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Tagged > Near continual submersion
THREAD HistoryPrehistoric Human Brain Found Pickled in Bog : Discovery News
1 Posts • 3223 Views
Science & Technology Forum
A brain in near-perfect condition is found in a body-less skull of a person who was decapitated over 2,600 years ago in England. One of the world's best preserved prehistoric human brains was...
 53yrs • M
\\\"The Empty Vessel Makes The Most Noise\\\" - Shakespear
THREAD Does Time Exist?
30 Posts • 7073 Views
Philosophy Forum
analytical: you claim your open minded, but postulate that 'seeing is only believing'. This is rather close-minded. Philosophy as a whole is not one sided. There are different ways to approa...
THREAD SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29198 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
little confusing? "Is the main land of China truly capitalist?" It has opened its markets, yes. it is capitalist. Capitalist, with lots of leftover socialist bureaucracy. well pure capita...
THREAD Time and Absolute Zero
52 Posts • 13607 Views
Philosophy Forum
Time is infinite meaning time has never started nor will it stop. It is a continual flow for eternity. Time exists externally from the movement and temperature of matter. If the universe stopped, that...
THREAD GamesWord Association 2
266 Posts • 60798 Views
Jokes & Games
hmm...chrissylette seem to have a knack of breaking chains XD me gonna continual off samus --------- hmm... samsung LOL dunno the word "samus" kind of remind me of technology...than...
THREAD The "Void"
66 Posts • 18761 Views
Philosophy Forum
Not to disagree but I think that there is an unexplored aspect of this phenomena. Women come to a point of feeling of crisis as they reach the age when they may no longer can reproduce, this is especi...
THREAD GovernmentLiberal columnist admits Bush may be right...
8 Posts • 3412 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I understand why our chorus of concern seems repetative, however, you sound exactly the same, and I wonder if you even notice. And the current 3 to 1 ratio that you mention tells me that perhaps yo...
THREAD War & Terrorismwhats going to happen in World War 3
106 Posts • 89251 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
And to specify on your statement, it must be reiterated that people in general inherently do have that mentality, but they are obviously being frightened into feeling the need for continual aggressive...
THREAD ConspiracyIlluminati
11 Posts • 4866 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
"Firstly, no matter how secretive they might be, they would eventually piss someone off who would spill their entire organization." Happens all the time, they usually end up fired, dead,...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36239 Views
Religion Forum
With biblical dogma, NO ONE has learned anything about how our universe actually works. So if I say I have learned a lot from biblical text that doesn't count? The bible has many wise saying as well a...
THREAD Human's Inevitable Downfall
89 Posts • 23576 Views
Philosophy Forum
So called "humans" are unlucky creatures endowed with a brain that is superior in many ways, yet the ability, skills and intelligence, is inseperable from its instinctual animal ethos, so sa...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57888 Views
Religion Forum
There are a lot of posts here - I don't read to fast so I haven't read them all. So I might be repeating what someone else had said. I am impressed by this forum however. It's nice t...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAn answer
31 Posts • 9549 Views
Religion Forum
The evolutionary process of humans has been laid out quite well. Everything is a process. The mechanism of evolution involving population excess, natural selection, variations between species, and eve...
THREAD Time and Absolute Zero
52 Posts • 13607 Views
Philosophy Forum
Before I post any opinion of my own, lets just say it is my opinion and my opinion only. Time is a measurement, create to measure events. If there is no events, time is still, so if everything else...
THREAD Mental Metamorphesas- A Cacoon Of Revalation
7 Posts • 2872 Views
Philosophy Forum
o.k. self analysis = break things down to their principle parts self examination = detailed inspection of what is present self correction = straighten yourself out then engendered is self...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyParadox?
18 Posts • 8855 Views
Science & Technology Forum
In fact, within the containers of gas, the molecular energy that is represented by should decrease to the point that a pressure differential could not exist? Hmm . . let me see if I can do this star...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60668 Views
Philosophy Forum
Now, as a mere human with the shallow perception and physical capacity common to all humans, I must assure you that I do not have a definite answer for your question, nor, I think, does anyone living...
THREAD ElectionsGeorge Bush is a Giant
3 Posts • 2784 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
He took the fight to the desert. Fanatic Muslim scum has been attracted there as if by a magnet. I wouldn't bother responding but such an ignorant statement creates its own demands. Fanatic...
THREAD Chaos theory
70 Posts • 17071 Views
Philosophy Forum
If one considers chaos as another dimension, then it must include the dimension of time. I do believe chaos is a subset of our universal physical dimensions- space, matter, and gravity. I don't t...
THREAD ChristianityHomosexuality and the Bible
3 Posts • 3649 Views
Religion Forum
Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen have written the book: (After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 1990s (1989). This book is American's gay movement guiding and...
THREAD ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58960 Views
Religion Forum
"Leftwood...muderers are murderers....whether it be Manson or Saddam...a killer should be stopped and punished. " You don't even get what I'm saying. "IS that f...
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34659 Views
Psychology Forum
Whew, finally, at least my third read through this. D. Again, your attempt to make an arguement that choosing happiness is differrent than choosing pain, is incorrect, for me at least, perhaps some...
THREAD EconomyEducate Yourself About Money
34 Posts • 10006 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
This is the same for the economy as well. The economy, industry, business, all of it, is not supposed to be greed driven and seeking unending profit. There's an important distinction here I...
THREAD What's Masculine and Feminine
19 Posts • 8554 Views
Philosophy Forum
1800-1900c. (Period of Enlightenment) also known as modernity-- is largely the reason we have the gender performative roles we have today. With the developement and the continual evolution of: math...
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