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