Tagged > Opponent process theory |
Lack of spiritual men
13 Posts • 7286 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you see value in material things that are symbols of materialistic superiority, you don't know how to meditate and are not spiritual.
Decius: I hope you know your making a huge generalizatio... |
Forget school! Einsteinfound wrong! Ueber Alles
1 Posts • 2846 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Forget everything you know....
This movie is a mental rollercoaster!
Ueber Alles - The Movie
They disproved Einstein!
The Unified Field Theory is on this site!!!
You have to see this!!... |
9 Posts • 2934 Views Philosophy Forum |
In fact, they found that photon emission could be achieved at lower energy by applying particular (resonant) frequencies. This lead to chemical analysis by varying the frequency at lower energy levels... |
Women are scared sexy...
24 Posts • 15011 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't think the men that ARE attracted to men are afraid to admit it, they are the ones that are Gay...<being sarcastic>.
But seriously, it is very taboo to be a man and find other men a... |
Physics & CosmologyFrontiers of Quantum Mechanics
10 Posts • 6580 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Shroedenger's Cat was a paradox that involved a box with a cat and a small amount of radioactive material in it. The material was to be stable enough to not kill the cat all the time. The cat was... |
Cesspool of our youth
14 Posts • 4655 Views Philosophy Forum |
hmm so what was the point? youth are stupid. we all just ride along and whatever happens happens eh? i have always wondered why kids have that "i am invincible" mentality, i never experience... |
Physics & CosmologyCAN WE SEE INTO THE PAST?
31 Posts • 9907 Views Science & Technology Forum |
that is a good question. i think it would either be dark, or we would see into the past, because we catch up with light that had left where we came from, so we would appear to be going backwards in ti... |
Free Will
60 Posts • 15065 Views Philosophy Forum |
I like the idea of consciousness only being possible in a society with multiple options to every situation. It kinda speaks to my theory that people are evolving by degrees, and the next step of human... |
9 Posts • 3196 Views Philosophy Forum |
I agree with the theory of increasing distraction making it harder to learn so fast as we get older, but I think the main reason we slow down with our ability to learn, is the fact that we only learn... |
More to the world than we can see
21 Posts • 5631 Views Philosophy Forum |
do you beleive there is more to the world than what we perciev as reality. im not talking about the matrix thing (and please stay off that topic) but more like, you dont see everything that is here. l... |
BiologyWTF with conditions had to be just right for life?
4 Posts • 2476 Views Science & Technology Forum |
i am sorry i disagree i think aliens if they exist will be very humanoid. i will use a earth life form to prove this. have you ever heard of The Thylacine? this is a very interesting thing as it can h... |
Namaste by the Beastie Boys...
2 Posts • 2602 Views Philosophy Forum |
There's a lyric in the song that goes "Dark is not the opposite of light, it is the absence of light..."
I think this may have sparked or enhanced my theory of there being no opposit... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39476 Views Philosophy Forum |
Seeing as how time is not likely linear as we perceive it, light may see all time. And non linear time in a sense could be faster than light, as it already exists ahead of light.
There was a theor... |
189 Posts • 72839 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
"Moreover, at least one fifth (and probably more) of the population have pedophiliac fantasies. The prevalence of child pornography and child prostitution prove it. Pedophiles start out as "... |
258 Posts • 67043 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Third Period Thought Process
wisper silently as you are digging
smile girl, it's only the beggining
touch me quitely, without thinking
smile girl, you'll enjoy believing
pumping chest... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14760 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The theory goes that God is on our side, so if anyone is against us they are against God. Why - because we support Isreal, the choosen people. So everyone who is against Isreal, they can all be damned... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63746 Views Religion Forum |
There goes the theory that time itself is a creation. There are so many lives. Except for the nature of mankind. Each life sustains the other in a balance that sustains life on this earth. Have all ac... |
Can we escape our pre-conditioning?
21 Posts • 9788 Views Philosophy Forum |
"At the subconscious level, the process and content are out of direct reach of the conscious mind. The subconscious thus thinks and acts independently.
One of Freud's key findings was tha... |
It is all in your head.
9 Posts • 3337 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think that your refering to the problem of perception here , but in a more general sense. this is a valid theory tied in with knowledge. How ever , you seem to believe that you know things in your h... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 42046 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm not saying we all necessarily do that but that we definitely can. Psychically connecting to the buffalo itself, I would think, would be a farely advanced method but that would be one way. I d... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17110 Views Religion Forum |
Science, Religion and History are the same they just have different labels with a different finding.
Science is theory, religion is beliefs and history is a mixture of both. Science is finding fact... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122672 Views Religion Forum |
I am trying to see where you (Ironwood) is coming from with your understanding of quantum physics, infinity and all that, but I don't know enough about it to understand what you are talking about... |
Physics & CosmologyThe Individual Ear and the Key of C
5 Posts • 2134 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Although each person may receive the sound slightly differently, it will not change the tonal quality of the sound. What might change to them is the sound of the instrument and this may be why some pe... |
AstronomySuns Boiling, and Black Holes Freezing…
23 Posts • 6666 Views Science & Technology Forum |
If heat splits matter up, perhaps extreme cold would do something similar… process of pressure ...extremes would appear to have similar qualities.
Yes but some compounds exist as a gas in fact... |
DoO we really want to know...?
17 Posts • 6260 Views Philosophy Forum |
Im not denying the fact that theres three physical dimensions...and a quick look at what I've posted shall prove that quite clearly. The fourth dimension was only a theory, (like much of what you... |