God in ReligionWhy Worry About God?
12 Posts • 5707 Views Religion Forum |
I am Ignostic. Ignosism...similar to the word 'agnostic' just with a different prefix; Ig. As in ignorant. Agnosism is the fact that you believe there is something 'higher' out the... |
ElectionsNow I Don't Have To Throw Away My Vote
9 Posts • 2654 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Quite a change from the Obama string & your defence of our capitalistic system?
Who was that to, if me, I could use some more referrence.
Do you truely believe that this actually ever exist... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62729 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect
Official version of events a conspiracy theory, says drills were cover for attacks
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet.... |
SocietyUS disappointed with canada?
3 Posts • 3527 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Uh, Decius, I didn't know you were a Canadian. Good to know.
Anyways, I think it's us Canadians (I'm Canadian as well), who should be angry with the Americans. They had to elect an... |
Aren't Drills supposed to make you Safer?
2 Posts • 2481 Views Talk Talk |
Three months prior to the Foot-and-Mouth Disease outbreak in the UK, the US held Foot-and-Mouth Disease simulations in Texas. I have been told by Paula McCann, a Producer for an overnight BBC radio sh... |
ElectionsRon Paul TV
1 Posts • 3298 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
<center>Scroll to the bottom right to get the menu<br><br>Scroll back to the top left to maximize the video<br><br>
& lt;noscript><object classid="clsid:D27C... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30321 Views Religion Forum |
Yes the Spirit of God has a special relationship when two or more are gathered in His name.
Church simply means gathering. When Gods people gathered together they are in church - they are amongst t... |
11 Posts • 4247 Views Talk Talk |
London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack
Culpability cover scenario echoes 9/11 wargames
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet | July 9 2... |
SocietyIs America playing with fire ?
141 Posts • 33938 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://www.democracynow.org/ar ticle.pl?sid=05/06/24/1348249
Friday, June 24th, 2005
Cities Given Ok to Seize Homes To Spur Economic Development
The Supreme Court has issued a major ruling on proper... |
81 Posts • 21652 Views Religion Forum |
I'm sorry, I don't remember you sending me an article, but I may not have been paying attention. I read part of your article:
if Jesus did not rise, our faith is futile and we fall back i... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57879 Views Religion Forum |
If you understand God, then you understand His nature. He is the Holy Spirit who Inspires. Note when Jesus breathed the Spirit upon His apostles; They could speak tongues, their eyes and ears were ope... |
Multiple Personality Disorder
1 Posts • 2220 Views Psychology Forum |
I had a experience a while back and I forgot about it, but just a week or two back one of my friends, Paul, asked me about the theory of the mind and the brain being two different entities and that th... |
Christianityis the bible CONTRADICTORY?
47 Posts • 14465 Views Religion Forum |
thank you for the sign of respect for the beliefs of others.
the new testament was written by the Catholic Church during the crusades to give a written scripture to their teachings of hate and racism... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27249 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I posted responses to Leftwood late last night I wonder if you read them. Here's some quotes from this website: www.familyresearchinst.org/FRI _EduPamphlet6.html
I refuse to discourse with any... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43970 Views Religion Forum |
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
SO...for eac... |
SocietyI am not a coward and once I was human.
2 Posts • 4312 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
If you don't know who Leto II is he's a kwisatz haderach
http://en.wikipedia.org/wi ki/Kwisatz_Haderach
Basically it's a superhuman that knows his entire genetic past both male a... |
GovernmentLet The Proceeding Begin
3 Posts • 3070 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
www.democracynow.org/article.p l?sid=05/06/24/1348249 Friday, June 24th, 2005
UN Investigators Accusing U.S. of Torture At Guantanamo
A team of United Nations human rights investigators said Thursda... |
SpiritualityDevil Possession
2 Posts • 3782 Views Religion Forum |
before i write anything i just wanted to see if people really do believe in the powers of evil and devil possession.
This direct assault covers what the Bible refers to as "demon possession,&quo... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122944 Views Religion Forum |
"Although, I don't really think showing why God must necessarily exist makes much difference until you show that he does exist first."
For Elemental's logic to work he must first... |
81 Posts • 21652 Views Religion Forum |
Jesus was telling a parable about the judgement, when the chaff is burnt away. The goats were those who were sure to enter the kingdom of heaven and were turned away, when Jesus told them why, they we... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Congressional Probe of NSA Spying Is in Doubt
White House Sways Some GOP Lawmakers
By Charles Babington
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, February 15, 2006; Page A03
Congress appeared r... |
ChristianityRevelation, are we in it?
12 Posts • 4107 Views Religion Forum |
I am not a theologian but I have studied eschatology for many years and I can honestly tell you that the modern idea of the rapture is extra-biblical and even contradicts the teachings of... |
Patriot Acts Across the Globe
10 Posts • 4012 Views Talk Talk |
There is one key point to be made about these "Patriot Act" or terrorism fighting bills, at least in my country, I haven't read much of all your death threats, but that it actually chan... |
ChristianityCorrect Bible manuscripts vs corrupted manuscripts
1 Posts • 3571 Views Religion Forum |
What would be the most important deception how satan would like to deceive people away from the truth? That he would tamper with the Word of God by adding the words, leaving out the words, and by chan... |
ElectionsObama Deception
17 Posts • 6802 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Not really, all I would like to see is an honest, for the people president who will, and CAN stand up against some seriously organized opposistion that has no other purpose than to consolodate power o... |